» Fiction » The Pain & Love, Hannah Garcia [essential reading .TXT] 📗

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hard but Hunter never gets wasted anymore since we have a child.
    I looked at Hunter and nodded. He got out of bed and hugged me by my waist. He kissed my neck and I moaned softly.
    “She’s so beautiful just like you Amber.” he said. We looked at Dylan. She was looking at us as she sipped out her bottle. She could hold her bottle in her tiny hands. It was adorable. Then she started coughing.
   “Oh. Gosh.” I said and sat on my bed. I patted my baby’s back and Dylan stopped coughing. I sighed and Dylan giggled.
    “Mummy. Look.” she said only instead of ‘look’ it was ‘wook’. I looked and saw Hunter making funny faces. I turned Dylan around so she too could look at Hunter.
   “Very funny Hunter. That’s very funny.” I said and he poked Dylan’s nose. He also kissed my nose and sat beside me.
    “What? I can’t make our most adorable baby laugh.” I noticed Dylan wore her lilac pajamas that had feet. She looked like a one year old. But also a nine-month baby. I wore my black pajama shirt that had Batman and a pair of black with white plaid boy shorts that were from Aeropostale.
    “You can but you have to carry her.” I said and Hunter took Dylan from me. She poked Hunter’s nose and he kissed her cheek as he pretended to drop her. She was giggling. It was really adorable.
    “Daddy.” she said. I looked at her quickly and Hunter stopped.
   “What did you just say sweetie?” he said. Dylan looked at me and I nodded.
   “Daddy.” she said again. Hunter hugged her and kissed her cheek multiple times.
   “I am your daddy sweetie.” he sat her on his lap.” Now who’s she?” He pointed to me and Dylan clapped. She said,” Mommy. Mommy. My mommy.” I smiled and kissed her cheek. Hunter puts one of his hands on my ass and squeezed it. I hid my hand behind him and slapped his ass.
   “Very funny babe.” he said and I looked at him. I kissed Dylan’s hand and she yawned.
   “Oh. Well someone is really sleepy.” Dylan nodded and I held her. I carried her to her crib and set her inside. Our dog, Ralph took care of her. I covered Dylan with her blanket and kissed her forehead.
   “Night my little sweetie.” I whispered and went to Hunter. We tucked in and fell asleep. Brittany

   I woke up next to Bryan who was asleep. We had roses again if you know what I mean. I climbed out of bed and put my dress on. We were on a date last night. I wrote on a note,” I left so I can go to my bed. I love you so much. XOXOXOXO Brittany.”
   I slipped my feet in my shoes and grabbed my purse. I left his room and went in a taxi. She drove me home and I gave her money. I hopped out and ran inside my home. I took all my clothes and got in the hot shower. I had to get the vampire scent off of me by washing it off. I washed my hair and got out the shower. I blow dried my hair and dried myself. I put a black lacy bra on that had matching underwear. I slipped my legs into my light blue washed skinny jeans and put my teal shirt on. I put a belt on and put my hair up in a ponytail.
   I stepped out the bathroom and saw Shiva sitting on my bed. She was playing with a stake in her hands and I saw a boy sitting beside her. He had his arm around her and looking at the stake.
   “Well. If it isn’t Brittany Sierra. Rule breaker of the wolves. It’s nice to see you again.” I looked at her shocked.
   “I thought Hazel killed you for good.” I said and Shiva looked at me.
    “She did but not for good. You know how that girl isn’t smart. She only killed me to save Luke. The boy she loves. But he’s taken by Shay. Shay is lovely and addicted to him. She’ll be so pissed if she finds out that her own best friend likes her boyfriend.” she said. The boy chuckled and Shiva stood up. She wore a cute light blue dress that covered her skin but her face. She was Muslim and Hindu all at once. But she was evil.
    “But how do you know that Hazel loves Luke.” I said and she smiled.
    “She said so herself. Hazel told me all her stuff. Dustin even likes Luke. They are all fighting for him. But Shay of course is going to win because she’s stronger than both of them combined. But one problem. She or anyone know that Dustin is alive. She’s hiding from everyone. No one but me, Aaron, and now you know. If you tell, Dustin will hunt you down wolf. She’s stronger than ever before. And I’m going to say this once and for all. Don’t tell anyone that you heard this information from me because your going to die.”
   “Ok.” I said and they both poof. I was shocked. Shay, Hazel, and Dustin are all fighting over Luke. This was so sad.


