» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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Anna walked by. She had always been so peaceful was she really going to kill me or was Nick just be mellow dramatic?"
"It's real, and they're looking for you. It wouldn't be good if they went to your home and found out you had already fled. Let's go." He said quietly as he released me, and shot off into the bushes. I quietly followed.
We crept past the council member as we made our way back to the house. Once out of range of their hearing we picked up pace and began to run. I ran as fast as I could, which was saying a lot but Nick past me as if I was jogging. I Reached my backyard. Trees and bushes hid us as we made our way across the yard. Nick was waiting against a tree.
"What are you doing!?" I asked as I walked up to him. He cleared his throat and smiled at me. I saw his fang glitter in what little light I could gather out of the night sky. It was beginning to lighten. Had I been outside that long? I shook my head as I looked at him.
"Hello?" Nick asked pointing at his fangs. I laughed to myself. We weren't allowed to be in a house unless we were invited in first, well that was the legend. There were all sorts of rules that deal with our kind and that was the one that the humans had come up with We didn't have to obey that rule but some did.
The only way we could truly die was through beheading, burning, buried face down, or something sharp through the heart. Those are the only ways a human could kill us. I'm not even going to begin on how a vampire could kill a vampire!
I remembered watching Kayla dismembering bodies. I shivered at the memory. She had done it so easily, so nonchalantly. As if the people were just vegetables being cut up.
I could hear their approach. They weren't walking anymore. They were running! I darted up the tree that was beside me window. I stared down at Nick. He wasn't moving, and they were almost here!
"Come inside!" I said hastily as I jumped into the window. It wasn't a graceful entrance. I slammed into my night stand, and knocked my mom's and dad's wedding photo over. I picked it up, and placed it back on the night stand, slightly tracing my finger over the golden frame.
Nick flew in through the window. I stared and my mouth dropped wide open. How'd he do that? So perfectly. I can't even come close.
"How'd you... do that?" I asked as I gawked at him as he cross the room. He helped me up. He hadn't flied into the room, more of a jump but still it was so perfect.
"Do what?" He asked as if I was crazy. I looked at him oddly. "You should get downstairs they're in your backyard." He said as he opened my bedroom door. I nodded but paused. I starred down at what I was wearing. I ran quickly into the bathroom. I had clothes I could change into. I quickly stripped and pulled the dry clean clothes on. I rushed out of the bathroom and into the hall.
I stepped into the hall. The upstairs hall had five doors on it. My room at the very end. Three guest rooms, and an room my mom had used for a office. The bathrooms were on the bottom floor except for the one in my bedroom and in the biggest guest room.
"Nick," I said as I walked away done the hall. "What am I suppose to do?"
"Pretend like I'm not even here." He said as I began to walk down the stairs. I slowly walked down them. When I was half way down the door bell rang. I jumped to the bottom of the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs was the kitchen, and a hall that led to the living room, dinning room, and bathrooms.
I slide into hall. I passed the kitchen, and ran into the hall. Pictures of my family all ran along the wall. I passed the door that separated the bathroom, and the hall. The hall met the door. I kept a carpet in the hall for decoration, not that I needed it. I never really had any visitors that stayed long.
I slide on the carpet, and rammed into the door. I almost rammed into the table beside the door. It held a vase that held my mother ashes. There was a mirror beside the door.
I quickly looked in the mirror, and fixed my hair. I glanced at the knife that was on the coffee table, and grabbed it. I kept it beside the door. 'Just for those I-need-a-weapon moments' my mom had laughed about, but I always thought she was serious. I clutched it next to my chest as I reached for the door.
I could be seriously hurt by Kayla, or any of the others for that matter. I was on my own now. The sad thing was I knew it. If Kayla decided to attack while I was down here all alone, even if I screamed, Nick wouldn't be able to help me.
This could be the end. Not the fake end Kayla had promised me when I came to here the night of Nicks disappearance. I shuttered at the thought of my transformation. The pain, the hurting, my scars, I looked at my wrist. My scar throbbed. I felt her. She was just beyond the door. A mere foot away.
I took a deep breath and reached out for the lock with my free hand while the other clutched the knife. I turned the lock so now it was unlocked not like a lock could stop Kayla knowing her strength.I grabbed the door knob, and turned it. The door screeched as I opened it slowly.
