» Fiction » The life of Krystal, Meghan Allen [inspirational novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «The life of Krystal, Meghan Allen [inspirational novels .TXT] 📗». Author Meghan Allen

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time “EWWWW” then Jeremy continues “please no tongue this early in the morning” Sean sets me back on my feet as I begin to blush. “Ok let’s got its 6:45 and I wanna get to school by 7” Jeremy says. So we all head to the door, Jeremy is going to drive all of us to school since Caden has yet to get his license he went twice and failed plus we all go to the same school so it’s easier. I grab my back pack and go to Jeremy’s car sliding into the back with Sean.
We pull up to the school and park, Sean and I begin to walk up the front steps and this group of guys and a couple girls wave at him and he heads over. I try to hide behind him but they notice me and our entwined hands and Sean's friend says “ and who is the little cutie trying to hide behind you” as he chuckles. I peek from around Sean to look at him as I blush. Sean says “this is Krystal my girlfriend” the boy looks at me shocked and says “dude you said she was cute but you didn’t mention she was like on fire hot too. By the way I’m Mason nice to meet you Krystal.” He smiles at me this gorgeous smile and shakes my hand. The girl next to him says “I’m Zara Mason’s twin sister, and this is my boyfriend Zayden.” I go to shake her hand and she pulls me into a hug I’m a little caught off guard but I return the hug, she then says “I feel like I know you already the way this kid over here talks about you” as she playfully punches Sean in the arm. A few jocks walk by and say “Ohh look at the new freshman emo, she pretty hot” Sean puts his arm around me as Mason and Zara both flip them off. Sean whispers in my ear “Don’t worry about them.” I hear this lady saying “freshman to the left all others to the right.”
That’s when I turn around and I see Kayla I wave and smile at her, she looks at me gives me a disgusted look and flips her hair and turns back to the group of girls that she was talking to. That’s when I notice she’s wearing a tight pink skirt with a frilly white shirt and pink high heels and the worst thing of all she’s bleach blonde. Oh no my best friend is a popular this can’t be happening what am I gunna do without her I told her everything. Sean notices my head go down he looks at what I was and so does Mason and Zara. Sean gasps and then says “ Babe don’t worry about it she’s not worth your time.” I look up at him with tears threatening to over flow my green eyes and say “but…she was my best friend” Sean pulls me into a hug and Zara and Mason finally understands. Zara puts a hand on my shoulder and says “you have a new befriend” I give her a confused look and she exclaims “ME silly” and I smile and give her the biggest hug which she gladly returns.
I give Sean a kiss as I go to the left and he went to the right. I picked up my temporary id with my name and the black school lanyard on it and got my schedule locker number and lock. I went to find my locker and I found it and opened it and put the lock hanging on the outside I looked at my schedule and was putting the stuff I didn’t need till after lunch in it when someone put their hands over my eyes and pulled me close to their chest I could tell it was a guy and I said “Sean?” and he lets go and chuckles turn around and hug him. Then he says guess what locker is mine I look at him with hope in my eyes and he points to the one to the left of me. The biggest smile spreads across of my face. And then he opens it and the first thing I see is the picture of us last year at the dance and I looked at him and said “Aww I love that pic” and then I put up the one of us this summer into my locker. I look to my right and 3 lockers down I see Kayla she looks my way and laughs with the other girls next to her. I frown and then Zara comes next to me and says “Hey, locker neighbor.” I look at her and I’m just like yes in my head I’m so excited my locker is next to the best people. Then mason goes next to Sean and Zayden next to Zara, the whole gang has lockers right next to each other this is going to be awesome. Sean says to me “let me see your schedule.” I give it to him and he says “ooo you have Rodney for homeroom she’s really big on not being tardy, I’ll walk you there.” he grabs my hand, I close my locker and lock it and we walk down the hall. When we reach the class he picks me up kisses me and then I walk into the room and sit at the desk that has papers with my name on them which means I’m in the front sense my last name is Abrantes and this girl who is emo like me sits next to me. She looks at me says “Hi, I’m sky” I say “Hi, I’m Krystal.” And we hit off talking like we had been friends for ever and we had our first 3 classes together. The first 2 were normal with a syllabus and teachers talking then we headed off to biology.
