» Fiction » CrOsSrOaDs, Naomi m pseudonymous [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗

Book online «CrOsSrOaDs, Naomi m pseudonymous [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗». Author Naomi m pseudonymous

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i stepped into the kitchen. There stood my two brothers, Alice and Harley jostling eachother for the orange sat at the breakfast table, his eyes locked on the t.v - and marcel? lets just say that he was checking himself out.
"good morning guys..." i brothers stopped their `fight` to greet me .
"ha! i got the juice" alice teased harley.
" morning sweetheart- have a nice sleep?" dad raised his head to look at me. i nodded vigourously and went to raid the fridge. it was an old habit passed over my head from my brothers. Obviously i would act like that.
Finnally noticing my appearance in the room, my brother marcel peered over at me. i wouldnt know how to describe my brother even if i tried, he is that bad- but i still love him. i love all of my brothers. The door rang adding yet another noise to the cluster of noises into our house.probably coco- again!. i opened the door , a lucky guess, there she was wearing the same t-shirt as yesterday; it simply stated:PARAMORE FOREVER.
"coco , you`ve been wearing that same t-shirt for the past 5 days- possibly 6- we all know that you miss the farro brothers"i said , sighing at the same time. coco pulled a sad face and cluttered in looking at me as if i was crazy or i had a mental illness.
"dont you love paramore too?" she looked at my changing expression
"ok you do but dont you feel my pain?" coco breathed in. i decided not to answer and instead took a spoonful of my cheerios to occupy my mouth. coco shuffled to the fridge, reached in the back of it and dug out a tub of strawberry ice cream. god.
"what are you doing?" i asked curiously. coco got herself a spoon and dug in. she took 4 spoonfuls before she answered me.
" dealing with my pain- look i know that you obviously dont care- but i do - ok?!" she started welling up. uggh such a drama queen.

Alice strided over to us a confused smile on his face.
" dont ask..."
"ok.... anyways, do you guys want to carpool since pj has obviously ditched coco here?" my brother smiled at coco and dangled his car keys.
" sure..." i pulled a pair of sneakers on- any old i wore my brothers old shoes- and pulled coco with me to the car. she trailed behind , looking mournfully back at the tub of ice cream that lay enstranged on the kitchen counter. oh come on!
"bye dad! Marcel!" i called out as my younger brother harley rushed out trying not to miss a ride, he knew it was either get the ride or catch a bus. there was no way that Marcel was going to hitch him a ride.

The ride from our house to school was a short one , since we lived 10 minutes away. Alice parked the car and we all got out going our seperate ways.
" sooo how come you didnt go to school with your brother today?" i asked coco who was looking around anxiously
" we had an argument- nevermind that anyways- have you seen adele?" coco said hurriedly. adele was our best friend, our singsong actress who had missed the first two days of school visiting the orthodontist.
we had only found her until we walked into the school library. she was there scanning the shelves.
" Adele!!!!" coco screeched.
mrs layman the librarian looked at coco sternly and shook her head.
" shush you old bat!" coco whispered to herself.
"coco! Riley!" adele said in a lowered voice. she shuffled us out into the corridor where we pitched our voices to normal sound.
"Adele, how are you?!"i asked in a calm voice( see im not like those two)
"good thing your back, the im not the only one who has to go through coco`s endless chat!" i was interrupted
"shhh!- didnt you see who just passed us?- denver trent! only the most cute guy since jake bryman!" coco cmiled dreamily. huh that was coco`s wish, a guy with a reputation. i heard a shrill noise and realised it was he bell for first period. the next hing i knew, i was being pulled by both arms to class...

