» Fiction » Save Myself, Jasmine Austen [popular novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Save Myself, Jasmine Austen [popular novels .txt] 📗». Author Jasmine Austen

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top with dark skinny jeans and white converse. I blushed at his friendly attractiveness.
"I...think so," I murmured, stretching my arms before flinching as I saw that bruises that decorated them. I quickly put my arms down when the blonde boy gasped.
"W-What happened?" He stuttered. I noticed he had a very stylish Irish accent that soothed me. He gingerly grabbed my arm, slowly prodding the purple-black bruises that covered them.
"I'm fine..." I lied. I wasn't fine, I was hurting emotionally inside, the scars and bruises that were on me were nothing compared on the inside.
"No, you're not," a deep but sharp voice said behind me. I remembered it to be the voice that started the song in Moments. I think his name was Liam.
Liam was cute. He had dark chestnut hair that looked blown away and chocolate brown eyes that were looking at me with curiosity and worry. He had this sharp chiseled features that looked like he could be an executive. He had on a grey cardigan with a graphic tee shirt and dark grey washed jeans and white Nikes.
I looked down, trying to think of a god lie to say to them. I was truly in a sticky situation, I was the one who was trespassing, I was the one with the bruises all over me. I had no way out of this. I sighed as I looked up at Liam, who had crossed his arms.
"I fe-" I was cut off as someone busted into the room.
It was Marc.
My heart nearly stopped and I was nearly sure that my light tan Hispanic features turned a pale marble white that would make Edward Cullen go "Damn", I struggled to get my breathing steady before saying,"Marc, what are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?" Marc shot my question at me. He had a worried expression painted on his face and I couldn't help but notice that his hands were in fists. I knew that his worried look was just a facade, that when we were home he would turn into that dragon, scratching me with his claws and using his lethal words of fire to try and defeat me.
I was never going to let that happen.
"Um...Hi, I'm Harry and...we found her here," The curly haired boy said, sitting on the floor. He had bright green eyes and a oval cheeky face that had a frown placed on it. His curly noodles of brown hair was swiftly to the side and he had on a black blazer with a regular white tee shirt with black skinny jeans and grey converse. "May I ask how did she get those bruises all over her?" He continued as the tan boy next to him looked at Marc up and down.
"No, you may not," Marc said rudely to Harry, who looked shocked. I flinched as Marc looked at me with those hard brown eyes of his that seemed to tell me what he was going to do to me when we got home.
"C'mon man, my friend was just asking how a pretty girl like..." the boy on the couch next to me paused before looking at me. "What's your name, my dear?"
He had short swift hair that showed his beautiful honey brown eyes as he looked at me before breaking into an easy smile. he had a long face which I thought was pretty cute and I noticed he had stubble on his chin that made him look very mature. I couldn't help but blush and let out a quiet chuckle as I noticed what he was wearing: Navy blue suspenders, A black-and-white stripe tee-shirt with red capris and navy blue Toms. Very stylish.
"Karina Adams," I said to him, blushing as he took my hand before kissing it softly.
"Louis Tomlinson, at your service."
I let out a shy smile as he put my hand down to my lap before sternly looking at Marc, whose fair skin was turning a splotchy red.
"Now, how did you get those bruises?" The tan boy who was sitting beside Harry asked me. I looked at him. He had dark black hair that was up in a high nest and brown eyes that looked sharply at me, he had a small but sharp featured face. He was wearing a red varsity jacket over a black tee-shirt which showed his muscles, he had on dark blue jean along with big black converse.
"We have no time for this!" Marc yelled at me. I shrunk in the couch a little bit before murmuring a "sorry" as I got up. The courage had left me as I stood up, looking at the five boys who were too busy glaring at Marc.
"Wait, you didn't tell us how you got the bruises, Karina," the tan boy said softly as he looked up at me. I froze, not knowing what to say or do. I couldn't risk telling the little white lies to them becaumse it felt so horribly wrong but at the same time, i just couldn't deal with the embarrassment of telling them I was being abused.
I was in a battle with myself as I bit my lip, deciding on what to do. I opened my mouth to speak but I got cut off my the sharp knives of Marc's voice yelling at me. He had reached forward and grabbed my arm tightly, stopping the blood circulation.
"You tell, you're dead," He murmured deadly in my ear, too low for the others to hear. He had wrapped his other arm around my waist and I couldn't help but gasp as I felt the cold blade of the knife pressing in to the skin of my back.
It was almost surreal. The knife against my back felt like it was only imaginary but as Marc pressed the cold sharp edge of the knife against my back, adding more pressure, The pain had became undoubtedly real as I let out a low hiss, arching my back as I felt the gentle trickle of blood flow down like a river.
Marc let out a low chuckle as the boys looked at me in confusion as I gritted my teeth in pain as Marc gripped my waist tightly. almost as in a deadly embrace. I wanted so badly to let out a shrill scream of the pain I was feeling, not only outside but inside too. It would be emotional suicide if I went back with Marc. I would be going back to the rape, to the punches, the kicks, the words of pure fury as he lashed out on me for no apparent reason.
"I-I have t-t-to go," I stuttered, forcing the words out of my mouth as I tried to grip myself into reality. I felt sick to the core as I lied to the only boys who seemed to care how I got hurt.
The blade seemed to remind me that I must keep this facade on in order to live. Marc didn't seem to believe that I was doing a pretty good job so I let out a quiet whimper of pain as I felt the tip of the knife press against my back, drawing more liquid red blood towards the surface of my skin. I struggled to keep my cool while I was in the dark abase of pain and hurt.
Zayn eyed Marc suspiciously as the other boys looked at each other. I wanted to stay long enough for them to realize that I was in grave danger. I began praying silently as Zayn's eyes slowly made their way to Marc's waist. My heart fluttered in hope as he squinted his eyes at the strange position Marc's arm was in.

