» Fiction » THE STORY OF MY LIFE, Lauralynn Sarbou [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗

Book online «THE STORY OF MY LIFE, Lauralynn Sarbou [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗». Author Lauralynn Sarbou

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got to draw all over the chalk boards in our classes.

“Well that sounds really fun sweetie.” Dad says as he walks into the living room and makes himself and comfortable spot on the couch in front of the TV. I walk into my room and run over to the computer and get onto facebook for the first time since mom died, when I open my computer and I saw a note from mom… with a picture of me and her, when I was a baby. When I saw the picture I bursted into tears. Jordain comes into the room and sits down on the bed next to me.

“Hey baby sis what's wrong?” Jordain says while she reaches her hand around my shoulder giving me a hug.

“I miss mom…” I say as I lifted the picture off from the bed and showed jordain.

“I think we all miss her.” Jordain says. “But just remember that god only takes the that he believes are ready to join him in heaven.”

“But what if he was wrong? What if mom wasn’t ready? What if?”

“He’s never wrong… and if mom wasn’t ready than he had a good reason to take her from us.”  Jordain says as she walks to the door. “Hey why don’t you get ready for supper dad is almost done cooking.” She leaves the room. I sat on my bed looking at the photo for a few more minutes, then I went downstairs to join everyone for supper.

“Hey sissy.” Susan says to me as I sat down at the table.

“Hey little one, how was your last day of school?”  I say in reply

“It was good!” Susan says as she reaches out for the first piece of food. For most of supper we all sat in complete silence, we would have small conversations here and there. After supper we all went our separate ways, I went into the living room to watch some TV, Dad went outside to the garage, Susan and Jordain went to there rooms.

Shortly after we went to bed, the was a loud noise coming for susan’s room… we all ran into the room and saw suzan’s window broken and she was missing… there was no trace of anyone there. Dad ran downstairs and grabbed the gun just in cases.

“Kaitlynn!!” He screams as he is running down the stairs. “Call the cops.” I ran to the nearest phone and called the cops. “Jordain ran next door and see if they seen anything.” As soon as dad says that she runs out the door and to the neighbors house.  A few minutes later the cops showed up at the house.

“Hello sir.” They say as they walk up to my dad. “So what is happening here?”

“We were all going to bed, then we heard a loud noise coming from my daughter's room and the window was smashed and she was missing.” Dad says as he is in tears, and freaking out. “Please find out who took and where my daughter is.”

“Calm down sir, we will find you daughter.” The police officer says. “We just need the most recent picture of her, and I need to know what she was wearing last..”

“Okay officer, well here the most recent picture I have of her, and last I knew she was wearing her monkey pajamas, they have monkeys all over them.”

“How old is your daughter sir?”

“She is four years old, please find her as soon as possible, and please keep me updated on what you find.”

“Okay sir thank you and as soon as we find something out about hr we will give you a call.”

“Okay thank you sir, I really appreciate it.” Dad said as the cop gets into his car and they head out to look for suzan. We started down the until they were no longer in site, then we went inside. None of us went to our rooms we all stayed by the phone waiting and waiting for it to ring saying that they found her and they were in their way with here. We sat there for about five minutes than we went into the living room and sat on the couch. A few minutes of silence the phone rang, as soon as we heard the phone ring we darted over to the phone and picked it up.

“Hello.” My dad says as he put the phone up to his ear.

“I know were your daughter is…. shes with me and if you want her back you have to follow these steps and do as I stay when i say it….”  Before my dad could say anything the line went dead. My dad called the cops as soon as possible. He told the cops about the phone call, the cops told him that they will come over and trace the number. When they arrived I went into my room, but i heard what they were talking about. When they went to track the number they tracked it to a phone booth two blocks away from the house. They sent cops down that way, and when they did there was no sign of any one, they asked around and everyone said they didn’t see anything suspicious going on. When the cops came back they stayed for a little while. About five minutes later the phone rang, the cops told us to pick it up and to put it on speaker phone.

