The awakening of the half-breed, Brandi B. [10 best books of all time .txt] 📗

- Author: Brandi B.
Book online «The awakening of the half-breed, Brandi B. [10 best books of all time .txt] 📗». Author Brandi B.
Suddenly, I remembered everything I had forgotten or that was wiped from memory. I grew up here....Lily is my little sister, now age 16, going to turn 17, when I turn 18. Confusing right? Well here's more. I was supposed to be pack leader, but I was kidnapped (before this time) by "Uncle Tom" and given to a foster family. Lennie was my boyfriend, from age 7 to when I was kidnapped (age 10). I was over protective of my "little lily" as I called my little sister. Oh God! I couldn't die my little Lilly needed me!
I fought against the black, and finally won. I did not open my eyes though, I was too tired. I felt something warm and sweet trickling down my throat.Blood. Instinct kicked in and I grabbed hold of the object. I drank *not very long* till I realized that it was a wrist. I pushed it away, disgusted with myself. I now had enough strength to run and find some other type of prey. I ran out of the house, and was soon in the forest. I saw a bear, about 2x's my size. *perfect* I ran to it, grabbing it's throat and drinking, drinking till there was none left. I wanted more, so badly, that I went after the two cubs next. One after the other drained dry. I was fulfilled now and lay down under a tree to rest, before going back home to the pack. I heard crunching footsteps and was alert and started to growl. Out of the bushed came Lennie,Lilly and the twins. I stopped growling and noticed it was Lennie with the bite mark on his wrist. This made me even more disgusted in myself. He slowly approached, being wary and cautious. *as he should be, I'm a monster now* When he was an inch away, *he smelt so good, so sweet, so moist* I ran a cupple hundred feet away, only to back up into a tree. He came closer and I snarled at him, trying to warn him, but he would not listen. There was no where to turn. I was surrounded. No way out, but up. So I jumped into the trees swinging through them, till I came to the tallest one, and hid at the very top. I kept very quiet. "We can smell your sent!" *Crap! forgot about that* "Were not mad, we just want you to come home!" this was my little Lilly. I would come down, only for her, but only if she asked. Apparently she heard that and she said "Please come home...." I heard every note of sadness and longing in her voice. "I know you remembered everything!" This was Lennie. I was swinging through the trees once more until I came upon the spare bedroom window. I jumped in and locked the door and windows. I put up my blue walls, because I knew they would knock down the door. That they did do, well Lennie anyway. They say the wall and nodded at Lilly. *Shit! I forgot I told her how to undo that. I bolted for the window only to bump into a muscular chest. "Aww shit!' I mumbled. I ran for the door, and again ran into that same chest. We went back and forth like this. Until he grabbed my arms and pinned me to the floor, knowing in this state, no needle could penetrate my skin, it would snap. "I don't want to hurt you!" I hissed through my teeth. *God did he smell good!!!!!* "Your not going to!" He replied as I flipped him over, then he did the same only sitting on my chest cutting off my airways. I didn't need to breath in this state either. He just sat there until I stopped squirming. I slowly shifted back to half vampire-half wolf. He still couldn't' give me a needle like this it would still snap. I wasn't thirsty anymore, and just lay there, tapping my fingers on the carpet waiting. He slowly got up and said "You good now?" " Other than your fat ass knocking the wind out of me fine..." I said getting up and brushing the dirt from me. The girls burst out laughing, while Lennie scowled, the evilly smiled. I started to back up slowly, but felt someone behind me. I knew it was him, but before I could turn around, he started tickling me. I burst out laughing, trying to get away but he held on tight. Now I was the one with the evil grin. I spun around tickling him now, till he let go and I ran downstairs with the girls.
As soon as everyone was asleep, I slipped out, again. I just sat on the beach, floating a foot or so above the ground, meditating. "Nice moon right?" I automatically hissed, and was at the other side of the beach in seconds. He was there soon to. Who are you? "Name's Nicolas." He said in a sexy British accent. "Why are you here, and what the hell do you want?" I asked, calmly I might add. He chuckled. "Just a chat mate!" "I have a mate" I growled. " No, no, not that kind of mate!" He chuckled. "Like friend, or pal." "I don't know you, so how am I your pal?" He frowned,then smiled. "What is your favorite riddle by the Sphinx?" "Um.... awkward question, but ok 'What walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?'" I answered. "And the answered is" He continued. "I don't get this but 'Man.... Baby in the morn, man in the afternoon, and an old man with a cane in the evening' " I answered. "Why are you asking me this?" "Because I taught you that saying." "But I'v never met you before!" "Ah but yet you have.....we will meet again soon...." "I don't understand!" I yelled as he walked away. "You will....." Then he was gone. *Huff* I hate when people go all fortune cookie on me. It aggravates me. Then I realized I had fallen asleep on the beach, when some one was shaking me and saying "Wake up, god dammit! Wake up! Are you really going to try to kill yourself with lack of oxygen?!" "Whattttttzzzzzzz?" I asked opening my eyes. "Lemmie alone, I wanna go back to sleep!" "Really?! On sand?!" "Sure its comfortable..." I said yawning turning on my side, when someone picked me up. "Do I ever get to sleep in peace?!" I mumbled, then fell asleep again. I felt the blankets being ripped of me again, but I wasn't cold, so I continued to sleep. Someone jumped on me. "Uff! Lemmie sleep! I'm tired!" I mumbled burring my face in my pillow. I then heard Lilly's voice. "Is she supposed to be this tired? She's slept for like two days strait....." I started having nightmares, about me trying to fight of thousands of vampires at once. I was shaking in real life and an falling my limbs, while someone held onto me while I was screaming. They whispered "It's okay, shh, shh it's okay" as they stroked my hair gently. I abruptly sat up and was panting. Someone gently forced me back down, but I was on the other side of the room in seconds flat against the wall. I saw it was Lennie, but flinched when he came near me. I didn't know why. I then ran into the closet and locked myself in there, trying to calm down. "Blue.......common Blue, you haven't fed in a while and it's going to be a killing spree like last time.... " "How.....long....have....I...been...out..." I gasped, my lungs closing in on me. I guessed thats what happens when you don't feed. He heard me gasping for air, and ripped open the doors, shoving his wrist to me mouth. I tried to pull away, but he held my head there. So I drank, maybe a sip, but then I pushed him away. I couldn't take it from him. In seconds I was in the forest again, and saw a huge, and I mean huge moose. I ran to it and fed my hunger, enjoying the warm moisture running down my throat. It was warm and it felt good. That's all that mattered. I finished him slowly, savoring the nutty flavor of it's blood. Eventually I finished, curling up in a ball to sleep.
Why the hell do I always fall aleep?! It's like....ok you feed, now sleep for like a week. WTF?! Anyway....I expected to wake up with Lennie by me again, except I was in a different house, and fortune cookie guy was by me again. What was his name? Oh yeah! Right Nicolas. I saw Lennie, Lilly, Lauren, and Meg, all chained to the wall across the room. I ran towards them, trying to undo the locks with my fingers. "Don't even try. It's useless..... I have the key." It was Nicolas. I looked at the key and memorized it. Suddenly an exact coppie appered in my hand. Huh! Werid. I went to work imedeatly. Everyone was free except for Lily, and soon she too was free. "How the hell did you do that?!" Nicolas was screaming. "Ah but the question is...What can't I do?" HA HA HA! Now who's fortune cookie now huh?Huh? Suddenly I was on the ground a knife to my neck. I laughed, and laughed. I had hardened my skin in everyform, so nothing in the world, man,wolf,vampire,object could hurt me, nor penitrate my skin. I laughed harder. When
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