» Fiction » The Pain & Love, Hannah Garcia [essential reading .TXT] 📗

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Shay kissed my neck and I sighed. I pushed her lightly and Shay sighed.
    “Luke. What’s wrong now?” she asked.
   “Nothing Shay. It’s nothing really.” I said and reached for her. Shay moved away from me and got off the couch. She got her jacket and bag. Shay puts her jacket on.
   “Where are you going, babe?” I asked. Shay sighed and looked at me. She pulled her phone out and put it back in her pocket.
   “I’m walking home.” she said and kissed my cheek.
   “Bye.” She grabbed her bag and left my house. Shay seemed mad. But why was she mad. I sighed and remembered us.
 Shay kissed my chest as I massaged her butt cheeks. She and I switched positions and I rocked on her hard.
   “Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Luke.” she moaned. I went harder and she made sexy pants. Shay grabbed the sheets as I fucked her extremely hard.
  I sighed and got off the couch. I went to my room and slammed my door.


Shay came in Marilyn’s home not noticing me and slammed her bedroom door. I looked at Marilyn. She shrugged.
   “Shay! What the hell is wrong with you?” yelled Marilyn.
   “Nothing! Now leave me alone.” yelled Shay. Marilyn sighed and we continued looking at dresses. I wonder what’s wrong with Shay.


I tied my bathrobe together and got out the bathroom. Why was Luke doing this? Why doesn’t he want sex anymore? I brushed my hair and cleaned my ears. I took my robe off and put my clothes on. I got out the bathroom and went straight to bed. I turned my lamp light off and fell asleep.
   Luke hugged me and I cried. A tiger attacked me. At first, it was a person but it turned to a tiger. I looked up at him. He killed it just to save me. Me. Then the setting changed to me in a forest. I was running. Behind me was Luke. He was chasing me. He swept me off my feet and we ran off.


  “Yes sir.” I said and left my leader’s office. I went to the training room and saw Hunter and Amber. It was morning. However, Amber held a little baby in her arms. I went to them and Hunter looked at me.
  “Hey Bryan.” he said and Amber kissed the baby’s forehead.
   “Who’s the baby?” I asked and Amber looked at me.
   “Her name is Dylan. She’s our adorable little girl.” Hunter nodded and kissed Dylan’s little hand.
   “As in you and Hunter?” I asked. Hunter nodded and I was shocked. I looked at Dylan.
   She has eyes like Amber’s but skin like Hunter’s. Amber and Hunter make cute babies.
  “You two make cute babies.” I said and Amber giggled.
   “Thanks. I’m guessing.” she said and passed Dylan to Hunter. He held her and Dylan touched his cheek. Hunter then looked at Dylan when she puts her hand down. Amber immediately looked at them.
   “Hunter.” she said. He looked at Amber and then back at Dylan.
   “Is that what you see in your mom?” Dylan nodded and Amber looked confused. Hunter looked at Amber.
   “Dylan thinks you are beautiful and really smart. She showed me it.” he said. Amber looked shocked.
    “It’s impossible.” she said.
   “What do you mean?” I asked.
      “Plano people can’t do that. Not even vampires.” She touched her cheek and she started glowing. What appeared after the glow were beautiful swirls all over her body.
      “No way.” said Hunter. I had no idea what the hell he meant by no way.
    “What is it?” I asked. Hunter looked at Dylan and lifted her hand. I saw a purple lily on her hand. I looked at Amber’s body and saw her tattoos were blue.
    “They’re a Lysine.” I said. Hunter nodded and Amber looked at Hunter. She actually looked gorgeous.
    “I’m a Lysine because of what Dylan’s power did to me when she was inside.” Then Dylan started crying.
     “Oh shit.” said Hunter and grabbed a shell pink baby bottle. He puts it in Dylan’s mouth. She sucked it and Amber sighed.
     “Well. We have to go before Dylan starts to make noise in here.” I waved and they left. I sighed and sat down on the bench.


    I woke up to bangs on the wall. I groaned and sat up. Marilyn and her boyfriend were always having rough sex in the morning. I got out of bed and opened her door. And what I saw was exactly what I thought.
    “WILL YOU TWO CUT THIS SEX CRAP? GEEZ! DO IT WHEN I’M NOT HERE!” I yelled. They looked at me and Marilyn sat up.
“Shay. Why the yelling?” she asked.” You could ask nicely you know.” I growled and left her room. I slammed her door and went inside my room. I slammed my door and locked it. I swiped my arm on my coffee table and everything went flying. I burned the papers and lied on my bed. I really hate living with Marilyn. And I didn’t want to see Luke since he seems like he doesn’t love me. I growled and ripped my sheets. Then I remembered when me and Luke were on my bed doing it. I sighed and shook my head. I got up and went straight to my bathroom.


   Damian stroked my hair. I sighed and he lifted my chin.
     “Was Shay like this yesterday when she came back?” he asked. I nodded and exhaled again.
    “She came back from Luke’s though. Probably something Luke did made Shay upset. Really upset.” We heard the shower run and I got out of bed. I put my robe on and Damian lied back down.
    “Come back to me mamasita. Ok” I nodded and went to Shay’s room. She made a mess. I went in her bathroom and saw Shay sitting in her shower with her clothes on. She had blood pouring and she was crying. I got out and called Luke.
    “Hello?” he asked, sounding lazy.
      “Hey Luke. It’s Marilyn. It’s an emergency.” I said.
    “What is it?” he said and I heard the bed rustle.
      “Shay is going crazy. I just don’t know why. I mean I was having sex with my boyfriend and the next thing I knew Shay came in furiously.”
    “I’ll be there in a second ok. Just hang tight.” He hung up and I went in the living room. Damian was sitting on the couch with a robe on. I sat beside him and cuddled in his arms.
    “He’s coming?” he asked. I nodded and he kissed my forehead.


    I sat beside Christian and he grinned. He looked at me and I sighed.
     “Ok. I’ll do it.” I said.” But only because you give me my parents back.” Christian lifted his chin and nodded. He touched my forehead and said,” Now I turn this child to you.” in French. I felt pain and fell. Next thing I saw was pitch black.
  I woke up on a bed and stretched. I saw Christian

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