“Hello..” Dad said

“Your daughter is missing you… she's a very pretty child… if you want her follow my directions… go to the county store, near the bakery…” The phone was slammed down in my dad ears.  The cops and my dad went to the country store, and there was nobody there but the baker… we showed him a picture of susan.

“Have you seen her here tonight?” The officer asked the baker.

“Yeah she was just here with a tall man, he ordered some food.” The baker said.

“Did you get a name or last name or a description of the man?

“Yeah his last name was West, he was a tall man with short brown hair, he was wearing a brown carhartt jacket, and the little girl was wearing little monkey pajamas.” I instantly knew who the man was.

“Daddy…” I say.

“Yes sweetie.”  My dad replied

“I know who the man is… its susan’s real dad, Danny West.”

“Do you know where he lives or anything about his family and where they live?” The officers job in.

“Yes, he doesn’t live too far from here. I can show you where he lives.” So we leave the store and I show them where Danny lives. Danny was at his house and so was Susan… When the cops brought her out of the house, my dad ran up to her and picked her up and he started to cry. I was so happy that we found Susan. This night was the scariest night of my life.

Chapter 12

The next day, we decided to go out to the Golden Corral, and the Fun Spot. We use to go there all the time with mom and this is the first time ever going since mom had died. When we arrived at the Golden Corral we all kinda just stood there staring at the building. A few minutes of just standing there we finally walked into the restaurant. We went and sat at the table we use to sit at with mom, when the waitress came over, she knew who we were from when we came here with mom.

“Hey guys, I am soo sorry about your lost. I am so happy that you came back, for a while I thought that you guys would never come back.” She said as she stopped at our table.

“We thought the same thing, and thank you.” Dad said. We ordered our drinks than we went and got our food. When we came back there was a picture of mom on the table and a the seat she use to sit on had writing on it says RIP Kimberly. Our waitress walked over and smiled “This table is dedicated to her.”

“Thank you.” My dad said tearing up. “ I really appreciate this and I am sure she does to.”

“your welcome sir, and don’t mind paying I have that all under control.”  The waitress says to my dad as she walks to the other table to clean off the table. We were at the restaurant for about an hour, then we left and headed to the Fun Spot. When we arrived at the Fun spot, we walked in and got skates and dad went to schedule a time for us to play laser tag. We were roller skating until it was time to play laser tag. After we got done playing laser tag we went back home, and watched TV together as a family, which we haven’t done in a long time. Tonight was a really good night… I feel that it brought the family together more than it's been since mom passed.

The next day, dad woke us up for breakfast he made breakfast for us like mom use to, he made sausage, eggs, and bacon.  We all sat together we laughed and joked around like we use to back when I was a little kid. After breakfast dad left for work, and Jordain, Susan, and I watched TV together.

“Hey sissy?” Susan said.

“Yeah Susan.”

“Can we go to the park please?”

“That's up to Jordain, she is the one who is watching us, so ask her.”

“Hey Jordain, can we go to the park?”

“After lunch.”

“Okay.” So we watched some more Tv until noonish, than Jordain made some lunch, then we went to the park. While we were at the park, Jon and Sam were there and they came up to me and started laughing at me because I was acting like a little kid when I was playing with Suzan. They kept laughing until Jordian notice them harassing and laughing at me.

“Kaitlynn! Can you come here for a minute.” Jordian yelled to me to get them away from me. So I ran over to her and she took me over to the bench and sat down with me for a little while. We talked until Suzan decided she wanted to go home. When we arrived home dad was home, he was making something for him to eat because he hasn’t ate all day. I went into my room and got on to facebook for a little while. Mikey was online while I was at the park he left me a message… Hey Kaitlyn, I am sorry but I feel like we should see other people. As soon as I saw the message I instantly started to cry. Jordain walked by my room and knocked on the door.

“Hey, are you okay in there.”  She says as she knocks on the door. “Can I come in.”

“Yeah, you can come in.” I say why i’m in tears. As i finished my sentence she comes in the door.

“Hey why are you crying?” She asked me as she sits down next to me on the

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