I thought to him,Please notice something, I'm begging you to save my life, please...

I wanted to live in a world of a strange reality, I wanted to escape it so badly.
"OK," Zayn said, shrugging as he stood up. "Let me get the door for you."
My heart dropped into a million pieces as Zayn made his way towards to door. I was speechless as he opened it and I couldn't help but feel the tears made there way slowly down my cheeks as I was about to go back into the dragon's cave.
Marc pulled out a shark grin as Zayn stood near the door, waiting for us to go out. I couldn't help but look up at Zayn with my tearful eyes, trying to tell him not to let us out that door and trying to tell him my terrible history with Marc. I almost felt my eyes swell with fierce emotion, never breaking contact with Zayn's dark eyes.
I walked with Marc towards the door, feeling my footsteps grow heavier with each step, almost as if they were being filled with lead at each slow step I took. Hope and courage left my body and I felt myself sag against Marc before pushed upright with great force. i let out a breathy sigh, not surprised that Marc wasn't showing me the affection that I've been craving for the past three months.
I looked at Zayn one more time before giving up, as I looked down I didn't notice when Zayn gave the person behind me an eyebrow wiggle...
That's when it happened.
Zayn gave me a gentle but effective kick towards my knee, sending me flying back as Marc fell to the floor, knife still in his hand. I let out an alarmed scream as I felt someone catch me in their strong but soft arms, letting me melt into them.
"Relax, Karina," I heard Louis breath in my ear, tickling them and sending butterflies flying around in my insides.
I tried to calm myself but curiosity killed me. I looked up, shocked to see what was going on.
Marc had lunged for the knife, only to be kicked in the side by Zayn, who lunged for it at the same time. I bite my lip, holding back a scream that threatened to escape. It was just so frightening, watching two guys battle to the death...
All because of me.
Louis slowly rocked me, trying to calm down my erratically beating heart that pumped against my chest. It did help some, distracting me a little but my eyes were forever on the fight, not knowing who would come out victorious... that rattled my insides senseless.
Zayn punched Marc, sending him flying to the ground a second

time and before Marc had the chance to get back up, Harry and Liam jumped on him while Niall ran out the door. It was as if it were planned, they worked in perfect cohesion and unit as they began beating my ex-boyfriend to a bloody pulp.
A sick victory tore through me as I watched him

get beat. It was as if karma bit him in the ass the minute I walked through that door, but it never seemed to have a chance to leave a mark. I watched with wide eyes as Marc looked at me, rage converting his handsome features into ugly ones. Suddenly, a fear trembled inside my heart as Marc spoke.
"You pathetic bitch, you will pay for this. I hope you know that you won't be coming out of this one alive." It was a deep threat, hitting my right in the

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