» Fiction » THE STORY OF MY LIFE, Lauralynn Sarbou [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗

Book online «THE STORY OF MY LIFE, Lauralynn Sarbou [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗». Author Lauralynn Sarbou

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questions and if i am okay. All of my teachers were giving me a little more freedom than usual, I was able to walk out of the room when i need to and i was able to go to my counselor when i need to talk to her. It was a long day in school with everyone asking me questions. Everyone was treating me different.

“Hey you how are you” Mikey walks up to me and asked me.

“I’m fine, just a upset.” I replied. “I just wish that this didn’t happen to my mom.”

“I know we all think the same thing, she was a very nice lady.”

“She was, wasn’t she.” I replied. Then he walked me to my next class, and gave me a hug before i walked into the classroom.

At the end of the day, Mikey ran over to me and said “do you mind if i walk you home my fine lady?”

“Yes, you can.” I smiled for the first time since my mom died. He was the only one who could make me smile lately. When i got home he gave me a hug and i went into the house and started to head to my room when all of a sudden my dad stopped me.


“Yes daddy” I replied.

“Come here and sit with me we haven’t talked in awhile.”

“Okay, what are you watching?”

“I don’t i haven’t looked at the tv in days.” Shortly after Jordain came home. She went straight to her room, with suzan. I sat and talk to my dad for about a half an hour, then i went into my room and got onto facebook for the first time since my mom had died. My mom's death had brought me and my dad closer than ever. We had talk more often than we did before, we use to hardly ever talk to each other, now we are always talking. I was happy that me and my dad are actually talking know.  I just wish that Jordain and Suzan would talk, they haven’t talked since the day my mom passed.

There were these two kids at my school who would pick on me for crying. There names were Sam and Jon. I tried telling an adult but they didn’t believe me. They wouldn’t leave me alone they were always picking on me and nobody would do anything about it. I would ask myself every day why me why are they doing this. I didn’t tell my dad or Jordain, until one day when i was crying in my room and Jordain came in.

“What's the matter girl?” Jordain asks me.

“Nothing I am fine…?
“You're not fine i am able to tell when there is something bothering you.”

“Ok there is something bothering me it's two kids in school, John and Sam, they're always laughing at me and picking on me.  

“Why don’t you tell an adult?”

“I tried but they didn’t believe me, they just laughed and said honey don’t be lieing about thing like that.”

“What teacher did you tell?”

“Ms. Briggs”
“Oh! Well she is not a good teacher you should trying going to a different teacher that is more trustworthy.”

“Like who?”

“You should go to Mr. Ringquist, he's my favorite teacher and he is very trustworthy.” I just walked over to here and gave her a huge.

“Thank you Jordain your the best sister ever.” She stayed in my room with me and hung out with me until dad yelled to us for supper. We ran down the stairs to the kitchen table.

“What’s for supper daddy?” Susan said

“We're having spaghetti and meatballs.”

“YUMMY!!!!!!!” all three of us girls said at the same time. Shortly after dad brought the food to the table and sat it right in the middle. We made our plates and ate our food while talking about our days and what's going on in school lately.

“How is school going Kait?”

“Good” I had to lie because I didn’t want him to the truth, Jordain was about to say something but then she stop and realized I lied for a reason.

“ How about you Jordain”

“Good, except I hate my study hall teacher, but what’s new I've always hated her.”

“and you susan?”

“Good daddy! I made a new friends today.”

“Oh ya what there name?”

“Her name is Hayley and there is Shyane.”

“Well they sound like they're really nice.” Dad says.  About a half an hour we went up to our rooms and went to bed.


Chapter 10

That next morning, I woke up, ran over to my closet and get out the cutest outfit, then ran into the bathroom, and took a shower, brushed my teeth and my hair, and did my makeup. I had extra time in the morning so I went into the kitchen with suzan and jordain and got me some breakfast. Then we talked for awhile, shortly after it was time for me to go. I ran into my room throw my coat on and grabbed my backpack, then I ran downstairs and out the door.  

