» Fiction » The life of Krystal, Meghan Allen [inspirational novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «The life of Krystal, Meghan Allen [inspirational novels .TXT] 📗». Author Meghan Allen

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takes it and pours it down my shirt I scream “shit what the hell.” As the whole cafeteria begins to laugh the tears come to my eyes. I hear Zara mumble a list of profanities as Sean grabs my tray and her and sky rush me to the bathroom I lean against the wall as the tears begin to fall. I slide down the wall trying to get as small as possible Zara and sky both hug me and pull me up Zara says “it’s going to be ok I have an extra shirt in my locker I’ll go and get it.” Sky stays with me and cleans my face since my eyeliner and mascara are running. Sky says I can’t believe she did that to you do you even know her. I look at sky and say “Yea she was my best friend from 1st to 8th grade now she’s prep.” She looks at me says “Ohhh wow and gives me another big hug.” Zara comeback with a black May Day Parade band tee, I go into a stall and change at least its didn’t get on my skirt so I’m not gunna smell like sour milk by the end of the day. The tee fits perfect thank god me and Zara are the same size I come out and she says here’s your bag I went to the lunch room and got it. I smile at her and say “thanks now I can fix my make-up” she then said I figured that you would have some back up make-up in there.” I fix it and then I look at both of them who have been talking and Zara is smiling at sky, I think they are going to be good friends good thing cause Mason and Sky seem pretty close. Then it hits me and I say “how am I supposed to go out there everyone’s going to know what happened and they are going to laugh at me.” Zara says “don’t worry I’ll walk with you to your next class and hers my number” she takes my phone and puts it in “if you need me you can text me or call me.” “thanks Zara” I give her a big hug and then I give sky a hug saying “thanks for helping clean me up” she looks at me and they both say at the same time “what are friends for” and we all begin to laughs. The bell rings, so we walk to me and Sky's next class which is math. Zara waves bye as we enter the class room I look around and the class and breathe a sigh of relief when Kayla isn’t there. then I feel my phone vibrate it’s from Sean.
Sean- Babe, are you ok, what happened I had to go to class I couldn’t wait for you and I knew you were with Sky and Zar so I figured you were safe.
Me- Sean I’m fine Zar had an extra shirt and I changed and fixed my make-up I will see you after school ok.
Sean- Alright babe, I love you.
Me- I love you too.
Math class went like another class that day, slowly with a teacher drowning on about what we are going to learn this year. Than me and sky part ways for English and I get to class happy it’s the last class of the day I sit on the side of the room with the windows. Then my happy feeling slowly fades as I see Kayla walk in with one of her little followers. They sit right next to me and look out the window and try to ignore them. Then Kayla says “Krystal wheres your little posy.” I don’t respond I just keep looking out the window “What can’t talk when you little protectors aren’t around.” I just glare at her and stare forward as the teacher begins to talk. As soon as that class ends a race to my locker where Sean is waiting and run into his arms as the tears start to fall, he catches me and says “Krystal what’s wrong” and then Kayla walks by and says “awe look we made the poor baby cry” then I hear Zara screaming let me beat the shit out of her” as mason and Zayden hold her back. And then I hear Kayla chuckle and scurry off. Sean just holds me, then wipes the tears from my eyes and I look at Zar and she says “thank god for waterproof make-up huh” I just shake my head. I open my locker grab what I need for homework and we start walking towards the parking lot where Jeremy car is.
As we are walking I hear the jocks saying “Look at the little emo couple holding hands” they laugh and another says “Yea they are gunna go cut together.” They all are laughing no I turn around, I’m so pissed I’ve had enough of this all day, I scream at them “CANT YOU JUST LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE!!” then I see them coming towards us and Sean steps in front of me, they say “You got your girlfriend sticking up for you now.”
“No, but she’s right why can’t you guys just leave us alone.” Sean says calmly.
