» Fiction » CrOsSrOaDs, Naomi m pseudonymous [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗

Book online «CrOsSrOaDs, Naomi m pseudonymous [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗». Author Naomi m pseudonymous

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i glanced at my brother warily, he had bloodmarks and scars on his face, along his brow , down the side of his face. we had had to stuff cotton wool in his mouth to stop the bleeding. it had soaked the bedsheets all the way through, we had to change it at least more than 5 times. we all had blood on our hands. all because we should have seen it coming, because we shouldnt have let him go to school on a bike. i stayed with him most of the times, i thought it was my fault, i should have told him this was going to happen. afterall , it happened to me. i saw mom but i thought it was a hallucination .i saw her clearly. id fallen off a cliff and fell into the depths of the seas. i was only lucky because cousin angus was there to save me. mom had told me i was special, that i should take care of my younger siblings. the special part really struck in my mind and from then on i acted like it. i wasnt that special though, deep down inside was self concious about myself. when i had gone out with girls i always thought to myself: am i good enough? i saw guys look at MY girl and flinched. i was even jealous of my own brothers for goodness sake!
me and alice look like mom but it obviously looked better on him. riley and harley were the ones that looked like dad; the deep blue eyes, flawless skin and freckles. we all had brown hair; it was an oria thing.
alice interuppted my thoughts when he spoke
"why are you still here- where`s riley? huh?" he lisped
"i dont know" i murmured, answering both questions at the same time. why was i here if he was going to be so ungrateful?.my brother looked put off and closed his eyes. i took this respect and left silently, leaving him to his thoughts.
i had to get back tto uni in the meantime. i`d had a holiday since my exams and needed to get back aagain. i couldnt be taking holidays whenever i needed one.escpecially since i went to yale.

when i got into my car, i was desperate to leave- it was at least a 4 hour drive- whizzing past busy towns and silent streets. i got on the motorway and cruised for at least half an hour before i reached mississipi. i parked and got out, walking across thhe road, i noticed a bar called: fluid cross. great! i smiled to myself as i entered the bar. it was dimly lit and well furbished. in one corner there were middle aged men sitting around an odd shaped table andin another there was a brand spanking new pool table. i walked slowly to the counter and ordered
"what would you like sir?" a small slight blonde haired girl asks
"i`ll have one ice cold apple cider- no alcahol"i said , looking around at my surroundings.
"coming right up!she winked at me and bustled to get my drink
she came back with a tall glass of golden coloured cider
"may i have the pleasuree of askiing you what your name is?" i asked, switching the charm on
she smiled sweetly at this, showing perfectly white teeth
" you do- my name is rosie " she says, her eyes glinting
"uh huh- my name is marcel pleasure to meet you" i placed my hand forward solitarily and chuckled. her hand was waarm and i held on for an extra second and she blushed. i quickly took my hand away and peered at my watch.huh. i had to be there at 6:00 and it was 2:30 already.had to get going.
"ooh ah sorry i have to get going- have to get to uni- i go to yale so..."i mumbled
"um ok i guess this is goodbye...." she trilled
" yep" i turned and left.

i got there at around 5:48. huh . 2nd year and i was the last one in. again. i walked into the hall where most of the students were, talking about their holidays. i scanned the room for my best friends; mick and scott. in spotted them as soon as they spotted me.
"hey hey hey! look whose joined the party!"scott hollered at me. his hair was greased up and it was especially spiky.he pulled me into a big bear hug.
"hey, how was your holidays?"i queried both of them, scott being the only one aware of my vice. i peered at mick who was ogling the newcomers, his guitar slung on his back. i burst out laughing when one of the girls walked by and glared at him, giving him the evil eye. just like the old days. me, mick and scott were the only ones from our high school to graduate and go to yale- ad i was the onlyy one serious aboout it-yet we were so odd. i put my concentration to the front where the head was making his grand speech to the first years. i thought about how proud mom would be if she were still alive. i sighed . most of the first years had their parents with them, rosy cheeked, wide grins.i wished that i could reach mom right now and tell her how much i missed her

you can...


