» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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for a fact I would.
"Shh!" I hissed at him. I never took my eyes off the werewolf.
His human form was stunning. He had blonde almost white hair. It was cut short to frame his face. He wore a baggy shirt and pants.
"Don't kill him." Ivy said falling from the sky. She had transported herself here. "And you, don't kill them. They're important unlike you! Just standing there like a pile of fur. Why not sleep in your den?" Ivy said addressing the werewolf as if he was an old friend.
"Shut up, Ivy." He laughed but held his voice firm. His voice sounded friendly, but only to Ivy. I think he thought of us as intruders.
"What is your name?" I asked taking a step back. Ivy was about to say something. I stuck my free hand up to her to silence her. "I asked him." I said making sure to keep my eyes on the werewolf.
"Thane." He said sadly as he changed. His human form changed into a large wolf. He was the size of bear, but you could see the faint human features in his wolf form. The wolf coat was as gold as his hair and almost as long. I don't think he could talk, not in his wolf form. I heard clapping from where Ivy stood.
"Good job, Thane. You really scared me." She said sarcastically. He growled at her, and returned to human form.
"Drop the knife." Thane hissed. When I didn't, I felt Nick grab me from behind. One of his hands twisted my wrist, the other had a knife to my throat. The knife fell out of my hand, as Nick kicked the back of my knee.
"I thought she would remember him." Nick apologized to Ivy.
"Well, you were wrong." Ivy hissed. What were they talking about? Of course I didn't know this vile creature. I was taught that they were monsters and dangerous. I mean look at what had happened to marcus!
"What are you talking about?" I asked angrily. They all turned to me like I hadn't been there. Ivy shook her head and elbowed Nick lightly. He released me. He shook his head, and gestured for Thane to tell me. I looked at the werewolf carefully. He rose an eyebrow to look at me as if he wasn't sure he should tell me.
"Well...before you left-" Nick said quietly.
"Left? I didn't go anywhere!" I argued.
"You did! Right after our argument! You don't remember do you?" He asked. I decide to get the whole story first before I would interrupt again. I shook my head. He groaned and asked, "Do I really have to tell her?" Nick looked at Ivy. She nodded and smiled.
"You either tell her or she'll never know." Nick said stubbornly. If some didn't tell me I'd grabbed my knife and kill that creature just to get some answers.
"Gosh, you two are clueless. Just tell her!" Ivy said angrily.
"Fine." Nick hissed, but wasn't the one to tell me.
"You stormed off in the middle of the night to find whatever I said that bothered you." Thane said sadly.
"What did you say?" I asked.
"I didn't mean it the way it came out. " He said even sadder than before. "I was so shocked to find you not there when I returned to your home that night. Then I found that note on our bed. You didn't mean it, did you?" He asked as if I could remember.
"She doesn't remember." Nick said coldly. Thane shook his head.
"Please, someone else tell her." Thane said tiredly. "I've been scouting."
Something caught my attention, maybe it was the sudden light of a knife being token out of its holster, or figure I could see in my knife, that lay on the floor. I spun around, and leaped onto the mysterious figure. As I pounced the scent of the werewolf burned in my nose. I grabbed the knife that was strapped to my leg, and held it to the second werewolfs throat.
This werewolf was in it's form. It lifted it's neck so there was barely a few centimeters between it's throat, and my knife. Just far away enough for it to speak.
"Someone get her off me." The beast commanded as it turned into it's human form. Nick moved toward me. I picked up my knife, that had fallen from my grasp, and pointed it at Nick.
"Don't you dare." I growled at Nick, but keeping my eyes at the werewolf. The werewolf grabbed my wrists with one sweeping motion, and flung me to the ground. I was stunned for a moment but quickly got to my feet as did the werewolf. My hair was in my face. I brushed it aside to see the werewolf more clearly. He gasped, and his hand covered his mouth.
"You returned!" The werewolf said in amazement.
"Are you talking to me?" I asked stupidly. He nodded. "I don't know what you're talking about I've never been here before!" I was very annoyed. I glared at the creature and positioned the knife in my hand so I could throw it at him.
"You most certainly have." Nick said calmly. I turned to look at him.
"I have not, and will not be listen to lies from...," I was beginning to stutter in rage. "from some Vlad mongrel!" I knew it would sting. Nick's eyes grew wide with hurt. I wanted to apologize. To say I didn't mean it but truly I did. Kayla had taught me to never trust or befriend a vampire from another line, but I had.
