» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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myself for the impact. I felt Nick beside me, but that was it. No energy struck me. I heard Nick laughing.
"Open your eyes." He said as he pulled me to my feet. I reluctantly did. I didn't want to see Kayla's, Jame's or Elizabeth's disapproving looks. I looked around me; we weren't in my home now. We were in a meadow. I looked at Nick. He looked proud of himself. I looked around me. The meadow was full of flowers, and grass. All alive, proving spring was soon to come.
"Where... where are we?" I asked shocked while taking in my new surroundings. Forget-me-nots filled the meadow along with roses, long grass, petunias, and other wild flowers. Trees surrounded the meadow. On the other side was a bunch of rocks that looked like a table and seats.
"My home." Nick said plainly as he picked me up. I started to fight him, but I realized that he wanted to help me. I gave up and slumped in his arms. He had one arm around my waist, the other under my legs. He walked out of the meadow, and into the forest. Suddenly Nick stopped.
"I'm tired of walking." Nick snickered. "Hold on tight." I did as he advised, this time I kept my eyes open. It was like traveling twenty times faster than we could run. Suddenly we were at a house that stood in the middle of a canyon. The house was small and surrounded by tress. The house was white, and almost completely hidden by the trees. Bushes and Ivy covered the house.
"I'll teach you how to do that one of these days." Nick said as he put me down. "Stay out here." I could hear the bitterness in his words. I didn't care what he said, I was going inside. He left instantly. I walked to the door. I reached out to the door knob. It was locked! I rested my hand on the door. I was furious! Why would he lock it. I flicked my hand at the door, just a little touch. The door swung open, and broke off the hinges.
I walked into the open area. It was dusty, and unclean. I walked though the room cautiously not to be heard by Nick. I reached the entrance when I heard two people arguing. It was Nick and Ivy.
"You're an idiot to bring her here!" Ivy said. I heard what sounded like someone hitting the wall...hard, like they had been thrown.
"So what if I am? Are you planning to let the only one who can help us turn dark?" Nick asked angrily. Suddenly I felt the room go cold. I spun around.
"Look what we have here, a trespasser." Ivy said coldly. I took in my surroundings. There was a knife two feet away. I knew I hadn't been working on my powers lately, but it was worth a shot. I thought about the knife. A rusty, old, dull knife that would fly across the room, and into-
Suddenly Ivy slapped me, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Don't even think about it." Her words cut into me like knifes. If you were over a hundred years old you could read minds. Nick's ability was reading minds so he gained it earlier.
"Make me." I hissed. Instead of using my mind I ran for the knife. Ivy was suddenly in front of me.
"You think I can't see what you're doing?" Ivy hissed. I felt pain wash over my body. She was using her aura against mine.
"Get away!" I hissed as I tried to violently push her away. Even though my finger tip never had touched her she went flying across the room. She hit the wall, and pounced off the wall unharmed. I looked at my hands. I could swear I felt my hands touch her but they hadn't.
"Ah... you haven't realized your full set of powers yet." Ivy said pleased with the thought. I looked at my hands a surge of power wanted to be released. I ran toward Ivy, with my hands at my sides. Ivy's aura slashed at mine. I reached my hands out to protect myself, sending Ivy power back at her. She fell to the floor.
"What are you doing!?" Nick shouted at me. I spun around, my arms in front of me. My powers sent Nick into the air.
"Nick!" I cried as I hurried to his side. I sat at his head. "I'm so sorry!"
"No, I'm sorry." He said as he grabbed my foot. We didn't run like before, we transported to my room. The room in my house. He let go of my foot.
"Give me a chance to explain!" Nick said as I got up. Explain? Ha... I wouldn't give him a chance to lie to me. I flicked my wrist at him, he was sent flying into the wall. "Renee." He said weakly. I glared at him. "Ivy is trying to help us, we're trying to help you. Please, just listen."
I walked out of the room quickly. Suddenly Nick was in the hall. He grabbed my hand. I blinked, and we were in top of a tree. I yanked myself out of Nicks grip. Falling to the ground below. It was a hard landing. I knew I could heal myself. That was one of my special gifts. I looked around me. It was snowing!
"Nick!" I shouted. He appeared by me in an instant. "Where are we?" I asked angrily.
"I'm not telling till you hear me out." Nick said coldly.
"Just take me home, Nick." I said hopelessly. I think he felt bad for me because he agreed. Whether it was pity or compassion I honestly didn't care. I hoped I could persuade Kayla not to hurt Nick when I returned home.
