» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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to the hospital. I reached up and pulled the seat belt over my body. I clicked it into the seat and pushed my hair out of my face.
I gasped when I caught a look of my driver. I suppose it drew attention to me. He looked at me and smiled. I froze. He looked so familiar, but I didn't know him.
"Where to, Beautiful?" He asked as he turned the key in the ignition. The words were caught in my throat. Something about him made me nervous. I didn't know what to say.
"Salt Lake City." I managed to say after I regained my thoughts. He nodded and began to drive.
I couldn't help but stare at the boy who was driving. He had a dark tan, and was wearing a green shirt with jeans. His hair was a dark brown to match his eyes. His features were soft. He looked like the kind of kid that wasn't very social. He kept his eyes on the road, not paying too much attention to me. I was the first to break the erie silence of the car.
"Cole said your names Daniel, right?" I asked looking out the window as we drove through Weber Canyon.
"Yeah," He answered focusing on the curves of the canyon road.
"I'm Renee." I told him as I followed the tree line with my eyes.
"Okay." He said not really listening to me. I was sure he was human. I leaned back in the passenger seat and looked out the front window. There wasn't any cars in front of us. I watched the pavement disappear under the car for a few minutes.
I played with my hands in my lap and fiddled with my hair for a little while. Being human was boring. Everything took time. Getting from place to another took forever. I couldn't take the silence anymore.
"Daniel?" I asked playing with my seat belt. "How much farther do you think it'll be?" I asked as I looked at him. I don't know why, but I felt like there was something there that I didn't see.
"I don't know. I don't usually drive to Salt Lake." He said glancing at me. I caught his gaze and smiled at him. He smiled back and focused back on the road. I sighed and looked at the road. I followed the double yellow lines with my eyes as we zoomed past them. The began to blend in with the black.
We exited the canyon and headed south. Salt Lake City was south. I looked at Daniel concerned as he pulled onto the exit for South Weber. I tapped his shoulder as he turned west onto South Weber Drive.
"Daniel, this isn't the way to Salt Lake. We have to stay on the highway." I said tugging on the sleeve of his shirt.
"It's going to be night soon. It's not smart to be on the roads at night." He said knowing a little more than I did. He was right though. I was a creature of the night and I didn't think of dangers because I was the danger. Now, I was a human like Daniel and we were the prey.
"Oh, okay." I sighed as he drove down South Weber Drive. He drove until he reached a house on Ceder Loop. It was a big new house. By the looks it had at least three floors. The windows were big and had curtains in them.Daniel parked in the driveway.
He opened his door and stepped out. I followed. He walked along the sidewalk and up the porch. I walked behind him like a puppy. He unlocked the door and stepped aside to let me go in first. I smiled at him and walked inside.
The living room was open. It had two couches on both of the walls and a tv on the center back wall. To my left was a walkway to the kitchen and to my right was stairs that led to the upstairs rooms.
"You can go upstairs and pick a room you like." Daniel suggested. I went up the flight of stairs. There were five doors to choose from. I opened the one to my right and it was an office. I closed the door and ignored it. The next one led to a green bedroom. The blankets on the bed was green. The curtains, pillows, walls, and carpet were all green. I closed the door. It kind of freaked me out how someone had decorated a room purely based on one color. I opened the next door. It led me to a blue and white room. I decided I'd stay in there. I closed the door behind me.
I walked across the white carpet and sat on the bed. It's blankets were mostly blue with a few patches of white clouds on it. I laid back against the soft white pillows and started at the ceiling. It was painted blue like the walls. I stayed there looking at there ceiling. I followed the painting strokes with my eyes as I began to drift to sleep. I was almost asleep when a knock came from my door. My eyes opened and looked at the door.
"Come in?" I said uneasy. It was Daniel.
"Just checking on you. Good night, Renee." Daniel said as he closed the door.
"Good night, Daniel." I sighed as the door shut completely. I closed my eyes.
I had survived my first day of being a human. I didn't know that my future was only a few doors away. I drifted off back to sleep.
"Daniel." A voice said sweetly a distance away. My heart began racing as I walked down the dirt path. Long thick grass lined the path. The sun shined harshly down on the grass giving it a dull yellow coloring to it. My bare feet were covered in the dust from the trail.