"I suppose you'd feel like that after forgetting your real past." Nick said coldly. He was trying to hide his sadness, but was doing a very poor job. I could see pain in his eyes.
"Okay, lets assume I've forgot my memory, and past. How can I believe you?" I asked angrily.
"Well, isn't Sergio, Thane, Ivy, and all the others proof enough!?" Nick asked as if it would explain everything.
"Sergio?" I asked wondering who that was. I didn't recall knowing a Sergio or that beast, Thane.
"Yes! The one you tackled." Nick said hoping I was beginning to remember. I shook my head. I got up and backed away from the people I didn't know. I backed away from Nick only because he was beginning to worry me.
"Why would I befriend a werewolf?" I asked, still not willing to believe in all this.
"Because you need allies!" Thane said in front of me where he had gone unnoticed.
"Allies! I have no need for allies!" I said as I crossed my arms over my chest tapping the knife on my arm. Nick, and Sergio laughed, but Thane held still, and glared at them.
"Yes, you are. You're in a war! It all started because of you!" He said glaring over his shoulder at Sergio, and Nick. They shrugged and starred at their feet. Maybe I did lose my memory?
"Tell me about my past." I requested.
"I ain't doing it." Thane said shaking his head. "She doesn't even remember me! When I tell her she might not want to even see me." He looking at Nick, and Sergio. What could have happened that was so bad? How did I lose my memory? Why would I have gotten in a fight? Kayla had trained me to be calm, and collective unless attacked.
"I'll tell her." Ivy said angrily. "You're all so childish!" She glared at the three guys. The werewolfs adverted there gaze, but Nick held her gaze. He lowered his head in shame.
"Why are there werewolves?" I hissed the words. Ivy gave a short laugh, but the three boys look anxiously at each other.
"They're the spies for the werewolf community, milady." Ivy said respectfully.
"Milady?" I asked. If I had been human I would have blushed, but now I found it foolish I was not higher ranked than Ivy.
She nodded and continued,"Yes, you were planning on leading us in the attack then you went off to fight her on your own." She was shaking her head. "You were very upset."
"From what?" I asked. My curiosity was taking over.
"I should start at the beginning," She began her story. "You had requested the eight spies from all the groups to attend a meeting in Ogden." When she saw my confused look, she sighed loudly. I shook my head. Her hands were glowing. She waved them in the air, and a image rippled in front of me.
It showed me standing in between eight people. Stephanie was to my right. Ivy to my left. Two vampires, I noted. Then there was two girls I didn't recognize. They looked familiar, and similar to each other. Then there was Sergio, and Thane next to the girls. Then there was Nick, and a girl I didn't know. The image shimmed and disappeared.
"Who are they?" I asked. Ivy shook her head assertively.
"I cannot say." Ivy said gloomily as she sat on the forest floor. "They are spies, and their identities should only be known by those who are in high ranking positions."
"I thought you said I was planning on leading the attack?" I asked dumbly. She nodded.
"You were." Ivy said coldly. "In the note you resigned." I felt a small tingle of recognition flow through me. A sudden flash came before me. It was like I was reliving it, but I was watching it.

There was a knock on the door. I was in a room alone, bent over a desk scribbling on paper as Ivy walked in. The light flickered from the wind outside.
"The spies have arrived. Kimberly, and Kendalie have come from the witches palace as you requested. Nick, and Allison have arrived from the council cliff. Stephanie, and I have arrived from the Huntsville. The wolves have come from their den." Ivy said as she turned around and walked out of the room.
I moved swiftly, and fast to her side as she walked me to where the spies had appeared. I moved faster than any human could run. I followed Ivy to the edge of our camp.
"I am glad to see you all have arrived safely." I said happily. "We must deal with the subject at hand with grace, and speed."
"What exactly will be happening?" Kimberly asked pushing her red short hair out of her face.
"Further more, what will we be doing?" Kendalie interjected running her fingers nervously through her long red hair.
"We'll be planning the attack, and the nine of us will attack the council head on." I said with determination. They would obey me for peace in the future.
"Wont that be putting you in danger?" Nickolas asked. Nickolas that was his true name, not some bland name from the streets.
"Nickolas, I have been in danger before," I said as my hand twitched to bring him into a seat Ivy provided.
"I am not saying you cannot defend yourself. You have proven that many times to me and your alliances. It's just that if we lose you we lose the battle." Nickolas said observing my face for any hint of anger.
"I know, but I can't just sit behind a desk while you are at battle fighting for all of our rights." I said sweeping my hands over the my small group.
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