it was 10 minutes into class when i realised that i was daydreaming. i woke myself up (mentally) and adjusted myself. i thought that i would be sat next to adele or coco but i realised that it was the one and only (drumroll): DENVER TRENT. i blushed and turned to face mr rivers. i saw that he had realised too that i was a bit offcourse.
" riley are you ok? you look...." he squinted his eyes and i nodded.yes i was fine- fine with the fact that the boy EVERYONE was in love with was staring at ME Riley Oria , the boring girl from ohio.i blushed even harder and eventually sighed as i was saved by the bell.i hurried outside to meet Adele and CoCo.
"Dude!,two words: DENVER TRENT" she took time to elaborate the words.
our conversation was interrupted by a familiar voice.
"what about him?- is he giving you trouble?" alice said , his fists balled up.
"jeez! you need to stop eavesdropping i swear i will tell dad to send me to boarding school!"i said
"then you would be away from all these pervy boys!" Alice growled at me.
i rolled my eyes and bounded off. i was sick and tired of everybody on my case. especcially my brothers. Adele and CoCo caught up with me at the cafeteria. i lightened up a little bit when we settled down at our favorite table.
" i am sooo jealous- what did he say to you Ri Ri?" Adele smiled
"Nothing"i deliberated.i didn know why they were so interested in this denver guy.
speaking of the denver: he came walking in as if he owned the place and as if we all were just his `lucky` servants. he stopped at our table. oh god.
" do you- er mind if i sit here?"he winked at me. yes of course we mind!!!
"no not at all" CoCo said matter of factly.i gestured for her o stop but she pulled a fake smile at me, eyes glinting. Denver took his seat and looked across to each of us, adressing us politely
"Riley, Adele, Coco...."
i stared at his elaborate face and then turned away blinking.
"denver-hey can i call you den?- what brings you to these parts of the jungle?, you usually sit in your own corner with roderick and beck" i pointed out daintily.Denver laughed and spoke
"well i just wanted to see what this part of the jungle looks like - its very nice by the way- i love the view..." Denver smiled a wicked smile, his eyes twinkling and his mouth a wide grin. CoCo nudged Adele and they burst out into peals of giggles.Denver stuffed three french fries into his mouth, chewed and opened his mouth to speak
" hey i heard youre pretty big with motorcycles, what type do you ride?" he asked curiously
"harley davidsons, partly one of the reasons why my brother is callled harley" i explained to him.
"well well- i have one too!"denver shrugged and smiled. he peered at his watch and picked up his tray.
"gotta go!" he said and winked at me . the bell rang aonce again and saved me from the questions that were about to come up.

last period ended and i ran out; i wasnt excited to get home, alice would tell marcel about today and i really didnt need my brothers to interfere at that time. i walked over to alice`s bmw ( a present from dad) and got inside. i waited as he finished talking to his best friend pj(aka CoCo`s older brother)he got in, followed by a chatty who was pepped up about some canoeing meet with his best friends brady and cody.i leaned back, in store for what i was about to face. if alice told marcel, he would get angry . and not any typr of angry: werewolf type angry......


whoa! ok today in order, Get ready for school , get to school , walk past only the prettiest girl in the school, attempt flirting skills and only just find out that she loves motorcycles just like me.But im not excited, anything but excited. im not this boy who fancies a girl- just a crush- no its much more than that. but i do know one thing for sure; roderick is so not happy about this. but who cares about roderick? - ok i do but this time, he cant persuade me to leave something that i love. since mom and dad died, roderick has been working hard to make sure that once we get to 18 and we stop ageing, we become good men - or you could say `good vampires`. Nobody knows our secret and we intend to keep it that way. but of course with all these werewolves around, its hard to keep a secret. ive tried to stay away from riley so long that... ive become even more attracted to her; her long wavy brown hair, the deep blue eyes , her flawless skin.... but then there`s her smell, like a dog but floral scented.
the door banged open and roderick walked in, his fists clenched. i had to keep my ground.
"hey bud, back so early?" i said warily.

"what were you playin at? our secret could have been blown you idiot!"

"look, i know you`re only trying to loo after us but i can look after myself!- do you remmember isla?- yeah you remmember isla so SHUT UP!" i shouted at him, angry this time. i bounded up the swirling staircase to my room, slamming the door. i heard roderick downstairs , swearing under his breath. i picked up my favorite guitar and started to strum . this was my only peaceful way that i could think. in peace. i remmembered the christmas i got my guitar , the christmas before mom died.things were different back then, we were a normal family . and yet we still thought we were human. you see, my dad used to be a vampire hunter , part of the vampHunters society. he was on a mission to find and kill one of the most vital members of the hecat clan.well he was lucky to find them but not so luck when this `grand` vampire tracked him down and did the worst thing he could think of; turn his three children into vampires ( well half since we were already human). ever since then , our parents had been trying to hide that fac;inserting syringes of

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