"I will later." He said as he reached out to take my hand. I pulled it away.
"Nick, why did James call you Nickolas?" I asked. I wanted answer. It had been bothering me for sometime. He flinched as if I had reached out to slapped him. He fumbled with his hands.
"That's my" He said carefully. "Renee? Do you remember anything before I disappeared?" I nodded. Of course I did. "Do you remember the conversation we had right before I went missing?" Of course I did. I still had dreams about it. I always felt that it was my fault.
"You mean argument." I corrected. He nodded. "Yes, I remember."
"Good. So you weren't too damaged?" He asked as if I understood what he was talking about.
"Damaged from what?" I asked suddenly confused.
"Kayla, and all her experimental drugs." Nick said as if I belonged in the loony bin.
"I didn't take any drugs." I said certainly.
"You most certainly did." He argued.
"No, I didn't." I growled. I think I would know if something entered my body. I didn't take any pills.
"This might be hard for you to comprehend, but you're a lab rat." I was starting to get mad at his accusations toward me.
"I am no lab rat!" I hissed with anger.
"You are! I can't make it any clearer for you, but Kayla chose you to be a..." He trailed off.
"A what!?" I asked impatiently. I didn't care for mind games and his were too complicated for me. He shook his head trying to ignore me. I grabbed his shoulder, and shook him hard. He continued to ignored me, I shook him rougher.
"You're Kayla's creation." He snapped at me angrily. I shook my head trying to make sense of it.
"No." I said trying to convince myself.
"It's true. That's why I haven't seen you. That's why you have these gifts. That's-" I lifted my hand, and he went flying into a tree. I couldn't listen to him anymore. I looked at him as he tried to stand up, and failed. I walked over to him. The snow crunched under my feet. I dusted myself. Not that the snow was bothering me. I stood in front of him. Nick wouldn't meet my gaze. He looked at the ground. I offered my hand and when he wouldn't take it I grabbed his hand. I jerked him to his feet.
"I'm some monster?" I asked. He shook his head without hesitation.
"You're a experiment." He said quietly.
"Oh." I sighed. I had always thought of myself as special, but never a experiment.
"Now, we should return you home." He said dusting the snow off of him.
"We?" I asked curiously.
"Yes." He said as if talking to a spoiled child.
"Well..." I trailed off hoping he'd finish for me.
"Well what?" He asked as if we hadn't been talking. I disregarded his last statement, and would be astounded if he took me home. I doubt he would. Why would blood member of Vlad want to help a James decedent? I shuttered at the thought of meeting Nick in a battle field. He must has sensed the tension that hung around me because he began to talk.
"I'd never fight you. I rather surrender." He said nervously. I could never believe that. Even though we were both vampires from different lines, we had been taught the same things. I knew all too well that there was already a war. A war against werewolves, and they're alliances, witches. Werewolves had been fighting with vampires for ages, but never bad enough to go into a war until a few years ago. The witches always hunted us, war or not.
"Don't say that." I hissed. He began to walk around.
"You know we're in werewolf territory." He said happily. I froze hardly breathing. I never wanted to be in another vampires territory, and now this! I had only seen a werewolf once, because of my training.
Vampires trained three or more fledglings at a time, so I had been with two others at the time. A male called Marcus, and a female called Stephanie. I had befriended the the female, but stayed away from the boy. I felt uneasy around him. Kayla had taken us to a forest near Huntsville. We had encountered a werewolf who had gone astray, and was hoping to kill a vampire called Raven but settled for us. He had killed Marcus before Kayla had killed him.
Even though Stephanie, and I had been mortified by the loss and sudden attack; Kayla seemed not to notice Marcus's death. That was the first glimpse of death, and Kayla's coldness that would shape my development as a vampire. And because of that I learned that I could mentally and emotionally detach myself from any situation.
"Hello?" A voice said behind me. I quickly spun around, and grabbed the knife from the small of my back. I caught a scent. It was certainly werewolf. I expected to see a giant hairy creature.
What I saw was very different. I saw a boy. He looked friendly, but I didn't know what to think. I froze.
"I believe you're in my land." The boy said sweetly. "Put the knife down." He commanded with a voice that was very different from the first moment he had talked. I didn't move. I felt nervous and gripped the handle harder.
"Renee?" Nick asked quietly behind me. I know I could hurt the creature, but I wouldn't be able to for long. Even though vampires hand mind powers, we'd slowly drain them all in the first few decades of our being. I need all my strength for later if I met Kayla again. I know
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