» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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was found clutching to a tree, holding on for dear life. Young Kensahsa was found dead a mile or so down stream. Investigators say Kensahsa was pronounced dead at the scene." I looked at Nick. That poor little girl I thought as I slipped away from Nick. I left the remote on the couch when I got up. He snatched up the remote the second my foot hit the floor. I walked unnerving toward the door that led to the hall way.
"Where you going!?" He yelled over his shoulder. Before Nick changed the channel, and I left the room I heard the lady on T.V. say, "Strangely the body of Kensahsa Hunter was found drain of all her bodily fluid." I felt sick, and ran to the bathroom.

I shook my head trying to erase those awful memories out of my head. My human memories... were always in black and white. They only showed me what I had been remembering. I laughed at myself as I reached the river. Why was I worried about some river? I can swim... I wouldn't drown because I didn't need to breath.
The river was around thirty to forty feet across and at some places seventy feet deep. It curved and twisted dividing the two man groups of creatures. Vampires and witches. I guess the rumors and legends were true that witches couldn't move across fast moving water. A legend said Zeus had made the river for the vampires so the witches couldn't attack and harm us when we were at our most fragile state.
You see witches hunt vampires for sport as do we. Vampires hunted witches, harpies, werewolves and other creatures for a sport during the fall games. If I hadn't been changed when I had been I could have been in the fall sports as a target.
I heard a sound come from the river. I turned to see a figure coming toward me. It was Nick. He had somehow got in front of me and dove into the river? Thats what I assumed. His shirt clinging to his skin, his clothes soaking wet. I bit my lip. He looked perfect. I was staring at him! I quickly looked down. I heard a chuckle come from him as he approached me.
"It's okay." He said.
"How did you get there?" I asked strangely. I looked over to my shoulder. "You had been just behind me." I took a startled breath as he appeared in front of me.
"I'm like Ivy." Nick smiled at me. I took a step back and suddenly I knocked into something.
Nick had transported behind me. He picked me up. I was still in my nightgown. His wet clothes damped mine. He had me by my waist. I struggled for a moment then sadly realized he was stronger than me. He laughed at me, and started walking back toward the river. I quickly comprehended what he was going to do. This was one of Nicks dumb Jr. High tricks after he learned that I knew how to swim.
"Nick!" I said pleadingly. "Put me down!" I begged and squirmed in his tight grip.
"What?" He asked nonchalantly and began walking toward the river.
"Don't Throw me in the water! Please! Nick!!! This isn't funny! Put me down." I hissed as we reached the river. He lifted me over his head. He couldn't be serious!
"It'll be fun." He said as he threw me into the dark water. I had just enough time to dive into the water before my body would have flopped in. The cold dark water engulfed me as I began swim upwards. My body was full submerged beneath the surface. My hand broke the surface and I came up trying to breathe. I took a deep breath as I looked around me. The murky water hid most of my body. I looked at the shore. Nick was gone. I felt something grab my ankle. I screamed in fear. I was dragged back under.
It was Nick. I kicked him as hard as I could and he lost his grip on my foot. His fingers uncurled and released me. I hastily swam for shore.
He surfaced beside and he was laughing at me. I glared at him. He stopped laughing as he noticed I wasn't in a playful mood. I pushed his head under the water, and tried to make a break for it. I swam as fast as I could to shore. I came racing out of the water. Nick came out of the river a few minutes later.
"Jerk!" I growled. "That wasn't funny when we were kids, and it isn't funny now!" My nightgown was sticking to me. I sighed angrily as I walked past Nick. Big mistake. He was laying on the ground nonchalantly. He extended his foot. I tripped, and landed in the sand. I growled as I got up. He was laughing again.
"Shut up!" I hissed as I kicked him and began to walked away.
"Renee!" He yelled behind me. "Don't be like that! Come back! I'm Suppose to protect you!"
Ha... Protect me? I'm a deadly machine what could hurt me. Other vampires... the council! Or worse. I heard Nick's Voice said in my head. I was too mad to believe I had just heard that. In the distance I could hear Nick shouting for me to come back. A sound came to my left. I froze as I realized I was no longer alone.
My body tensed and shifted into a fighting mode. I was slightly afraid with the last thought Nick had placed in my head still floating around. Maybe someone had come for me? But what had I done? Nothing!
