The awakening of the half-breed, Brandi B. [10 best books of all time .txt] 📗

- Author: Brandi B.
Book online «The awakening of the half-breed, Brandi B. [10 best books of all time .txt] 📗». Author Brandi B.
Betrayal's a Bithch
Again I woke up. Why the hell can't I just die?! It would be a lot easier! I woke up with a blood I-V drip hooked up to me. Smart move. But I heard someone kissing. I sat up and took the needle out. I turned my head towards the noise and found Lennie kissing Lily. Betray's a bitch. They noticed I was awake. "'s not what you think" they both said. I snorted. "Yea. Whatever, all people ever wanted me for was power, not love, and you two are the same as the rest." I said, and was out the door, and half-way across the country in seconds. I made sure I covered my scent trail. I was thirsty now, and saw the perfect prey. A huge mountain-lion. But for some odd reason I didn't want to eat it and my thirst dimmed by a considerable amount. "What are you?" I asked coming towards the animal. "The question is what are you?" The mountain lion asked as it turned into a girl. This girl had long flowing blond hair, down to the hips at least, pure emerald green eyes, a fair complexion, was about my height, and was just beautiful. Now what the hell is going on?! "Who are you?" I asked the girl. "And please don't go all fortune cookie on me I hate that." The girl laughed. "Name is Melina." She said handing out her hand. "Your not gunna like flip me over and chop off my head or somefin right?" I asked. She laughed again. "No" and held out her hand once more. I put my hand in hers and said "Blue" She gasped when I said my name. "What am I like a fugitive or something?! Cause I have no clue why you just did that..." She laughed again. "No..." Her face turned serious. "But you need to come with me...." I groaned. "But i'm thirsty!" I wined. "You can get food there......" "Fine!" I huffed as she started to drag me...where? I have no clue.
After a cupple of miles, she turned towards me and said "Touch my arm then change." "Uh....Why?" I asked. "Just do it!" She sighed. So I touched her arm and a red light emanated from my eyes. I gasped and fell to the ground changing, and when I was finished I was a '8"00 tall mountain lion. "Holy shit!" I thought. Melina laughed. ""Whats so funny?! First wolf, then vampire, then witch powers, and now fuckin shape-shifter?! What am I the whole world?!" She laughed harder. The I thought about being a oversized tiger.And what'da know I was a fuckin '8"00 tall tiger. She gasped. I soon went back to my normal self. This is weird.
Soon enough we got to a big tree with a door in it. A leopard jumped out of a tree and I hissed, crouching. He turned into a really handsome guy. No! I won't let myself fall in love again. All people want me for is my powers. He was handsome though. Jet black hair, emerald green eyes, a little taller than me, a lot (emphasis on the a lot)of muscles, and really nice lips. I was still crouched hissing. NOT taking chances. "Hey sis!" He yelled at Melina. I slowly straightened out of my crouch. I looked at my arm. I was invisible, god damn that's cool! "I thought you said you had someone with you" the boy said. "Ya I do Leo! This is...Hey were'd she go?!" "Uh right here...I'm invisible and I don't know how to turn back....." I said. "Ahhhhh..." Melina said. "Really?! She can turn invisible?! No Way!!!!" Leo yelled. I slowly saw a deer pass by. My thirst was burning and closing my lungs by now. I pounced on the deer draining it, my invisibility fading. "That's better..." I said as I sat down in the grass beginning to meditate, slowly rising off the floor. I heard footsteps behind me. "I know your there so don't bother trying to surprise me!" I said opening my eyes, and spinning around to face them. Then I had a premonition. They were torturing me trying to get me to use my powers. I ran, and ran, and ran till I was at the ocean. I dove in changing into a dolphin, swimming and swimming, never looking back. No one loved me, no one cared, I was just a waste of space. I was like a power outlet. Nobody wanted me for anything other than power.
I hadn't realized were I was going till I was drawn to this coast, and found a deserted Island. Not even animals here. I could die from starvation if I wanted to because there was no source of food either. I turned back into A vampire and went onto the shore, found a cave, crawled in it and cried myself to sleep. No one loved me I was all alone. "I hate the world" I thought as I fell asleep. I woke up to find a starving puppy next to me, curled up for warmth. I easily manifested some food (real food, not just an illusion). "Hey little guy..." I said as I nudged him. He slowly woke up and saw the food in my hand. I slowly put it in front of him. It was at least a pound of meat. He shied away. "Comon, you can eat it..." I said. He slowly came forward and ate. I put out my hand slowly and pat his head, and rubbed it. When he finished I said "Whats your name?". I peeked in his mind and he somehow knew this and said "I have none..." "Oh....How about..." I tried to think of a manly name. "Oh! How about Max?!" I asked. I saw him tilt his head to the side. I formed a mental bond with the animal and he said "I like it!" "Cool! So what are you doing out here?" I asked. " I don't know...." "Ah." "You?" "I ran away, because nobody loves me...they only want me because of my powers...." Ah. Well I love you!" Max said as he licked my face. "Thanks....I love you to!" I just realized, that someone on this planet loved me finally....even if it was a dog...he still loved me, and that's all that matters.
But then the unthinkable happened. I heard someone come on shore....Awww Crap!
The first thing I noticed was that Max started to growl. And then I heard them. Crap! I pulled max onto my lap and turned invisible. "Quiet! They can't see us!" "o..." I slowly walked deeper into the cave bringing back un-wanted memories. I finally got to a dead end and just sat there hoping they wouldn't find us. Island life was peaceful. I actually found some sheep and cattle and had
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