» Fiction » Save Myself, Jasmine Austen [popular novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Save Myself, Jasmine Austen [popular novels .txt] 📗». Author Jasmine Austen

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heart, bringing tears down my face as I shuddered away from Louis, who wore a mask of shock.
Marc's cold eyes didn't leave my watery ones as Louis got up when the security guards came, big and burly as always. i took no notice of them as they picked Marc up from Liam and Harry. It was as if I were frozen in time, frozen from ever moving and living.
It wasn't until the bald security guard spoke up, his deep voice piercing my eyes, snapping me out of the weird trance I was in. He nodded to me before saying,"Do you know her?"

Chapter 3- Time

The five ruffled boys looked over at me, their expressions confused with what to do. I was absolutely sure that mine was like that too as I looked back at them quite dumb-like. I wasn't sure what to do if they said no, or even what to do if they said yes.
Marc scoffed, his wrist in handcuffs and his body between two security guards, "Please, that slut only wishes." Tears exploded in my eyesight and began dripping down my cheeks as I looked down. It was clear to me that Marc was saying this stuff in an open mind and not out of spite, he really

thinks that I am a worthless bitch or a stupid slut and the as the thought impacted on my mind, it rattled my core.
Louis spoke before anyone else could, his high soprano voice had a deep, cutting edge to it. "You are a pathetic,

weak little bastard that wants what he can't get: Power. Even if that means taking over and basically poisoning the mind and

the body of this young woman." He paused for a moment, letting the harsh, true words sink into the atmosphere before doing the unthinkable...
He punched Marc.
It was hard too. The hard cracking sound of a broken nose crackled through the air as Marc flew back with such a force it looked as if he was flying. His nose was covered in deep gushing red blood and it was still dripping even as the security guards were picking him up and pulling him out the door, the question about me was long forgotten, much to my relief.
Louis ran to the door and called out, "And I surely hope those criminals beat and rape your arse like there is no tomorrow!" before shutting the door with a satisfied look on his face.
I looked at him dumbfounded and so did the other boys. Never before have I met someone so impulsive but sweet. His actions were surely random and confusing and I found that everything he did had an outstanding outcome to my life and I was enjoying whole-hearted.
"Are you okay?" Zayn asked me. I turned around from the door to look at him and instantly feel guilty.
"Your nose is bleeding," I stated quietly before coming up close to him and wiping the blood with my mere finger but I didn't care because without him I would be on the milk carton like every other girl that faced a situation like mine. I was grateful for the boy's quick tactics because they helped me in the end.
"S'okay, but your not," He gestured to my dirty clothes. "Let's go get you some new clothes."
I paused in shock, my finger still against Zayn's small nose. I was really going to be staying here? The thought excited me so much that I couldn't control the the big grin I was giving them.
"I-I'm really staying with you guys?" I asked, my voice shrill as I looked at the five amused boys. I was too excited that I shut down all of the rational thoughts that took over my mind and the small tugging of my body that was against my heart's intention on staying. And as I began fighting with myself, Zayn answered my question.
"Well, me and the boys assumed you had a family or somebody to take care of you... but we weren't sure..." He trailed off as I quickly cut in.
"No!" I exclaimed, shaking my head fast. "I mean... I don't and I would much rather stay with the people who protected me against that monster," I pointed at the door before continuing, "Thanks for practically saving my life." I was truly grateful for their quick actions and I would never stop thanking them until they got the point.
"Your welcome!" Niall exclaimed as he reached out to pat my shoulder with his warm hand. I smiled slightly at the too-optimistic boy that brought a new light into my eyes.
I felt myself be pulled away from Zayn and Niall, I turned towards Harry, who was pulling me out the door.
"Where are you taking me?" I laughed as he tugged on my sleeve and into another room much similar to the previous one but it had a more girly tone to it. I looked at Harry with a amused expression as he vanished into the walk-in closet that was to the left of the dresser.
I wandered to the couch, settling down on the soft, comforting cushions. I relaxed, feeling the cuts and bruises stretch slightly as I leaned my head back, going over the things that just happened:

1) Marc was now out of my life- I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing but I felt as if a 50m pound weight was lifted off of my shoulders and was vanished with the winds. I was finally free from the beatings and the name-calling! It was almost too good to be true and as I finally realized that it was a good thing another thought popped up with sudden fierceness.

