» Fiction » The life of Krystal, Meghan Allen [inspirational novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «The life of Krystal, Meghan Allen [inspirational novels .TXT] 📗». Author Meghan Allen

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he called.
“I’m right outside”
“Ok I will be right there”
I went down stairs and opened the door and went right into his arms crying and he held me. He picked me up, since I only weighed about 89 pounds, and held me crying and carried me to my room sat on my bed holding me. Jeremy came home and checked on me. Sean was still holding. I had calmed down but I was still crying and Jeremy asked what happened so Sean told him for me and Jeremy looked at my face which I had cleaned up and my cheek was bruised and my lip and eyebrow had cuts on them. Then he picked up my hand and saw that my knuckles were cut up and he asked me how that happened and I said I tried to fight back but he held my arms down. He said I’m going to go to my room now. So I sat there and cried myself to sleep in Sean’s arms and he put me on the bed with a note and told me to call him when I woke up in the morning.

As soon as I woke up on Sunday I called him.
“Hey” he said
“Hey sorry about last night”
“Don’t worry about it wasn’t your fault and I wanted to be there for you”
“Well thank you I really needed you and I’m glad you were there”
“You don’t have to thank me Krystal I love you and wanted to be there”
“Well still and I love you too”
“So anyways I was thinking about Voch and maybe going there but I don’t know I really want to go to FHS so I can see u and it’s a really hard decision to make”
“I know it is but do what u think is best for you”
“Well right now I think that FHS would be best for me”
“Well as long as I’m not the reason I don’t want u to regret it”
“Its not just because of you but your a plus”
“Well I got to go my mom needs help ok I love you”
“I love you too”

So the school year comes and goes now its summer. Ron hasn’t come back yet but that doesn’t mean anything and it worries me because he could come back at anytime. I have good days and bad days when I think about it and Sean tries to help but what can he really do except be there for me. Well on a good note its our 6 month anniversary and Sean is taking me out to a fancy restaurant. The restaurant is beautiful its got chandeliers around every corner and people in suits that look like they are there on business and some couples all dressed up on a date. I highly doubt they see many couples like me and Sean here but I think all they care about is the money we bring in.
“hey babe, can u afford this?” I asked
He looked at me and rolled his eyes “would I take u here if I couldn’t” he said with a smirk.
I gave him a kiss and the waiter came and showed us to our table.
I look at the menu and then at Sean I whisper to him “I don’t know what half of this stuff is”
He says “I’ll order for u my mom took me here once when my dad died to try and make me feel better.”

Seans dad had died about 3 years ago and Sean was devastated I remember Caden coming over in tears and Jeremy trying to console him. that’s what really sent Sean down the road to becoming emo he couldn’t take the pain. His dad had been working on construction when a tree limb got in the way. His dad climbed up like he had done plenty of times before and cut down the limb. On the way down his equipment got caught on the bark of the tree. He tried to wiggle it free not knowing that the spot he was on was weak due to tree rot the tree started to crack and Sean’s dad tried to break free but it was to late he was falling with the rest of the big oak tree following. When he hit the ground the tree landed on top of him breaking his ribs and crushing his lungs. His coworkers tried to pick the tree up off of him but it was to heavy. They called an ambulance but by the time it got there it was too late he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Sean had a slight frown on his face I looked at him gave him a cheesy smile he laughed and kissed me. The waiter came over and Sean ordered Chicken Cordon Bleu which is ,thin slices of chicken stuffed with cheese and ham and then sautéed. It was actually very good. The best part of the night was when Sean pulled out a box and handed it to me it was a necklace, it had a heart with the date we started going out inscribed on it ,it was beautiful. I was speechless which is very hard cause I’m a very talkative person. I put it on as soon as I opened it. I kept staring at it and playing with it ,it was silver with a thin gold trim and a silver chain.

When we left the restaurant we went back to his house we were in his room laying on his bed when my phone rang it was my brother he was on his way home from work so he said that he would pick me up in like 20 minutes to be ready. I cuddled up on Sean’s shoulder and said “I don’t wanna leave I wish I could just lay here with u for ever”
“me too then I would know that u were always safe and no one could hurt u.”
I smiled and kissed him and we started to make out for a little while when my brother texted me and said I’m outside. I gave Sean one more kiss and left.

The rest of the summer was pretty uneventful. We still haven't heard anything from or seen Ron. Maybe he got the hint. I doubt it though, I pretty much hung out with Sean all summer and we r going shopping soon for everything I’m gunna need for freshman year I’m getting more and more nervous as it gets closer and closer to the end of august. But I’m going to FHS so me and Sean will b together and I will never have to b alone. I really do love him I don’t know what I would do with out him in my life.

The First Day

I’m lying in my bed just listening to Teenagers by My Chemical Romance, my favorite band of all time, just trying to clear my head it’s the night before my first day of high school. All I keep thinking about is, is everyone going to like me or are they going to hat me. What are the upper class men going to do I’ve heard a couple of horror stories of them being really mean to the freshman because they are “fresh meat”. My phone vibrates it’s a text from Sean it says:
Sean- I know your still up its 10 go to sleep you have a big day tomorrow.
Me- I can’t sleep I’m too nervous what if they don’t like me, what if I forget something.
Sean- Krystal stop worrying so much everything is going to be fine, don’t worry about what others are gunna think of you, what they think doesn’t matter you’re perfect in my eyes <3…and I helped you pack your bag this afternoon you have everything you need for your first day…now go to bed…goodnight beautiful..I love you <3
Me- Goodnight handsome…I love you more <3 :P
I finally fall asleep and 6am comes way to fast, but as soon as that alarm clock goes off I jump out of bed I’m excited. I go through my clothes that we bought I pick out black leggings, my new black and red checkers skirt, and a black tank top, I ass the necklace Sean got me, I wear it every day, and my red and black studded bracelet and my band bracelets separating them between my arms, they hide the most noticeable scars. I head to the bathroom tease my hair a little add a red bow and straighten my bangs. As I begin to put my make up on Jeremy begins to bang on the door I hear him yell “Come one Krystal you’ve been in there for 20 min I need to shower.” I yell back “10 more minutes I’ll be right out. And if you needed to shower you should have got up earlier.” He replies “Yea just HURRY UP please.” I put on my foundation then some light blush and lastly red eye shadow and black eye liner a thick line on the top and bottom. I don’t look half bad if I do say so myself.
I walk out of the bathroom at 6:35 and Jeremy runs in and shuts the door I just chuckle. I go down stairs to the kitchen and my mom is at the table drinking her coffee and eating a bagel. You can hear Good Morning America on the TV in the living room. I go to the fridge and grab an apple out as I’m about to bite into Sean comes up behind me picks me up and spins me while whispering in my ear “Good morning beautiful.” As soon as I’m safely back on the floor I turn around to see him he’s wearing black and gray checkers shorts with a black tee- shirt and black vans. I say “ well good morning handsome” and I go on my tip toes to give him a kiss so he picks me up and kisses me and then Caden and Jeremy walk in and say at the same

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