» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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been loose and I discovered it was the perfect thing to hide secrets. Like, battle plans or anything that had to be hidden. I slide my hand under feeling for a piece of paper.
My hand bumped into loose nails and wood. My hand connected with paper. I closed my hand around it and slipped it back our from under the board. I sat up and looked at the folded paper. My future was on it.
I opened it and read it silently to myself. It made little sense, but I could barely figure it out. I read it aloud fitting the pieces together.
"When all fails, look to me, and I will be your guide. Your heart, Your life, every beat will mean nothing without me. I am your future, your love, your memories. Find me. I stay a distance, always. The distance is great. But you will see I was closest to your heart even though you didn't know me. I don't know you though I'd like to. Trade everything for me. Even your friends well-being. You can do it. I know you can. Find me. Alone star traveling to the north with a bird that'll cause a great war." I said. It sounded like a poem the way I said it.
When all fails? I wondered what that could mean. Ivy had called it a map to my future. So, maybe it meant when everything had failed me? My life? Check. My dreams? Check. My friends? Check. My army? Check. My will? Check. Everything that I knew had failed. Even my memory. "Look to me, I'll be your guide." I said wondering what that part had meant. Maybe I was looking for a person? Or maybe it was the note talking about itself? "Your heart. Your life. Every beat will mean nothing without me." I said thinking to myself. Maybe my future wasn't worth living without whatever this note was telling me to look for. I broke the note down in my head until I got a easy meaning. I discovered that the note was making me look for someone who would be my future. The only thing I didn't understand was the last part. "Alone star traveling to the north with a bird that'll cause a great war." I said over and over to myself. I burned it into my brain. I sat there on the floor wondering what this could mean.
I was interrupted by Josh. "Do you need anything?" He asked me. I shook my head. He turned away and was about to walk out when I decided I wanted something.
"Can you bring me something to eat?" I asked feeling a little thirsty.
“I’ll go get you something.” He said as left the room. I sighed and got up off the floor. I pushed the note inside my pocket. I sat on the bed. I wanted to shut the door. I took two steps towards the door. I reached out for the door knob as I felt my legs go weak. I grasped the door knob for support. I simply turned it. I eased it open. That was the second warning.
I slipped out of the room and into the hall. Suddenly, a wave of fatigue swept over me. I took a deep breath and took another step. My foot couldn’t find it’s place and buckled under my ankle. I fell to the floor. I couldn’t get up. I just laid there for a few seconds then I heard glass shatter. I looked up. It was Josh. There was a red liquid and broken glass beside him. He fell to my side.
“Are you ok!?” He asked. I shook my head. I couldn’t speak. My throat was killing me. Suddenly, there was a deep pain in my back. I felt tears streaming down my eyes. How could that be? Vampires didn’t cry. Cole’s drugs! They were working or maybe they were failing.
“Call… Cole.” I managed to say at last. He nodded and ran for the phone in the hall. I screamed in pain as if something had struck me. Josh dialed the phone. Every second was torture. Then, suddenly, Josh was back at my side.
“He’s on his way.” Josh said as he knelt beside me. He picked me up. The pain didn’t stop. It only intensified.
"Put me down." I said through clenched teeth. He looked at me nervously. I can't put her down. What if she- I jerked my thoughts away from his. So depressing. He put me down reluctantly. "I'm fine." I said through clenched teeth. In honest truth... I thought I was going to die any moment. Suddenly, there was a burning through out my veins. My vision went blurry.
"Are you going to be okay?" He asked. I shook my head. He looked at me with worry and scooped me into his arms with one motion. Josh took me to my room. A wave of fatigue washed over me as he placed me on my bed. My vision cleared. The room was dark.
"Turn on some lights." I commented as I tried to see in the dimly lit room.
"Renee... if it gets any lighter you could hurt your eyes! Cole said so." Josh said. I could sense his worry.
"Fine." I sighed as Ivy and Cole came into the room.
"Symptoms?" Cole asked as he sat beside me.
"She fainted in the hall." Josh answered for me. I sighed. I wish that was all. I'm in pain. My wrist burned from the presence of Josh. After all he was a full vampire now. I could feel my life slipping away. Life? I don't have a life... I'm dead. I ached to end my somewhat kind of living style. It couldn't really be called life. I was dead... long past this world. Noting would take me back to being human. Right?
