» Fiction » Save Myself, Jasmine Austen [popular novels .txt] 📗

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had been stolen from me. "How do I look?"
Nobody answered.
I opened one eye, curiosity taking over control. I was greeted with three boys that looked awe-struck.
"Y-You look like a princess," Liam stuttered, the first to snap out of it.
"No," Niall disagreed. "She looks like a celebrity."
"She looks like a shining star," Harry added, his cheeky grin turning into a flirtatious one.
"She looks like the most gorgeous model ever."
I turned around at Louis's high, soft voice. He looked like his was in a dark daze, I could even see the film that glaze over his shining blue eyes.
"A model and a gypsy and a movie star and a queen... and a goddess," The string of beautiful words left his lips and wrapped me with it's warm meanings. I have never before been compared to those things, only downgrading names that stomped my self-esteem into dust.
"I'm not that great," I felt myself say. I blushed hard, no doubt looking like a huge ripe tomato.
I felt a warm, soft hand push my chin up, averting my eyes from the floor and into the shining pool of blue that was Louis's eyes.
Those eyes... they were amazing. It felt as if I could look at them forever and ever. It was a strangely entrancing moment because I felt as if I could peer deep into his private soul and look through the tiny files of emotions that were into his heart. It felt as if I could pick through every one of them and look at it for eternity.
"Yeah you are, Karina," Louis whispered. Our faces were only mere inches apart so I felt the warm whoosh of breath and I involuntary shivered.

Chapter 5- Free

"Hmm," I moaned, taking a bite out of the delicious burger. "This is so good!"
The food at Nando's were heavenly good even though I just ordered a cheeseburger, fries and a vanilla milkshake. The guys really had good taste in food, I thought as I clamped my jaw around the tangy good fry, trying to savor every delicious piece that entered my mouth.
"Tell me about it!" Niall said, his mouth full of chicken, as was Liam's, who was in his own little world. Harry ordered tacos with a cup of Coke while Zayn just ordered a regular sandwich with a glass of water. I looked over a Louis, who was sitting next to me inside the cramped booth. His plate was full of baby carrots, a side salad and a nice heaping pile of fries just waiting to be eaten.
"Hey!" I yelled, watching in pure disbelief as Louis decided to take a gulp of my milkshake. I snatched a baby carrot off of his plate.
"Wow, even the veggies here are good," I moaned, my eyes rolling in the back of my head a little as I chewed the small carrot, igniting a war of eating food over the other persons plate.
"Aw," Harry said, acting all girly. "How cute!"
I blushed, deciding to stop before the guys got any ideas. The look they been giving both of us, sent shivers down my spine. I didn't like matchmaking at all. It seemed to be useless since the attraction only seemed to last five minutes before the "cute couple" realized they were never meant to be together, but the boy will keep trying to push on while the girl will be in her own little world, then the beating will start...
I pulled myself out of the thought before it got to far. My relationship with Marc had nothing to do with Louis, Louis was kind and gentle and romantic while Marc was violent, sadistic and a fire-breathing dragon that scared me silly.


Publication Date: 05-25-2012

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