» Fiction » The Pain & Love, Hannah Garcia [essential reading .TXT] 📗

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“Well. I don’t want a slow person.” I said jokily. Adrian looked at me.
    “Well. I’m not slow when it comes to my most gorgeous girlfriend.” he said and I giggled. We were going out. We kissed and Shay hugged Luke.
   “Does it count as sex too?” asked Luke. Adrian looked at him and so did I. I still had a crush on Luke. But he was with Shay and I didn’t want to come between their relationship.
   “Yep. That too.” said Adrian. I kissed his cheek and sighed. Shay winked at me. I shook my head and she nodded. The guys looked at us and Shay sighed.
    “Yes you will.” she said. I sighed and looked at her.
    “Maybe one day Shay.” she giggled and Luke puts her on his lap. I put my feet on Adrian’s lap and his hand went up my skirt. I took his hand out my skirt and pulled him to me. We kissed and our orders finally have come.


   I sighed and sat on my bed. I didn’t like Luke anymore. Shay can have him. But I love Adrian. He and I went out in high school at St Panamá. I missed him a lot. But he broke up with me to go with Ebony and broke up with her to go with Hazel. I’m going to hurt Hazel. She’s always taking my boyfriends. She took Zen, Josh, Ethan, and now Adrian. My relationship life was a disaster but a rainbow.  At least though. Zen was an artist, Josh was a person who plays the trumpet, Ethan was a basketball player, and Adrian was a football player.
   I was in a cave called Minolta Kazan. It was my home where the rest of the Nasals lived. Nasals were dead as people thought. But what Nasals are is that they are a type of Lysine but is human or mundane and has all five elements. The only thing that Lysine and Nasals have in common is that they have the same tattoos and have the elements. Nasals however are stronger than anyone. There was only four of us. There was Aaron, Shiva, Valerie, and I. We were lucky.
    Valerie came in with my brother, Jordan. He was the only one in my family that knows I’m alive. Jordan hugged me and I hugged him. He kissed my hair and Valerie sat beside him.
   “You ok Dustin?” said Jordan when he puts Valerie on his lap. Everyone knows Valerie was still alive but nobody knows that Shiva, Aaron, and I are alive.
   “Yea. It’s just that I miss Adrian.” I said and Jordan sighed.
    “Yea. Well he’s with Hazel. Ebony told me on the phone. She doesn’t like her at all.” said Valerie. I sighed and looked at the photo of us that I had in my hands.
    “But I still miss him a whole lot. He was the only one I loved as a boyfriend. Sure, there was Josh, Ethan, and Zen but I didn’t love them as much as I loved Adrian. And now he’s gone.” I started crying and Valerie hugged me. So did Jordan.
    “He’s not gone. He misses you too.” Valerie lifted my chin.” He said to me when we were kissing because we dated before that I reminded him of you. He dated me after Ebony and she was ok with it. She just wasn’t ok with Hazel.”
   “Yea but all of y’all are beautiful and I’m just plain cute. Not like he’ll miss me Valerie.” I said and got off the bed. I stood by my ‘window’ and sighed.” You two stood go.” I heard them got up and Jordan kissed my cheek. He left with Valerie and when I heard the door shut, I closed my eyes. I let the tears fall and opened my eyes again. How am I supposed to live without you, Adrian?


    Her soft, wet lips against mine. I held her close to me and cupped her butt. We were on the wall in an alley in St. Panamá, making out. She was pinned to the wall. Her hand traveled up my chest and her arms wrapped around my neck.
   “I love you, Dustin.” I said. She moaned and I slipped my tongue in her mouth.
   “I love you too, Adrian.” We French-Kissed and I unbuttoned her shirt slowly…………
   I sat up in bed and sighed. It was just a dream. But it happened too. I hugged my legs and looked out my rainy window. I missed her. Dustin. She was my world. But she was dead and I have Hazel. But I don’t love Hazel. I love Dustin. I got up and pulled out a box. It was black and the size off a small basket. I got up and put it on my bed. I opened it and saw lots of pictures of Dustin and me. I pulled out my favorite. It was the one where Dustin and I were in New York when it was snowing. My little sister took the picture. We were on the snow kissing. Dustin had snow in her hair and I was leaning since I was sitting. I pulled out another one. Dustin was sitting on my bed taking her dress off slowly. She looked sexy. Candles were lit and she was smiling. We must have passionate sex that day.
    My hand pulled out another one and I looked at it. It was a video instead. I put it in my TV and watched it. The camera was making a rustling noise. Dustin’s face appeared and she was smiling. I got into the video and noticed the camera was on a camera stand. Dustin kissed me as we walked to the bed. She wore my black button-down shirt. I put her on the bed and got on it. She stood on her knees and we kissed again.
    “So we are seriously doing a sex tape?” she whispered as I unbuttoned her blouse. I took it off and she wore her black silky bra and black with white stripped boy shorts. I nodded and lied her down. I kissed her stomach and she closed her eyes. She moaned and I sat up. I took my shirt off and my six-pack revealed. I still had a six-pack. I pulled Dustin to me and she sat up immediately. I unhooked her bra as we kissed. I took it off and threw it on the floor.
     “These breasts are so lovely.” I said and lied her down. She took her boy shorts off and I took my boxers off. I got on top of her and Dustin slapped my ass. I moaned and we switched positions. I groped her butt cheeks and she moaned.
    “Adrian.” she moaned. I chuckled and I latched my mouth on her breast. I massaged the other and put my two fingers inside her. She made gasping pants.
    “Adrian!” she moaned loudly………….
 I turned the TV off and sighed. I threw my water bottle on the floor and covered my face. Why did I have to break up with her? Why do I have to be so stupid? Just why?
    I hugged my legs and sighed again. I got up and put my clothes on. I put my shoes on and grabbed my keys. I got out my room and looked at the clock. It was one in the morning. I got out my home and went for a walk.


   Jordan and I were walking when I saw Adrian. I had to tell him what Dustin said before she died. I just had to.
    “Jordan. I’ll be back ok.” I said. He nodded and entered Aeropostale. I went to Adrian.
    “Hey. We need to talk.” I said. He looked at me.
   “Ok. What is it?” I sighed and looked at him in the eyes. He knew that I was there when Dustin died. She used to be a Venda but since I transformed her, she’s now a Nasal.
    “You really want to know what Dustin told me before she died.” He nodded and I sighed.
     “I really do. Valerie. You know I still love and miss her.”
     “Ok. Well she told me that she loves you and that she’ll never forget you. Not only that but she-she told me that she was p-pregnant to you.” I said and looked at him. He looked shocked and nervous.
   “She-she was pregnant to me?!” he said. I nodded and he shook his head.
    “That can’t be possible. She wasn’t pregnant. No. She wasn’t because then she would’ve told me before she died.”
     “She tried but Hazel was always around anytime she was with you. She even tried to tell you in high school. She had been pregnant since then and now your child is dead,” I said,” with the baby’s mother and your lover. Don’t you see that Hazel has been distracting you since then? She knew that Dustin was pregnant to you because Dustin told her.” Adrian scratched his head and sighed.
    “I’ve got to go.” he said and walked away. I went to Aeropostale and looked at Jordan. I shook my head and he sighed.
    “He’ll never understand her again.” said Jordan.

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