» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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the words. In bold sloppy hand writing it said, "Mr. Mieure- History- Room 103."
"Mr. Mieure's class." I said quietly. I didn't think it was possible but his smile got even bigger. "What?" I asked. I didn't know what he was thinking. How could I?
"I have his class too." The boy said. "Can I walk you to class?" Was he crazy? Was this some joke? I didn't want to but I didn't even know where room 103 was! And I would be late if I didn't get to class soon.
"Ok..." I said as I turned around. "But just get me to class fast. I don't want to be late." If he wasn't crazy I knew I thought he was. I was getting help from a complete stranger but I was desperate so I didn't feel the slightest bit conscious about my decision.
"Great." The boy said as he grabbed my hand, and began to run. I didn't want to fall or trip so I followed quickly on his heels. We raced down the hall. When we reached a flight of stairs he let go of my hand.
"Let's go." He said as he began to run up the stairs. At a slower pace I followed him. Step by step, I made my way up the stairs, finally I reached the top. There stood the boy. He shook his head, and offered his hand. I took it, as he began to pull me towards a open door. I clutched at my notebook as he pushed me forward, and into the room. I almost fell but I grabbed the door handle to regain my balance.
"Hello?" A dark figure said. I was startled by the huge hanging figure above me. I started to shake. I felt the boy push me aside.
"This is a new student." He said from behind me. The tall figure stretched out a hand to me. I hesitantly took it. He shook my hand.
"I'm Mr. Mieure." He said as he looked me up, and down. "I see you've already met Nick." So that's what his name was. Nick.

The very person who stood before me was Nick. He his voice, his attitude. I realized that this was the one and only Nick Galloway. My friend since I had moved to Ogden, the same person who had mysteriously gone missing one afternoon after school. How could he be here!? He was suppose to be dead, at least that's what I was told. Little did I know that he actually dead.
"Nick?" I whispered into the darkness. I was so frightened. Maybe it wasn't him? Just my imagination, or maybe my heart was just hoping? I hadn't thought about Nick since he had disappeared two, and a half years ago. I was secretly hoping it was a dream. Nicks voice brought me out of my thoughts.
"So, now you remember my name?" He asked from behind me. I realized that he was still holding me. I sighed, and turned around. He released me.
"Yes." I said as I crossed the room, and back to my bed. Beside my bed was a lamp. Even my advanced eye sight can't see in the dark. I heard Nicks foot steps follow me across the room. I didn't need to feel around the room. I had been trapped many long nights in this room, and had learned every inch. When my mother had passed away, I was allowed to keep the house, with one condition. I had to have a mentor. Luckily, Raven had chosen to be my mentor. She checked in on me now and then.
I found the edge of my bed, and I reached out to where the lamp was. I pulled the little string. There was a very small click. Suddenly, light illuminated my room. Behind me stood a pale boy with black hair, and almost black eyes. I smiled at him. This had to be Nick, the only problem was that he was pale. Nick had been tan, not as dark but back then he seemed to have a glow about him. Now there was nothing.
"How have you been?" Nick asked as he sat on my bed.
"Pretty good." I said. "Where have you been!? Your mom, and dad were worried sick! Have you seen them?"
"I've been training." Nick said.
I felt my face go numb. Training? He couldn't? Could he? Training was for vampires... I got trained so did everyone else. Not him! Why would he want to be like us? Creatures of death, and darkness. No... maybe he was just training. To be something?
"I wasn't training for a job." Nick said.
"but... can't be." I stuttered.
"Don't you think it was kind of sudden?" He asked. I thought about that. Right after he disappeared I had been asked to change as well.
"No. I don't." I said trying to convince myself more than him.
I had always hoped he was alive but lately I had given up just hoping had truly died. The mortal way... it better than our way. Sometimes I'd look back, and see what I had lost. It was never big things. I still had my dad. My mom, and little sister had died in a car crash. Even when I was in training I was still allowed to visit them but then my visits became less frequent till one month I didn't show up at all. I was only in training for a year and a half.
"Come on, how can you lie to yourself, and expect me to believe you?" He asked.
"I was just hoping-" I started quietly.
"You can't hope!" He growled.
"Yes, I can. It's more than you've even done!" I hissed. He stood up. His hands balled into fists.