“Umm let me think. Because we don’t want to.” That’s when the jock grabs Sean and pins him against the wall. I try to go after him as another one grabs my waist pinning my arms to my side and lifting me off the floor. I scream as the jock punches Sean in the face and his nose starts to bleed. I can see him struggling to get out of the grip. I see the jocks fist pull back. Oh no he’s going to hit him again. That’s when I see Caden running down the hall way and I hear him “What the hell is going on here” as he pushes the jock off of Sean and Sean slides down the wall to the floor. As Jeremy catches up he sees me and says “Get your grimy hands off my little sister” the jock drops me just has Jeremy’s fist connects with his face. I run over to Sean who is holding his nose and his eyes are black I’m pretty sure his nose is broken. I hear the jock say to Caden and Jeremy “What the fuck do you care, they are just emo’s.” And Jeremy says “That ‘emo’ you’re talking about is my sister” “and the boy she’s dating is my brother.” Caden adds. The jock looks shocked and says “Well I didn’t know and I don’t care.” And walks away, he kicks my foot as he walks by and says “This isn’t over they can’t protect you forever.” Caden grabs Jeremy’s arm as he goes to go after them and says “They aren’t worth it” now Mason is next to us holding Sky, who is crying scared out of her mind and Zara and Zayden are kneeling next to me and Sean. Caden and Jeremy come over Zara looks at Caden and says “I think his nose is broken you should probably take him to the hospital.” Me and Zayden help Sean up and help him walk to Jeremy’s car. Mason, Sky and Zara walk behind us. Zara says “Zay go with them we will meet you there” as they get in to Mason’s car.
As we pull into the parking lot at the hospital I hear Sean whispering profanities as he keeps poking his nose. “Stop poking it” I scold him he rolls his eyes. We get out of the car, Mason, Sky and Zara pull up next to us and get out. We all head in to the hospital. Sky, Mason, Zara, Zayden, and Jeremy go and find seats in the waiting room while Sean, Caden and I go up to the desk to tell them what’s wrong the lady says “Ok, fill out this paper and we will get you in as soon as possible, and call your mother he’s considered a minor and we may need a parents consent.” We nod and then my mom comes out from the doors and grabs me looks at me and then goes to my brother and checks him out she goes “Thank god, you two are ok I thought one of you was hurt.” Then she looks at Sean and goes “Oohh god, now I know why you’re here, sweetie what happened” as she grabs Sean's face and starts examining his nose. Caden says “Those god damn, good for nothing, fucking, jocks that’s what happened.” My mom stares at him Caden hardly ever swears. He looks at my mom “I’m sorry, I better call my mom” she nods at him and then says “Ok, you guys sit down and I’ll try to get you in fast.” We go over to the rest of the gang and Sky pulls me into a hug and I wince Jeremy notices. Crap I was hoping to avoid this he says “Pull up your shirt” I do as I’m told and you can see the bruise around my abdomen from me trying to get out of the guys grip and him tightening it. Everyone gasps and Jeremy says “I should have fucking killed them” then Caden comes over just as I’m pulling my shirt down and says “What did I miss.” And Sean says furiously “That fucking asshole left a bruise going across Krystal’s stomach” Caden's eyes widen as he says “Let me see” I pull up my shirt and Caden says “Jeremy tell your mom this needs to be checked out.” Jeremy goes to the window then you see my mom come from the doors rushes over to me and pulls up my shirt I hear her whisper “Shit.” Then she looks up at me and says “It doesn’t look too bad but I want them to take an x-ray make sure there’s no broken ribs”
Masons POV
I can’t believe that guy. Krystal pulls down her shirt Krystal is so small and innocent how could anyone ever do that to her. I begin to pace I want to rip that guy’s head off that’s when I feel her hand grab my arm its Sky her bright blue eyes look up at me. I can tell she’s scared I give her a hug and even though I just met her I want to make all her pain go away and protect her from everything. They call Sean’s name and then Krystal’s and we all just sit there and wait for them. While we are waiting Sky and I start talking.
“So Mason, is Zara your only sibling.”
“Nope I have 1 younger brother and 1older sister and an older brother. What about you any siblings?”
“Well kind of I got a step brother whose older than me it’s complicated.” She looks down with a frown on her face.
“Sky what’s wrong you can tell me.”
“Well, I’ve never told anyone before but when I was 12 he…umm..I don’t know how to say this.”
I sit there waiting for her to finish, getting really anxious.
“He raped me.” She whispers it so that its barely audible and covers her face with her hands.
I grab her elbow and lead her away from the group so they won’t hear the conversation. The first thing I do is pull her into a hug. Then I look down into her blue eyes and ask.
“What, did you tell anyone, has he done it again?”
“I tried to tell my dad but
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