» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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leaves cutting deeper into my flesh. I flipped it so the handle was in my hand. Blood slowly dripped down my wrist and over the handle as I held the knife up at my attacker.
"Come any closer and you'll be dead for good." I growled at the man. He laughed and moved closer. I lounged with the knife aimed for his heart. It stabbed into his rib cage. He hissed in pain. I knew it hadn't hit his heart yet so I twisted the knife and pushed it deeper. Instead of blood seeping out of his wound nothing happened. I made one last effort, I pushed it harder at an angle. He screamed pain and suddenly he was gone. The knife fell to the floor in front of me. I looked at the floor. Dust had taken the mans place and now laid everywhere. The man was dead.
I leaned against the tree and fell to the floor. Leaves flew into the air. I laid still as the pain from the knife cutting into my hand became distinct. It felt like my hand was on fire. What was wrong with this knife?
I heard claps coming from someone above me. In fear I grabbed the knife. I glanced up to see a pale female brunette clapping as if she had seen everything and had approved of the deed.
"Renee," The girl said. "Isn't it?" I somehow gathered the will to sit up and look at her in the face. If she was like the man, I'd die. But I wouldn't die alone. I grasped the knife tighter than ever. I nodded.
"Yes," She said smugly. "I'm Kayla Gillies." She offered a hand to me. I looked down at my hands. One was in intense pain and drenched in blood, the other held the knife.
"Did I ask what your name was?" I asked nastily and struggled to get to my feet.
"Ah." Kayla laughed and smiled. "In pain and still stubborn I see. I like that about you, Renee." She paused and frowned. "But, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you."
I don't know how she did it, but she snatched the knife out of my hand and sliced the wrist of my good hand. I gasped and shuddered as she dropped the knife just out of my reach. I grasped my wrist with my bloody hand. I had never known so much pain. Soon my wrist was on fire just like my hand.
"Let go!" Kayla hissed at me. I didn't listen to her. I gathered the strength to get to my feet. I raced away from her. Stumbling as I went. She was just like the man. She must have been a blood thirsty creature just like him. Suddenly, there was a loud snap!
I woke with a pain flowing through my veins. It was just a dream. A dream of my past. My human past. I glanced at my arm. My scar was throbbing. I could hear my blood pounding in my head. I had cold sweat all over me. I wiped the sweat from my forehead, and onto my nightgown.
I stared into the darkness that engulfed my room. I suddenly felt cold in my clothes. I gathered the blankets on my bed and pulled them over my legs. I took a deep breath, and laid on my bed so I was staring at the ceiling. I listened to the silence of my room. There was an owl outside. I want to go back to sleep. I closed my eyes, and began to hum to myself.
"You always had a nice voice, Renee." A voice said in my head. I stopped humming, and my eyes jolted open. I listened to the silence again. Someone was breathing on the other side of my room.
I stopped breathing. "Hello?" I called into the darkness. The darkness... I belong to the darkness. The darkness was my home... what did I need to fear. I didn't need to breath but I've come accustom to it since my transformation. I stopped breathing to listen closer to the room. I still felt uneasy. Nothing could really hurt me. I belonged to the dark! No human could even touch me without dieing, I'd make sure of that. I was invincible or so I thought. The other breathing stopped. Maybe they left? No, I didn't hear anyone leave. I cleared me throat.
"Hello?" I repeated myself. There wasn't an answer. My voice ringed through my room. "Anyone there?" I asked. Still no answer. I was starting to doubt myself. Maybe I hadn't heard anything, and my mind was just playing tricks on me. I shook my head trying to make sense of my thoughts. Why was I so afraid of what lurked on the other side of the bedroom. Suddenly, I knew I wasn't alone. There was the faint sound of footsteps coming toward my bed. I started to panic. Who was it!?
I started thinking about an escape root. I could go for the door. It's right there. Maybe out the window? If I had to. It was like fighting myself from the inside.
"You're not think about leaving, are you? I just got here." The voice said in my head. I took a startled breath, I couldn't think about anything without my intruder knowing. I sighed deeply. I'd try to get free, and if I got caught... I'd fight back. "I thought you were peaceful." The voice said in my head.