What I saw made me want to scream. The door was fully opened and what before me made me shake with fear. Anna, and Caleb crouched as if ready to attack. Ivy, and Annaliese at their sides ready to defend, and Kayla stood in the middle with her cloak's hood flicked up.
The knife slipped out of my hand. It fell to the floor with a chime. I froze. What could I do? I had no real powers or so I thought. Kayla whispered something to Ivy. She clicked her tongue.
Caleb's hands light on fire. Anna's eyes glowed red as her hands were surrounded by poison Ivy. Annaliese normal blues turned to a dark red. The knives in her hands shifted. Ivy's hands turned into shimmers of light that glowed a hazel green.
Kayla's eyes turned to a dark red as she threw a knife at me. Kayla always came prepared. I threw my hands up in defense. The knife never hit me. I let my hands fall to my sides. Where had the knife gone? I felt as if it had touched me but I had no wounds. I looked at the people who stood before me.
"Stop." Kayla said as she walked in front of the group. "You've changed, Reney." She said as she gestured to my home. "May we come in?" I looked at her shocked. She had thrown a knife at me and she wanted to enter my house. She was my trainer I had to oblige. I nodded, and they filed into my house. Annaliese, and Ivy looked at me like they might attack any moment.
"Why are you here, Kayla?" I asked as she sat down.
"To make you see you have no choice in the war. You must come with us." Kayla said as she stood up and snapped her fingers. Ivy, Caleb, Annaliese, and Anna all tensed up.
"I'm not going." I growled.

Chapter 3. Not all vampiress are nice (Josh)
I woke up sweating and my clothes were soaking wet. I looked around me. No Ashley. I started to panic. I jumped to my feet.
"Ashley!" I yelled as I started to pace.Where was she!? At that moment, Ashley came running out of the bushes. I reached out and grabbed her as she ran past me.
"Let go!" Ashley cried as she struggled against me.
"Why!?" I asked as I let go. She looked at me oddly.
"There's someone out there, Josh!" She said as she hid behind me. Right? Like someone got lost in the woods. There was rustling in the bushes nearby. Ashley let out a small cry of fear as the blonde girl from my dreams stepped out of the bushes.
"Stephanie?" I asked.
"That's me." She said as she shook her hair. A leaf came tumbling out of her hair. I smiled to myself as she walked over to me. Her hair was more of a dirty blonde. Her skin was as pale as Ashley's. She wore a red T-shirt and a pair of jeans. She was around my height. My heart raced. I must be crazy! She looked so mean and cruel.
"Hi." I said sorrily that I had called her.
"Hello." She said as she I could see her fangs. I felt my throat close up. She could easily kill me. I swallowed loudly.
"I'm Josh." I said and offered my hand.
"I know who you are." She said as she started pacing around me. "You don't seem too bright." I looked at her oddly. What could she possibly know?
"Why?" I asked stupidly. Ashley clutched at my side helplessly.
"Bringing a human out here." She laughed. "You could be killed for association."
"Yes. The rules." She barked. I flinched at the sound of her voice. Rules? What rules?
"What rules?" I asked. She stared at me as if I was an idiot for not knowing what she was talking about.
"Vampiric rules." She said loudly. I looked at her dumbly. I still didn't understand.
"The what's?" I asked. She sighed loudly. She took a piece of paper out of her jean pockets. She tossed it to me. I looked at i dumbly in my hands. Ashley reached out, and took the paper.
"It's a list of rules. What not to do when you're a vampire." Ashley whispered in my ear. I nodded. I didn't quite understand but I listened to Ashley read them aloud.
"No feeding on strong humans, No addressing a human, No communicating with humans, No revealing yourself to the humans, No fighting with other vampires, Obey the council, Must go through training, Trainer must dismiss u. That's all that's on the paper." She said taking a deep breath when she finished.
"That's not even one-tenth of the rules." Stephanie said. I locked eyes with hers. She pointed to Ashley. "Why are you with a human?"
I looked at Ashley. She was far from human, but she is warm blooded. I could understand if that's why Stephanie had mistaken her for a human. I shook my head.
"Ashley's far from human." I said as I stepped away from Ashley. She was visible now. Her pale skin was exposed, her mouth was closed and frowning but I knew there were fangs under there. Even though they didn't give off venom they were still fangs... unnatural to humans.
"Is she?" Stephanie said as she walked over to Ashley. Stephanie gripped Ashley's mouth hand in one of her hands and made it open. I saw Ashley fight against Stephanie but she was too powerful.
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