» Fiction » CrOsSrOaDs, Naomi m pseudonymous [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗

Book online «CrOsSrOaDs, Naomi m pseudonymous [top 10 motivational books .txt] 📗». Author Naomi m pseudonymous

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he pronounced the restaurants name in a funny french accent. we laughed together and enjoyed the silence. he turned to the main road, concentrating. his mass of curls that fit him like a halo covered his head. i thought about how different he was when i had spoken to him in the cafeteria. he was unusually silent now.
"when i first met you, you were a lot.... chattier" i said looking intently at his expression. it didnt change.
" i guess its the nerves- im not as confident as you think" he said finnally turning to me. denver smiled and pointed out the window.
" there it is" he says
a restaurant with a huge sign that said: LE SAVOY. in big lettering , stood elegently. i got out of the car and walked in, surprised at the elegency of the restaraunt.
" you like it?" he asked , hi warm voice anxious
"no- i love it!" i say suddenly.

denver smiles at me and takes my hand.
his hands are mildly soft and warm and i clasp it and my breath catches hurredly.
" are you ok?" he asks me
we take our seats in an alcove, decorated with roses and lavender.i peer at the menu and notice that it isnt a posh restaraunt, it is a family restaraunt with normal food like pizza and steak. not food like caviar and crab. i smile at this and when the waiter comes i order a medium sized pizza with extra meaty toppings.
"good choice. i`ll have a steak with vegetables please" he says to both me and the waiter.
"i thought this was going to be overly posh!" i said
"oh no, i used to come here with my brothers and parents when i was young" he says and stares at me. i smile at him and tuck my hair away behind my ear
"you look beautiful tonight" denver says suddenly.
i blush because no one has ever called me beautiful(apart from my parents)
"thank you" i said quietly
we both stare at eachother silently for a minute until my phone starts to ring
"hello?" i say
"riley!" coco screeches through the phone
"oh my gosh- what now?"
"where`s denver? i wanna make sure you didnt bail!"
"he`s right here-"
denver says hello in advance and coco squeals
"ok ill leave you to it- where has he taken you?-"
i turn off the phone and smile apoligetically at denver. he shrugs and laughs.

the food finnally comes and we both dig in, denver with his steak and me with my meaty pizza.
we finish our food in 20 minutes and sit with our `chocolat`fudge sundae. mmm mmm mmm . i try with 4 spoonfuls and cant finish.
"i cant finish this- sorry." i pull a sad face
" that`s ok- truth is- i cant finish mine either"he pulls a sad face and gets up. we both leave and get in his car.

we reach my house in a space of 20 minutes
"thanks for today.." i said
"its my pleasure"
we`re both silent until i reach over and give him a kiss on the cheek.denver rakes his hand delicatley through my hair and i close my eyes. the moments over though and i leave and get into my house. the date was perfect even though i didnt want it to be. i sigh because i know now that i am in love with denver trent.

i watched as riley left the car hastily and smiled. the date had gone well. i slid out of her driveway and went home. i had told roderick about my date with pride. of course he didnt like that;
"you`re what?!" he said-no shouted-
"i`m going on a date with riley" i had said, almost too confident
"no you`re not- you know that she`s a-" he said angrily before i interrupted him
"so?-what about isla?- she`s one too!" i shout this time
"thats dif-"
"no its not- for once, im finally happy- and if you dont like that then so be it" i dont run up the stairs like a hormone raged teenager; i stare at my brother, scanning his face, until he gives up and storms up to his room. i snigger as i think about it know and pull up the driveway into school. the sun shines brightly and i squint my eyes to make sure i can make out the shadowy figure of riley in the distance. she is looking as beautiful as ever and my heart stops. time to get serious. i walk swiftly up to her, sweeping my masses of curls away from my face.
"hey denver!" she smiles suddenly , as if i just made her day.
we are interrupted by a small grunting noise
"wow... you know, just because your brother isnt in- doesnt mean you can do whatever"
i swivel round to see p.j. , Alice`s best friend. i glare at him and continue
"shall i hold your bag?"i ask gently
"thanks" riley glares at p.j. and i smile as he walks away with a gang of jocks.

"there is no competition"
"what?" i say , dazed
"between you and p.j.- there is no competition" she says again suddenly and i realize that i have been completely silent. i open the door for her and smile
" i know, i just like to make out there is one..."
we both laugh and we fall silent
"you look... beautiful" i say. i stare into her big blue eyes and wonder
"i think im in love"
we stare at eachother in awe and smile.


i creeped out of the house silently, looking back to see if i had been caught out. i sniggered to myself and loaded myself onto my motorbike.i swivel around to face my two best friends, Ruben and Brady.
"hey dude- ready?"brady says enthusisatically
we ride for ten minutes until we reach the depths of the trees and we dump our bikes in an old shed out of site.
"we need to be quiet.." Ruben whispers. i nod and i take off my t-shirt. my tanned skin shows the muscles ive developed massively.
"dude!" Brady complains. he whips of his shirt to reveal his skin and we laugh in whispers.
we take off our shoes until we are wearing nothing but khaki shorts.
we start off a run and leap in the air. my body ripples as it touches the cold fresh air and i suddenly become warmer. my body is covered in hair and i growl as i slam against the hard muddy, ruben and brady run until we reach a clearing where there are 2 more fully grown werewolves. thats us - the trocans. of course dad doesnt know im here- im supposed to be ill-but who really cares? i grimace as we growl at eachother halfheartedly. my nose touches the hard and muddy earth and i sniff at it instinctivley.the other two (kristopher and Noah) lift their heads up at us and growl . we search the perimeter for bait and split up into groups and prowl off, noses to the ground. i sniff in the earthy scents and suddenly come to a stop
i growl and raise my head up into the air
what is it now?!
kristophers tantilzing voice echoed into my head.
ive found a scent...
before i could even finish, he was by my side, his muzzle to the muddy trek of footprints and huge car wheel marks.
we all fall silent as kristophers ear pricks up suddenly.i listen carefully and hear the faint hum of rap music , getting closer and closer.the cannibal vamps.
"i can smell blood...!"a pale man with dirty blond hair trilled,his mouth was covered with dry blood.he sat on the dirty head of a range rover.
"when was the last time we ate dog j?" a guy with red eyes and a texan accent asked, a sly smirk on his tight face.
"1984, some loser named michael oria" he stared right into me , his purple eyes penetrating and watching my every move.everything suddenly sprang into action, before i knew it, i was pulled by the edges of my mangled fur into the clearing space before us and the red haze that filled my head got stronger
kristopher growls, an edge in his voice
i grit my teeth and tear past into the opposite side of the clearing where the vamps are laughing , unmistakebly at me. my whole body tingles and the red haze takes over now, like its carving something straight into my brain: YOU CANT FIGHT HARLEY, YOURE JUST A LOSER WHO`S GONNA GET EATEN...
i spring back on my feet and hurtle forward. im in the air now ,and i suddenly realise that ive moved so fast that ive already landed, claws dug into the mans face.hope starts to rise up and i claw away , staring at hatred and nothing until the mans threats and screams of the man die and my mind feels numb. the others stare at me lifelessly and pull me down , grabbing my fur, my head, my paws until i lay down on the earth , tired and breathless my head whizzing.


every inch of me ached and my head pounded furiously,angry at me for giving up on myself.I stared at the clock on the wall, the longer hand trying to chase the smaller hand in desperation, but still obviously failing. it showed how weak i was, slow in

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