» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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houses of the northern Utah area. He’s an excellent driver. He was on his way to take Renee to Ogden when she requested on being taken to Salt Lake City.” The doctor paused.
            “Something wrong?” Ivy asked from her spot against the wall.
            “No,” Cole replied and continued on. “I assume they must have stopped by now because night is falling. They’re probably going to stay in a safe house.”
            “How do we find these safe houses?” Nickolas asked as he stepped behind Cole’s desk.
            “There’s only two on the way to Salt Lake. One’s in South Weber, and the other is in Roy.” Cole said as he bent over his desk and opened a drawer. “You see one here.” He said showing us the map as Ivy and I stepped behind the desk to join Nickolas. “And the other here.” He said gliding his finger across the map, and pointing to a little circled area.
            “When did they leave?” Ivy asked studying the map closely.
            “A few minutes before you arrived.” Cole said rolling up the map and handing it to Ivy.
            “Okay,” Ivy said nodding slowly. “I think they’ll be at the house in South Weber. It’s closer.”
            “Thank you, Cole.” Nickolas said as he grabbed my shoulder.
            “You’ve been a lot of help.” I said as Nickolas transported me.
“Where are we?” I asked as I fell onto the floor. I was getting use to being transported everywhere.
            The surroundings where a lot different. There were big pine and aspen tree’s everywhere. There was a huge water all off to my right. I starred in awe as we walked by. The road was the main man-made object there other than houses and a reservoir a few miles up river. The long thick grasses that surrounded the road weaved in the slight breeze.
            “In the canyon.” Nickolas said as he began walking down the road. There weren’t many cars. I was surprised how quiet it was. “We’re waiting for Renee and Daniel to come by. When they do, I expect you to get out of the way and hide.” Nickolas said as he walked on the side of the road.
            “I will.” I said as I followed behind him. “But they haven’t passed yet?” I asked a little surprised.
            “No,” Nickolas said as we kept walking. “Ivy knows they haven’t.” He sounded sure. I took his word for it, but still wondered.
            “If Ivy knows these things, why did we go to Cole’s office?” I asked as I looked around. There were bushes beside the road. A great hiding place for whenever a car came by.
            “She doesn’t see location or time. She sees things and guesses when they’ll happen. She knows they haven’t gone there yet, because it’s only been a few minutes since they left the hospital.”
            “Oh,” I said putting the pictures into my mind. That made total sense. That was all the explanation I needed for the time being.
“Do you hear that?” Nickolas asked stopping in the road. I stopped and looked over his shoulder.
            “Hear what?” I asked him as I looked behind us. There was nothing. “Maybe you’re losing it.” I joked and patted his shoulder.
            “No, I’m not.” He said turning around. “That humming sound.” He said looking behind us. “It sound’s like a car.” He grabbed my shoulder.
            I jerked out of his grip and went into the vegetation. I slipped behind a big bush that had big broad leaves and would easily hide my body from sight. Nickolas followed and sat beside me. I kneeled on the floor, and pulled a few leaves away so I could watch the road.
            “What kind of car are they in?” I asked as I starred out of my bush and at the bend of the road about twenty feet from where we were.
            “I don’t know.” Nickolas said. “Just wait for the car to pass. If it’s not them, we’ll call Ivy.” As he said that a Silver Honda came out from behind the bend. It was going around thirty miles per hour. The silver coating reflected the light send light flying off it. The windows were slightly tinted, but I could still easily make out the people inside. Renee sat in the passenger seat and beside her in the driver’s seat was a guy.
            “It’s them.” Ivy said appearing beside us. I was shocked by her sudden appearance and fell into the bush. Nickolas helped me up as I picked the leaves out of my hair and off of my shirt.
            “Now,” Nickolas said letting go of my hand. “That we know where they are, where are they going?” He asked looking to where the car had disappeared to.
“We have to follow them. There’s no telling where he’ll pick to stay.” Ivy said as she began to run in the direction to where the car had disappeared to. Nickolas and I followed her.
“We have to stay at least a bend away at all times.” Nickolas shouted up to Ivy. She slowed down a little as we caught up to her. We were running at twenty-five miles per hours. We froze at the bend waiting for the car to drive past the next. It was a short wait a few seconds later we were off again.
“Why can’t they see us?” I asked as we stopped at the next bend.
“They can’t see us. They’re human.” Nickolas said.
“We might fight some laws, but we do agree with some.
“And what are the ones you agree with?” I asked as we began running again.
“Like the Human/Vampire law.” Ivy said as she darted across the road to the other side where there was more room to run and hide. Nickolas and I quickly followed her every movement.