"I tried to come back! I did, but I couldn't not till my training was over." He said almost apologetic. I turned around. Why should I believe him? I was able to go home during my training.
"No you didn't." I said as I began to walk towards the window.
"Yes, I did!" He said angrily. "I tried."
"Your a failure. You left your parents! You were reported missing. They thought you had died in the fire when you weren't found." I said as I reached the window.
I was going to make a run for it. I turned back around. He was sitting on my bed with his head in his hands. I shouldn't go. I told myself. He jerked his head up to look at me.
"You're leaving?" He asked as he stood up.
"Yep." I said as I jumped out the window, and into the crisp night air. The wind flew past me. I had to get away. I didn't know why, I just had to. I landed on to the ground hard. If I was human the fall from my second story window would have killed me. I looked up to my window. Nick's head stuck part way out the window.
"You're crazy!" He yelled from above. Me crazy? Could be... I wasn't the sanest person. I began to walk away. He'd be there when I got back, I was sure of it.
"I know I am!" I shouted back to him as I reached the edge of my back yard. I glanced around
It boarded the nearby forest. I stepped into the dark. The tree's provided the perfect environment for my kind. Almost complete darkness. I eased my way into the forest. Making sure not to trip over parts of the trunk that stuck out of the ground. I knew the forest pretty well but things changed.
I was going to go and find a snack. Like a rabbit or a deer. I walked quietly through the forest. The forest was silent, not like usual nights. It was usually silent, but you could can hear the moving of animals as they moved away in fear. I slide in between trees as I went deeper and deeper into the forest. It all looked alike. The same old oak, and aspens crowding closer together. It was like they were trying to hide me.
I wished that I could hear the animals scuttling across the floor, but there was a erie dead silence and even for me it was kind of creepy. It seemed like my hunting grounds had been over hunted. I'd have to search farther, down by the river.
The river.
I always hated that river. The dark murky water... rushing as though it had a place to go. One year it had claimed the life of a five year old girl playing by it. A flash flood had swept the little girl up, and dragged her body over five miles. I still remember watching the news. Suddenly, memories flashed before my eyes.

It was a Saturday. A younger version of me was sitting on the couch next to Nick, we were watching a stupid cartoon. You know those ones that had a animal hitting a bigger one over the head with a mallet. I sat uncomfortably in on the couch desperate to go to my room, and be alone but something keeps me there. Nick was laughing beside me uncontrollably. I look at the screen. Their's a bird with cats dancing around his head. Meaning he got hurt... I suppose. I wasn't into the whole cartoon violence thing like Nick, but I wouldn't tell him that I rather watch the news than this stupid cartoon.
He noticed he was the only one laughing. He looked at me curiously. I was still a little shy, and he knew it. I kept my head low, and wouldn't look directly in his eyes.
"What's wrong? You don't like this show?" He asked as I fumbled with my hands in my lap. I tried to smile, but my lips stayed in a frown as if afraid to lie to him.
"Well...I rather be watching the news." I said quietly. Suddenly, he burst into laughter. "What's so funny?" I asked annoyed that he was laughing at me. When lived in selma with my mom, and dad we'd all sit with each other on the couch, and watch the news.
"You're a teen! But you want to watched the news." He laughed in my face. I was furious with him now! I let out a threatening growl. "You going to hurt me?" He laughed. I balled up my fists, and punched him in the arm. I wasn't as strong as I was now but I still knew how to fight. Nick fell off the couch, and the remote went flying out of his hands. I laughed at him. The remote hit the floor in between Nick and me. Our eyes darted to the remote. "Don't event think about it." He said as he went for the remote.
"Too late." I said as I jumped for the remote. I fell to the floor with my hands curled around the remote. I quickly stood up, and changed the channel to the news. There was a lady talking with a picture of a river behind her.
"Hey!" Nick said annoyed as he sat down beside me. He tried to grab for the remote. I pushed him away.
"Shhhhh!" I growled as I turned the volume up. Nick settled down silently. He pulled me to his lap. I fought him but couldn't win so I gave up.
"Last night, Six year old Natasha Hunter and her five year old sister, Kensahsa Hunter, we're swept away by a flash flood. Natasha
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