On my way to school, John and Sam were walking on the other side of the road. When I saw them i just kept walking I didn’t look at the other side of the road tell I knew that they were way passed me, I was hoping they didn’t seem me. As they were walking by I speed up a little. When I finally made it far enough away from them i returned to walking my normal pass to school.

When I arrived at school, Mikey had met me at the front door, he walked me to my locker and stayed there with me until the bell rang for our first class. Then, he walked me to my math class and gave me a hug, and then he rushed to his class.

“Hello students!” Mr. C said in a really happy voice.

“Hello Mr. C.” The whole class said at the same time.

“Today is the first day of break! How about we go around the room and say one thing that you are going to do during break. Kaitlynn you start us off.”

“Umm… I am going to hang out in my room like i always do.” I said so quiet that nobody could really hear me. After the dismissal bell rang, I ran to my locker and out the door I had to pick up Suzan from school today.”

As I arrived at Suzan’s school she ran up to me with two really pretty little girls about her age.

“Who are these two?”

“This is shyane.” She said pointing to a little girl with black hair. “And this one is hayley.”

“Oh well hello girls!!”

“Hi!!!!” They both said at the same time.

“Daddy said they could come over today after school.”
“Ok, well are yall ready to go?”

“Yes!” They all said one after another. We took the long way home, so that we could stop by the store and grab something to drink. When we arrive home, dad and jordain are sitting at the kitchen table, talking about important stuff. susan, Shyane, and Hayley all ran into the bedroom.

“Hey guys.” I say to them as I walk into the kitchen, to grab something to snack on.

“Hey sweetie”  Dad said as he walked to the fridge

“Hey, How was school?” Jordain asks me.

“It was good, I guess, how ‘bout you?”

“Same, had a test today, and hows Olivia been, she hasn’t been over in a while. Oh and your little boy toy.” She says while giggling.

“Good, and good.” I reply. “Oh, and Olivia hasn’t been over in a while because she has been busy helping her dad out with his work.”

“Oh, well tell her i said Hi”

“Ok I will.” I reply as I walk over to the table to take a seat next to my dad and jordain. Shortly after we were sitting at the table talking, Suzan walked into the kitchen with Shyane and Hayley.

“Hey daddy were hungry.” Susan says to are dad.  

“Well what do you want?”


“Three pb&j sandwiches coming right up.”  So dad walked over to the counter and laid out the stuff for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. After he got done the girls ate their sandwiches, then went back into the room and played for awhile. Then it was time for Shayne and Hayley to head home.  Shortly after they went home we ate dinner and everyone went to bed, except for me I stayed up for a while playing on facebook, then I wrote for awhile in my journal about how much i miss mom. Everyone missed mom, she was a wonderful person, she was nice to everyone, and she was definitely the best mom in the whole world, I miss her more than anything in the world… I wish that she was still here today.

The next morning, when my dad came into my room to wake me up, I was sitting in my window sill watching the cars go by. “Hey sweetie” dad says “it’s time for you to get ready for school.” When he leaves the room I sit in my window a little longer, than I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I went downstairs to my dad sitting at the table with Suzan. I walked over to the counter and made myself a bowl of cereal before I left to head to school.  When I arrived at school, Mikey was waiting by the flagpole with Olivia.

“Hey girly!!” Olivia says while running up to me.

“Hey!” I replied to her

“Hey you…” Mikey says while smiling and walking to me to give me a hug.

“Hey!” I say while giving him a hug. “Are you guys glad it's the last day of school?”

“Heck yea!!” Olivia says as we walk into the school.

Chapter 11

It's the last five minutes of school everyone keeps looking at the clock… as soon as the bell ring everyone rushes out the door and runs to their locker. There were a bunch of people screaming, people ran onto the busses as fast as they can. When the bus stops at my house… I run off the bus to the house and into the kitchen, where my dad and jordian were sitting.

“Hey guys!” I say as I run into the kitchen.

“Hey sweetie.” Dad says to me. “How was your last day of school?”

“It was amazing!!” I say. “We didn’t have to learn anything we just had fun in all the classes, we

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