2) I was homeless- The only positive thing that Marc provided me was a home... it wasn't so great but at least I had somewhere to live. The boys said that they could provide me with everything I needed but how long would this luxury last? I couldn't be with them forever and I wasn't sure if I could even get back on my feet after what I went through today, I was scarred for all eternity through just Marc alone, his harsh words of fire and his strong claws of hate burned through me, a harsh reminder that I could never love again.

3) I was in the hands of One Direction- A famous band was watching over me with strong guidance and even... love. I couldn't help but blush at the thought of one of my guardian angels crushing over me. It seemed too good to be true... that's why it would never happen.

Speaking of the devils, I couldn't help but secretly laugh at the irony of the idiom that I was using. They were far from devils, I mused as the other four walked in dressed in new attire, I noticed behind them was a shy-looking girl who had her head ducked down.
"Where's Harry?" Liam asked, walking over to me and sitting down. The others followed in pursuit, all finding someway to squeeze into the tiny couch. I was squished between Zayn and Liam while Niall was on the seat of the couch and Louis was sitting on the floor, unconsciously rubbing his gentle hands up and down my legs. I blushed at the affectionate contact before shaking my head slightly at the thought.
"He's in the closet," I replied shyly, ducking my head a little as Louis looked up at me with gentle eyes. Those eyes made me melt like a puddle under their gaze, it almost made me want to squeal. I could easily see why fans faint at the mere glance of his dark sultry blue eyes.
I turned away, shuddering as Louis continued making absent-minded circles on my legs. What was this?! I never acted this way in front of Marc or anyone else for that matter, I guess it was the feeling of having a boy that could make you shiver in pleasure without even knowing or maybe... I liked Louis Tomlinson.
I scoffed out loud, causing the four boys sitting next to me to raise their eyebrows.
"I was just thinking about something," I said, waving their curious glances. I nodded to the girl who stood their in front of the door, a not-so-pleasant look on her face, "Whose she?"
She was tall, about Louis's height with curly, dark golden brown colored hair to her petite shoulders. She had a oval-shaped face with a tiny rounded chin. She had a small face that had tiny brown eyes, her nose was a bit pig-shaped but was pretty with her features, she had small lips that were in a perfect red pout. She wore a white buttoned shirt that showed a bit of her belly and dark blue skinny jeans placed with a dark gold woven belt, her tiny feet had boho brown sandals on.
"That's Eleanor, Louis's Girlfriend," Niall chirped, from behind me.
That's when my delicately placed, fragile state world came crashing down.
Girlfriend? He, the one that was slowly numbing my legs with his perfect touch, had a girlfriend?

Suddenly, I wished that I wasn't here anymore, that I was still getting black eyes and broken limbs by Marc, because that physical pain wasn't as bad as the pain that slowly ripped my heart out. I was sad and heart-broken.
Harry made a perfect timing to come in. He carried with him a armful of hangers that occupied articles of clothes, in the other had was shampoo, conditioner an other products that were foreign to my lips. I suddenly felt scared, guessing who these things were for.
My guess had been correct. Harry looked at me, a cheeky smile placed on his lips as he handed my the load of things.
"The bathroom is on the left of the hall." He instructed me, watching my shocking gaze go from him to the objects that were in my arms.
"," I said, laughing nervously as I juggled the beauty things in my hands as I walked towards the room door, where a jealous Eleanor stood. I couldn't help but sigh at the absence of Louie's magic hands.
"Thanks," I said, turning around to face Harry, who nodded in return with the same cheeky smile on his face. I shook my head at the curly-haired boy who was as happy as ever to help me. Harry was really a life-saver.
I brushed passed Eleanor, noticing the little elbow shove she jammed inside my bruised side. I turned and glared at her as she talked to Louis with a little excessive force placed in her tone, "We need to talk."
I hurried passed the awkward room, hoping that Louis

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