"Swear to god; if she's wrong, I'll kill her." I growled to myself as I stubbed my foot against an uprooted root. There were millions of trees around me. I found it odd that the trees that surrounded the path were far enough to let sun rays fall onto the path.
"Come," The voice said getting fainter. The voice was coming off to my left. I knew I'd never make it if I kept following the path. I'm sorry, I thought as my feet shifted from the dirt to the soft warm grass.
I raced through the sunlit grass towards the shadows of the forest. The grass licked my feet and stung my ankles as I darted in between the trees. The darkness of the forest engulfed me. I felt my way from tree to tree. I pushed past branches. I let the voice guide me.
"Hurry." The female voice said soothingly a little louder. I saw a glimmer of sunlight. I began to run to it. My feet worked in harmony as I made my way to the light. It got brighter and brighter. I finally pushed through the last branches. What I saw amazed me.
It was a deep valley. There was a stream that cut through the valley. I didn't recognize it. Where was I? The top of wheeler creek? The trees climbed up the sides of the mountains. The amazing site was the people twenty feet below me.
Daniel and Raven were standing in a small meadow. Daniel was following her. Raven was wearing a black cloak that hid her clothes. Daniel was dressed in jeans and a red t-shirt. He was following her like a puppy.
"Daniel." I sighed and sat down on the ground. I was too late. My hopes sank as Raven and he disappeared into the forest. My future was over. I watched the valley as I realized my life was over.
"Pathetic." Someone said behind me. I didn't bother looking. I already knew who it was.
"I failed, Ivy." I said still looking to where they had disappeared to. She sat beside me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. I couldn't feel her coldness. My body was numb from taking the drug.
"You didn't fail." She cooed. "There's still time." She sighed and got up. I laid back on the floor looking up at her.
"There's no time." I said oddly. "There never was."
"Get up." She told me grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I reluctantly stood up. "I'm taking you." She said.
"You can't its against the laws." I said and yanked my hand out of her grip. "Besides it's a waste of time." I said as I looked at my watch. "It's almost noon. I'd never make it on foot."
"Have the laws ever stopped me before?" She asked stupidly. "If they had, I wouldn't have been your spy!" She boomed.
"I have five minutes. Even if you could get me there, I'd never be able to stop her." I looked glumly at the valley."I'm human. How could I ever beat a vampiress?"
"You can't," Ivy said as she took something out of her pocket and put it in my hand. "Not without this." I grasped it hard and felt a cool metal press in my palm. I smelt a faint rose in the breeze.
"My dagger?" I asked as I looked at what she had placed in my hand. "How did you get this!?" I traced the thorny vine design with my index finger.
"How do you think?" She laughed. "I found it under your bed."
"Let's go." I said and smiled at her.
I woke up then. Maybe it was because the cold drift of air finding its way into my room or maybe it was the fact that I was no longer alone in the room. It didn't matter. I wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon.

Chapter 9. Find her (Josh)
"What do you mean she's not here!?" I asked stunned by Renee's sudden disappearance.
          "She's not here." Cole said oddly and took a step away from us. "It's against the law for me to tell you." He said fiddling with something in his lab coat pocket.
            "Just tell us where she's gone to." Ivy growled at him. I froze. She was beginning to scare me. How Cole could keep things from her, I'd never know.
            "Tell me where she went." Nickolas offered. "She'll be protected well whether she's human or vampire." I kind of wondered that. Would she really be protected with us? I mean after all we were killers. Renee could be in danger with us.
            "Her life is in stake." Ivy pleaded. "All of ours is!" She wailed. I found it hard to believe that, but whatever it took. "Cole," She said placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know you sent her away, and she requested to be taking somewhere else.”
            Cole look dumbfounded at her. “How could you know?” Cole asked her and starred at his hands.
            “I see things, Cole.” Ivy explained. “And right now I need to know where she’s going. If we don’t find her, Raven will.” She sounded so sure of herself.
            “Please, Cole.” Nickolas said sincerely. “We need help, and you’re the only one who can supply it.” He was looking at the floor. I found it odd how everyone was talking to the doctor. Was there something I didn’t know?
            “Her driver,” Cole began as he went around his desk and sat in his seat. “Is Daniel Gomez. He’s a human. He’s quite new to our program, but for a boy out of state he learns quick. He knows the streets and safe
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