"Tsk. Tsk." A sweet voice said to my right. I was never alone in my territory. Once in awhile other creature of the night would find there way to me. Not just vampires but werewolfs, harpy's, and other things like that.
"They told me I could find you here, but I didn't know it'd be so easy." It was a harpy. She looked like a human except for the huge wings sticking out of her sides. Her hair and eyes were a dark brown. I'd met her before. Jasmine. That was her name. I smiled as there. She looked exactly the same as she had before. She wore dark jeans and a red shirt tied around her waist by a piece of black cloth.
"I'm that easy to find? And who's they?" I asked and laughed sadly.
"You look like a mess." Jasmine said noticing the sand all over me and ignoring my question. I looked down at my clothing.
"Yeah," I sighed. "Well, there's no getting away from Nick." I laughed coldly. A thought came back to my mind. I'd get him back later. I smiled to myself at the thought of what I could do. ''Jasmine." I said softly. "It's nice to see you." I said as she stepped in front of me. She waved me away as she took a step back.
"You're in danger." She said quietly. Danger?
"You've got to be joking! I'm already dead. What could hurt me?" I laughed quietly.
"I don't joke." She growled at me. "I'm just telling you what I heard." Heard? What could she possibly know? I wondered about this for a second and decided to ask.
"Heard from who?" I asked nonchalantly. I didn't know that this was going to change my life, make me be on the run for the rest of my life! I knew a lot of things. I knew about being a vampire, about my human life, and about the future war. I remembered the night I had become a vampire.
"From Kayla." She said. I shuttered at the thought of seeing her again. I heard rustling the bushes nearby. Suddenly, Jasmine tensed. Her graceful wings extending. Her black and red feathers showed brightly in the moon light. "Until we meet again." She said smiling at me. Neither of us knowing we'd never see each other again. Jasmine flew into the canopy just as Nick came stumbling out of the bush.
"Don't run off!" Nick pleaded as I turned away from him. I wasn't going anywhere. I began to walk away from him. Back to the house, it's safe there. A voice said in my head. It wasn't like Nicks It was different. More like a warning.
"Renee!" Nick hissed in my ear as he tackled me to the floor. I fell with a sickly thud. The branches of the bush cut into my tender skin. I took a deep breathe as my skin healed unnaturally fast.
The world around me was spinning. My head was in the clouds it seemed. I hadn't had enough time to put my hands out to catch myself. My body went limp. Nick dragged me to my feet, and put his hand over my mouth.
What did he think? I was going to scream? Suddenly, I heard footsteps. They weren't mine or Nicks. We were pressed against a tree. Hiding in the shadows of the oak tree, we watched as five people appeared. I recognized them right away.
Caleb, Kayla, Ivy, Anna, and Annaliese.
As my eyes landed on Kayla I began to panic. Jasmine had said, "From Kayla." I started quiver. If it hadn't been for Nick holding me up I would have fallen. My legs felt weak. I saw Annaliese. She looked like a normal human... except for the knifes she held between her fingers. I counted five knifes in all as she walked by. I felt my throat close up. She could kill me, if Kayla told her.
Then Caleb walked by. His blonde hair was in his eyes. He held a small flame in his hand. His gift. Kayla was a tracker. She could see the person she was tracking, and where they were and planning on going. Annaliese had such a sweet voice and face. Her gift was the art of deception. She was everything but sweet and kind.
Then I saw Ivy. She looked angry. From my past experiences I knew not to doubt her abilities. She makes dream into reality. I remember when she made my nightmares became reality when I was training with Kayla. Soon, I learned not to have nightmares, or I tried. Ivy, and Stephanie had always been dangerous. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to Ivy after my training with Kayla had ended.
The day I had spent training with Kayla had been hell. I didn't know what to do! She wouldn't just tell me either. I was expected to figure it out. I was suppose to keep my mind on the task that lay ahead. I still remember the last words she told me before she sent me away to find a territory. "You should leave..." She had said in the middle or training. "You're useless to me! You're a failure!" Then she sent me on my way. Lucky for me the house my mother had owned in Ogden had been in an available territory. So I choose to stay at home.
I hated being with Kayla those weeks... all my time waisted on learning not to be seen by humans, not to feed unless alone, not to attract attention, and to fear the council. I broke all the rules.
The council.
The people before me where the top people of the council! I hadn't realized that they had added Caleb an Anilese to their side. No... I thought. "That's why I'm here." Nick whispered in my ear. I felt my throat close as
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