As me and sky walk into biology I see him turned around sitting on a desk talking to mason and Zara so I come up behind and put my hands over his eyes he’s caught by surprise and he’s says “I have no clue who this is” and Mason and Zara giggle so I move my hands and look around him and he’s says “Krystal what are you doing in a sophomore biology class” as he hugs me. I look at him and say “I’m just that smart” with a smile and he says “good what class do you have after this and I say “lunch” “yes so do all of us” he exclaims. Thank god I won’t have to sit alone or look around awkwardly for a place to sit. Then I go to say hi to Zara and mason and introduce them to sky and I see mason practically drooling over sky who is looking down blushing. Zara waves a hand in front of his face and brings him back to reality. Then he says quietly to me “who’s the hottie you walked in with” that causes Zara and Sean to finally turn and look at sky who is as red as a tomato. I say “This is sky, she’s in my homeroom and 5 out of 6 of my classes. Sky this is Mason, his twin sister Zara and my boyfriend Sean” as I point to each one of them. Zara waves and smiles Sean says “Hello” and for the first time since I’ve meet him I think Mason is speechless until he finally stutters “Hhh..iii.” Sky waves and smile at all of them chuckling at Mason.
The teacher walks in and says ok everyone please sit down so me and Sean sit in the middle together. Mason then asks sky to sit next to him and she gladly accepts sitting behind me and Zara gives this disgusted look and sits in front of me and Sean she turns and whispers “what the hell, whenever we have classes together Mason and I always sit together and now she’s here and that changes. UGGHHH.” She turns back around and crosses her arms over her shoulders I give Sean a weary look and he whispers “don’t worry she’s just jealous she’ll get over it don’t worry” I smile at him and he kisses my forehead that’s when we hear her, she whistles and says “looks like emo boy is gunna get some…finally” and the whole group of popular girls laugh. I hear Zara say “shut your preppy little slut mouth” as I look down and Sean puts a protective arm around me. Then Krystal says “what are you going to do little emo, make me? Ha I’d like to see that.” Zara is furious and says “sure I’ll do it right now and gets up from her seat” Krystal backs away in her chair and then the teacher notices what’s going on “Miss. Fernandes sit down, or do I have to send you to the office on your first day back.” Zara sits down and says “I’m sorry Mrs. Ezara.” Mrs. Ezara passes out the syllabus and drones on and on about what we are going to cover and I start to doze off until Sean pokes me and says “fill out the survey unless you want a zero on your first assignment.” I hurriedly start filling it out and Sean says “I told you to go to bed last night” I look at him and say “I was too nervous I couldn’t sleep.”
The class finally ends and we all head to our lockers before lunch. It looks like mason and sky really hit it off they are talking and laughing while Zara walks behind them glaring. Man she is really jealous of sky. Zayden is waiting for us at the lockers. I look at sky and say where is your locker she says right over there and points across the hall way. She goes over to her locker and mason gets his stuff and then goes to lean against the locker next to hers. Then we had to lunch and we go outside to eat. We are all talking and I can hear Zara and Zayden whispering
Zayden says “Zara what’s wrong you’ve been glaring at the sky girl since I meet you at the lockers.
Zara replies “look at Mason he’s pretty much drooling over her”
“so what he’s finally found someone he likes, and she seems pretty into him too”
“Zay come on, look at her”
“Zar I don’t see anything wrong with her she seems really nice…Oh my god your jealous” he begins to laugh.
“ZAYDEN I am not” she objects
“yes you are and babe don’t worry she’s not going to replace you in his life, remember when me and you first started dating he hated me, he thought I was going to replace him in your life that’s not what happened. You just need to give her a chance get to know her..ok?”
“fine” she says and Zayden kisses her.
I ate 1/3rd of my salad and then drank my water and was done. Sean looked and said Krystal you need to eat” I replied “I did see” pointing at my salad. Sean rolls his eyes and says “that’s not enough I’ll let it go for today since I know you’re nervous but tomorrow you better eat more.” I just rolled my eyes as I go to get up and throw my stuff away, Kayla is behind me I go to walk by her and that’s when I see she’s holding a thing of milk and she
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