  I woke up next to my naked girlfriend. I kissed her shoulder and got up. I went to her bathroom and used it. When I was done it flushed by itself. I washed my hands and got out. Shay turned and looked at me.
    “Nice penis by the way.” she said. I chuckled and went to her. We kissed and Shay sat up. She had the blanket clutched to her chest. It was designed with purple and black zebra strips.  Our clothes were on the bed and my phone was on the floor.
   “So where do you want to go.” she asked. I tapped her chin and kissed her neck.
   “How about Waffle House to eat.” I said. Shay giggled and nodded.
   “Ok. We can walk there.” I nodded and we got dressed.
    Shay and I sat together and I wrapped my arm around her. She cuddled closer and I saw Dustin’s mom. She came in with Dustin’s little sister. They sat at a table and a servant went to them. Shay lifted my chin.
    “Hey. I know you missed Dustin too. All of us do but we have to move on. She’s dead now.” she said. I sighed and she kissed me. I responded and Hazel sat across from us.
   “Hey lovey-dovey people. And Shay thanks for inviting me.” Shay nodded and Hazel looked at Dustin’s mom.
   “I miss Dustin so much. I just want to talk to her mom about it but it’s so hard. Especially because her little sister looks like Dustin. Cute and young.” she said and looked at us.” But we have to move on. She’s dead now.” Shay nodded and I kissed her hair.
   “We all miss her a lot. Dustin and Ari would have been going out because the day she died Ari was going to ask her out but when he heard she died it was too late.” I said. Hazel looked at Shay.
    “Isn’t that your ex?” Shay nodded and shrugged.
   “He dumped me for Dina. And that was before we started going out.” she said and then Ari came in with a group of our friends.
   “Speak of the devil.” said Hazel. Shay looked at Ari and groaned.
   “Speak of the devil is correct.” she said and Hazel waved. I saw Adrian give her a wink and Hazel giggled. Shay kicked Hazel.
   “Ow! Shay.” she said.
      “Don’t you even dare to go out with one of the demons.” said Shay and I stared at her.
    “Just so you know you’re also talking about your boyfriend.” I said. Shay ohed and sighed.
   “Well sorry.” she said and I shrugged. Hazel looked at Shay. She sat back and Adrian came. He is my best friend. We’ve been best friends since the second grade.
     “Hey Luke.” he said. I grinned and we man hugged.
    “Was sup?” I said and I saw the girls look at us funny. Adrian sat beside Hazel and I saw Hazel blush. She must really like him. I wrapped my arm around Shay and Shay sent Hazel a message. She looked at her phone and blushed more. Adrian wrapped his arm around Hazel and she didn’t notice. She looked at Adrian and cuddled in his arm.
     “Well. You two look cute together.” said a voice.  We all looked and saw Adrian’s ex Ebony.


  Ebony stood in front of our table. She was Adrian’s jealous ex. I sighed and Adrian looked at me. He kissed my hair and I saw Ebony look mad. I kissed Adrian on the lips and I heard Shay gasp. I saw Luke looked shocked and Ebony was really pissed. She got out of Waffle House and we broke the kiss.
   “What…..was that?” said Shay. I looked at Adrian then to Shay.
    “A kiss. Why?” Shay shook her head and touched my hand.
     “More like a get-Ebony-jealous thing.” said Luke. Adrian made a so-so motion and I smiled. We kissed again and I unzipped his jeans. I rubbed his crotch and Adrian broke the kiss. He grinned and shook his head. He nibbled my ear and whispered,” Naughty little girl.” I giggled and looked at him. He looked at Luke and I zipped his jeans back. I was naughty.
    “So Luke? Shay your girl?” he asked.
   “Yep. I asked her out a long time ago Adrian.” he chuckled and looked at me.
     “I’m slow like that ok.” he said. I got out his arm.

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