"She seems fine." Cole commented. I sat up and doubled over in pain. I mouthed the words help. I need help. That's all I wanted. To be out of the pain, to be free of this immortal body, to be free of the thirst, and free of the war would be heaven to me. I can't imagine why anyone would want to be a vampire. Immortality is a dangerous thing to hold in your hands. Everyone else dies around you, while you're untouched by time.
"Help me..." I trailed off before I could finish saying what I was hoping to finish. Every bone in my body screamed in pain. I blacked out.
I was in a room. The only light came from above. It shone bright on me. I shielded my eyes from the light.
"Renee." A voice whispered. I froze. My body went ridged. "It's okay." The voice whispered.
"Who are you?" I asked a little frightened.
"It doesn't matter." The voice said. "Do you want a future?" It asked.
"Yes." I sighed. I was still nervous.
"Listen closely then," The voice said and paused. I listened intently. "Your future is with a human. He is in Salt Lake City. You have two weeks to find him. If you fail, you'll be at fault for the war and will die in it."
"War?" I asked only to be ignored.
"He will reveal you potential." The voice said.
"How will I find him?" I asked looking into the light.
"You'll know when you see him." The voice answered me. A piece of paper fell from the light and floated down gracefully.
"What's this?" I asked leaning out of the light to grab the paper.
"It's a map. Go to Solitude Mountain Resort Accommodations. There you will meet him. It's 12 miles up Big Cottonwood Canyon." The voice said.
Suddenly, there was a pain in my chest. My eyes flew open.
"Clear!" Someone yelled. I screamed in pain as electricity went through my body. "She's alive!" The same person shouted.
I started coughing and choking. I couldn't breathe. My head was spinning.
"Take deep breaths!" A boy said. I noticed it was Cole. I did as he advised. I took a deep a breath and slowly exhaled it.
"Renee," Cole said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Do you know where you are?" He asked.
I looked up. I was in a white room with curtains around me. The kind you find in a hospital that is hiding you from other patients. I was strapped down to a cold metal table. I shook my head. I didn't know where I was.
"You are at the Cut Hospital." Cole said as he took my chin in one of his hands and tilted my head forward and side to side. He spread my eyelids wide open with his thumb and pointer finger and shined a light in it.
"Renee, I have good news and bad news." Cole said sadly. "Which would you like first?" He said turning off the light and putting it in his doctor's coat pocket.
"I'll take bad first, please." I said hoping everything was okay. I relaxed against the cold metal.
"Okay," He sighed. "You're not a vampire anymore. You can't lead the war. You have to go home." I starred at him in disbelief. I was human? What's the good news? I wondered as I began to think where I'd find a home.
"What's the good news then?" I asked trying to keep my voice leveled. Cole cleared his throat.
"You're human and Kayla wont bother you." Cole said as he unstrapped me. I sat up and rubbed my wrists.
"Where's Nickolas or Ivy? I need to go somewhere." I asked Cole. He shook his head. He hugged me as I got off the cold metal table.
"They left. They can't be around you any longer. You're human. They could kill you and they don't want that." He said as he hugged me tightly. I sighed and my mind began to race. They abandoned me all because I turned human?
"But..." I trailed off. My eyes began to water and a tear slid down my cheek.
"I've arranged a car to take you home." Cole said sweetly and let me go.
"Can it take me to Salt Lake City?" I asked and wiped the tear away.
"I don't see why not." Cole answered and grabbed my hand. "Come on. We have to get you downstairs to the car." He walked me out of the room and downstairs to the main floor. We took the elevator. The music was the calming music that had worked on me much earlier.
"Come along, Renee." Cole said as if I was a child. He let go of my hand and stepped out of the elevator. I followed him. I followed him through a group of creatures. Mostly werewolves and harpies. He stepped out of the front doors of the hospital holding them open for me. I thanked him and walked out.
In there street was a car. It was a silver honda accord. Cole grabbed my arm softly and led me to the car. I walked close to him. Our feet hitting the pavement made little sound compared to the noise of the hospital. In the hospital there had been things falling and things clanking together.
"Renee," Cole said opening the passenger side door to the car. "This is Daniel. He's going to take you to your destination." I nodded not bothering to look at the driver. I hugged Cole goodbye and slid into the passenger seat.
"Thank you for everything, Cole." I said as I closed the door. He nodded and turned away, heading back
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