“And there’s the Child Agreement law.” Nickolas added as we began to run faster and harder to catch up with the car.
“Huh?” I asked stumped. I knew what the Human/Vampire law was. It was to make sure humans and vampires lived separately and kept to there own kind and to make sure they didn’t know we existed. But I didn’t know what the Child Agreement law was.
“It’s making sure we don’t turn any humans into vampires unless they’re older than fifteen. The age changes over years, but it’s currently fifteen!” Ivy shouted over the wind.
            “Okay.” I shouted back to her making sure she understood that I had heard her.
            “There’s a lot more laws that we agree with, but that’s the one no one ever breaks.” Nickolas added beside me.
“What’s the biggest reason your group broke away from the council!?” I asked loudly. I was learning now, and I didn’t want it to stop.
            “We all had disagreements about the laws.” Ivy said. “We weren’t allowed to even make contact with humans. A lot of us were really sad about it.”
            “We all had friends, and people we wanted to communicate with.” Nickolas added sadly as we began to slow down as the car came closer to the mouth of the canyon.
            “Renee came along, and showed us the council was lying to us. Besides we had differences, and we were bound to split apart one day.” Ivy said as she stopped. “They were telling us lies, and they were keeping important information from us. Things we had a right to know about.” She paused when we stopped beside her. “Renee was our leader, and we began to demand answers. Kayla was mean and cruel. She refused and sent us away. We decided to make a rebellion. I regained Kayla’s trust and so did a couple others so we could be spies. Others decided to be warriors and train.” She said oddly. I guess it was painful for her to speak about these things.
“Wow.” I said a little stunned.
“Nickolas,” Ivy said as her eyes went a dark grey. “They’re going to be at the house in South Weber.”
“Great!” Nickolas said as he sat down. “When should we get her?” Nickolas asked her. I sat beside Nickolas and looked up at Ivy.
“Not until midnight.” Ivy said sourly.
“Exactly at midnight?” I asked.
“Exactly,” Ivy said as her eyes returned to the light brown they had been earlier. I learned that our eyes changed colors depending on our feeding levels.
“We should feed before we get her.” Nickolas suggested. “It’s nine o’clock. We have three hours to waste anyway's.”
“Okay,” Ivy sighed. “We’ll hunt here. There's no chance that we'll run into any humans.”
"Okay," Nickolas and I said in unison.
"I'll meet you both back here in two hours don't be late." Ivy said as she began walking away.
Ivy and Nickolas went there separate directions leaving me alone in the forest. I looked around me. I spent little over an hour looking for a meal in the area where I had been left. I found and ate a couple squirrels. I needed more though.Where could I find a meal? I looked at the mountains surrounding me. Maybe up higher?
I decided to try my luck on the top of one of the peaks. I began running through the forest. It felt wonderful. The wind rushing through my hair and my arms and legs being licked by the vegetation as I ran by. The feeling was short lived because I came to a river.
I watched the cool water as it flowed down stream. It was dark and I couldn’t see the bottom of the river. I was reluctant to jump in. If it was shallow, I’d hurt myself. If it was deep, I could be swept away by the current.
I looked down river there wasn’t a bridge or anything to make my journey across any easier. I looked upstream and saw a fallen tree. It must have fallen in a storm or been washed down stream. It lay perfectly in the center of the river. I could easily walk across it. I decided to give it a shot.
“Just what I need.” I told myself aloud as I kicked the tree with my foot making sure it was sturdy enough to be held in place as I made my way across the river. It didn’t budge. I got on top of dead aspen tree and began to walk across.
I inched my way across. The gurgle of the water below made my heart race. I quickly made my way across. I was afraid of failing into the water. I made it half way across when I heard rustling in the bushes ahead.
“Hello?” I called to the noise.
“Hello!” A voice called back as a girl came running out of the bushes. She stopped inches from the river.
"Who are you?" I asked looking at the girl. Her hair was a red as a bon fire. Her skin was covered with a light tan. Her eyes were a pale blue and shined in the light of the fading sun.
"I'm Athena." She said sweetly.
"Athena?" I said trying the name in my mouth. I somewhat recognized it. "Like the greek goddess Athena?" I asked looking at her stumped.
"Yeah," The girl said. "That's who I was named after, but thats not important. I have some news for you.
"What news?" I said starting to back away. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I should have been able to. I mean I was raised that witches, goblins weren't real, but vampires were. I found out my parents had been lying to me. If I existed, anything could. So, I guess that this stranger was testing my abilities. "What kind of creature are you?" I asked a little stumped.
"I'm a witch of course." Athena giggled. "And you're a vampire." She
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