yes my darling marcel.. it is me ... your mother!

i love you mom, i miss you!...

i am so proud of all of you: harley, riley, alice and my beautiful baby boy...

i could almost feel her touch now, i didnt want her to go.
something shook me by the shoulders
"dude , the welcoming speech is over, lets go!!!"mick says
i follow them blindly to our three part room


i slumped down in the couch, pulling my feet up with me,to enjoy the comfort. the house was strangley quiet for the first time ; alice in intensive care , harley FAST asleep and marcel shipped off to university. i pulled at my hair absent-mindedly and flicked through the channels
past oprah and PAWN stars(my brothers`s favorite) and finnally turned onto a channell that i hadnt been on for years: nickelodeon. i went through at least ten episodes of spongebob befor my phone started to beep, a text message from coco.




i frowned at the text wishing i had a way out of it. obviously i wouldnt (you have NOT met coco yet...) fumbling with my laces,i rushed out, not wanting to waste valuable time(for me).
coco always complained about my sense of style, calling me the most wanted for the fashion police(well except for hoboes) i told her she was crazy and that the world didnt revolve around fashion. she burst out crying then.

when i arrived, coco was sitting at a window seat , looking urgently around. squeal!

oh no!

i sank into the seat opposite coco
" so whats the `emergency`?" i said , raising my eyebrows
"geuss what?!"
"what?" i said blankly

" well, i was at the mall, and i saw denver- so he starts speaking to me ad im all; omigod! its denver trent!. then he starts to leave and he says: send my love to riley, so i give him you`re cellphone-"she finishes before i cut her off

"you gave him my number?!" i say, completely startled.
coco nods and squeals again. i stare at her blankly and for a second, i dont know what to say. when i recover,i open my mouth to speak, but am interrupted by the sound of adele entering in.
"whats the emergency?- i came as quick as i could!"she says, red faced

" oh ummm... hmmm- coco gave denver my NUMBER with out my PERMISSION!" i say angrily
adele looks as if she is about to cry, because she says:
"i cant believe you!!!!" she shrieks and sinks down into her chair
so now you see how my life is totally crazy; right now im so annoyed that i dont even think what coco said to me afterwards peed me off:she said,
" can i come to you`re house today? we ran out of ice cream"
i think she was trying to hide the fact that she had really made me annoyed, but i let her come anyway(you see what kind of a good friend i am?). she tagged along, linking arms with me and babbling on about how she and her brother had an argument about their `room space`. i listened to this for about ten minutes before we reached my house.

i slumped back down in my couch again, with a glass of mountain dew that eased through my throat as i took steady gulps" really, i think you should give this guy a chance, please just once; go on a date with him!" coco pulled on my arm and pleaded.
i fell in her trap and gave up. if it was the only way to shut her up, then i would do it. plus, i genuinley thought i should give him a chance
"Yes !yes!yes!" coco squealed once again.

i stood hunched up in my jacket as i waited with the autumn leaves. i was one minute early for our `date`. i justed wanted to get this over and done with.
a car growled behind me and pulled by the curb. denver. he got out smoothly, his body graceful as his long legs moved out of the car.
"you came!" he said, his eyes glinting. he pulled me into a hug and i inhaled. i wasnt used to this... closeness. i laughed and endured it
"yep" i said ,gritting my teeth
he opened the car door for me and i got in . it was suprisingly warm in there and i relaxed a little more. denver got in and sat down, looking at me dreamily.
" i am really glad that you came" he said. he looked into my eyes and held my gaze. i noticed his soft hazel eyes that were warm and beautiful.
"i thought that you wouldnt come..." he said smoothly and easily. his voice was like a coat of velvet strawberry blossom that held me in a blanket. it made me feel warm.
he started up the car and turned up the radio.
"so.. where are we going?" i asked quietly.
" i thought you might want to go somewhere in town; ive booked us a place at a cool restaurant called le savoy"

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