I shrugged my blankets off, and slipped off my bed without a sound. I kept my mind as blank as I could as I moved about my room. I was looking for a weapon. Even though I already one. I didn't want anyone to know I was a vampire. If my intruder told someone, I would die at the hands of the Council.
"Who are you?" I asked as I reached the window.
"You don't remember me? You always did forget the simplest things." The voice said in my head.
"No, I don't. Please, just show yourself!" I yelled into the darkness. There was a moment of silence. An erie laughter broke the silence, and shattered my soul. I sat on the floor as if giving up all hope in escaping. Suddenly, a cool draft curled around me. The window was open. I felt like I had a chance. A moment to get away, an escape root.
"You don't really want to leave, do you?" The voice said in my head.
"Yes! I just want to be left alone!" I hissed into the darkness. I put my head in my hands. I wasn't going anywhere. Not yet. I sat in the dark for a few minutes just listening to the night. The owl hooted outside my window. It was so close. I could smell the feathers, it's last meal. It's aroma filled my nostrils.
I shook my head trying to concentrate on my intruder. Whoever it was, was good at masking their odor. I couldn't smell a thing, only that stupid owl. It hooted loudly as I took a deep breath. Finally, I caught his scent. It smelled like ash, and dust. I coughed.
"Ugh! you smell like ash!" I said as I began to cough.
"You like?" He said in my head.
"No." I said disgusted by this gross scent that flared through my nose. I saw a slight movement to my left. I took a deep breath, and without thinking, looked for a sharp tool. I found a dart. What was a dart doing in my room?
"Oh, that must be mine." My intruder said in my head.
"Stupid." I muttered under my breath.
"I heard that." He said in my mind.
"Good!" I said as I threw the dart. I heard a small grunt in the darkness as the dart found it's target.
"Good throw." The voice said in my head as if it was in pain. At that moment I was very proud of myself, but little did I know he was advancing on me without my knowledge. I had no clue where he was. Suddenly, two arms grabbed me from behind. I struggled for a few seconds then I started to scream.
"It's okay." The voice said in my mind. I didn't pay attention because I kept screaming. His hand flew up to my mouth to at least muffle my screams. I stopped screaming, and started fighting. I tried to wriggle free but I couldn't. I tried screaming again, but all effort were muffled by his hand. Death by a stranger. Would it be that bad? I wondered to myself.
"I'm not a stranger!" My intruder said angrily, aloud . Suddenly a flash of recognition flashed before my eyes, kind of like a flash back. More like a memory... a human memory.

It was my first day of school at Mound Fort Jr. High. I slowly made my way into the school. I had a piece of paper in my hand. I wasn't paying attention to the world around me, just to the little sheet of paper I held in my hand. It had my scheduled classes for the trimester on it. It was my first day, and I was on time. I had five minutes till the first bell would ring. There was a bench not to far away. I passed through the open area where many students were hovering and talking to their friends about there summer. I sat on the bench, and took a closer look at my classes.
I had Mr. Mieure for my first class. History. I was studying the paper, trying to memorize the room numbers. The bell rang loudly and startled me. I quickly stood up still looking at the paper. Suddenly, a boy whipped past me. Running from another. The second one rammed into me. He sent my notebook flying out of my hands, and me stumbling back. I fell to the floor, and so had the boy who had rammed into me.
He stood up, and offered me his hand. I took his hand so he could help me up. Once on my feet I looked at my paper. He looked worried as if it mattered that he had knocked into me.
He was slightly taller than me, so he was looking down at me. There was a long pause. Suddenly, he dropped to his hands, and knees trying to pick up my notebook. I bent over, and took it out of his hands. He quickly stood up.
"I'm sorry." The boy said. I shook my head, and turned around. "I don't believe, I've seen u around school before."
"I'm new." I said not looking back as I began to walk away. I heard footsteps following me as I walked toward my first class. I was maybe ten feet from where I had been knocked over when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I slowly turned around to look at who had tapped me. It was the boy. He had a huge smile on his face.
"What's your name?" The boy asked. I felt shaky. Why was he talking to me?
"Renee." I said as I turned back around so I could continue my way to class. He tapped my shoulder again. I spun around on my heels.
"What's your first class?" He asked. Oh, great! I thought to myself. I have a stalker. I looked back at the paper I still had in my hand. It was a little crumbled but I could still read
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