» Fiction » THE STORY OF MY LIFE, Lauralynn Sarbou [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗

Book online «THE STORY OF MY LIFE, Lauralynn Sarbou [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗». Author Lauralynn Sarbou

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funny, gorgeous and i wish i could call her mine.”

“Oh my god really, you should like totally ask her out.”

“you think?”

“yeah i do.”

“Alright i’ll ask her out tomorrow during lunch. Don’t tell her though i want to surprise her.”

“Okay, i won’t tell her. well i better get going. see ya” she says as she walks away. When she arrives to where i was sitting she had a huge smile on her face.

“What did he say!” I jumped up asking.

“I can’t tell you. you're going to have to wait and find out.” She said

“ugh ok.” I said as we started walking back to the house. The walk back home was kinda quiet, we didn't talk that much. We were to busy running to the house for supper. When we arrived to the house, supper was done and everybody was sitting at the table ready to eat. We took off our coats and shoes and walked over to the table and sat down. We talked but it was only small talk. After supper we all kinda went our separate ways. I went into the bedroom, Liv watched Tv and the little ones went to there rooms while the parents stayed in the kitchen to clean up dinner.  

I went into my room and jumped onto facebook, to see if Kyle was online. It turned out he wasn’t online so I just talked to some of my other friends that I haven’t talked to in a while. Shortly after Liv came in the room.

“Hey Liv.”

“Hey what you doin?”  

“Nothing much just messing around on facebook like always.” I said as i closed the computer and walked over to the desk to grab a paper and pencil, when i opened the draw I saw a picture of me and my mom. I  grab the picture and stared at it until  Liv said something.

“Hey you alright there girly?”

“Yeah nn fine, I  just found this picture of my mom and me when i was little.”

“Awe can I see it?”

“Yeah go ahead.” I say as i hand her the picture.

“Awe, I love this picture why don’t you stick it up on your desk?”

“I think i just might.” I take the picture and stick it on my desk. I walked over to the bed to go to bed. I couldn’t fall asleep, so I tried reading a book, by the time I started dozing of it was three in the morning, and dad was leaving for work. It seemed like i was asleep for five minutes when I woke up to a loud bang outside the house. I jumped up and ran over to my bedroom window to see what the noise was, when I looked out the window there was nothing out then. Next thing you know I heard a loud scream coming from next door. I ran into dads room to get Kelly.

“Kelly! Kelly!” I screamed.

“What is it sweetie.”

“Someone just screamed from next door, you have to go check it out someone could be hurt.” As i finish my sentence Kelly jumps out of bed and runs out her door and to the neighbor's yard.  She looked around, and when she turned her head she saw our neighbor lying on the ground bleeding to death. She screamed to me to call an ambulance, so i ran into the house and dialed the number when all of a sudden someone grabbed me. I screamed as loud as I could hoping that Kelly could hear me, next thing I know Kelly is running into the house. When she gets in the house she sees a man holding a gun to my head.

“Move any closer and i will blow her brains out.” The man says. Kelly is freaking out she backs up and runs outside to the neighbors, and grabbed her phone and called the cops. When the cops arrived, they ran into the house were the man and I were standing, one of the cops ran out back and through the back door. When the officer that was coming in from the back door came in he grabbed the man from behind, as they grabbed the man he let me go. As soon as they got him to the ground, they put the handcuffs on him and took him into the police car. When he was put into the car the police came back into the house and asked us to go to the police station to answer some questions.

When we arrived at the police station the cops were bringing the man into the jail. We went into this small room one by one, when it was my turn to go into the room the officer took me into the room and told me that if I don’t feel safe at home with the whole thing that happened, that they would have a another officer watch over the house for a few days. I told him that I would feel more safer, when i got done talking to the officer we went back out to the place where kelly was sitting, the officer took kelly aside and told her something, I think he was telling her about the officer that is going to be watching over our place. When we finally got home, dad was at home freaking out.

“What happened? Why did you have to go to the police station? Why is the neighbors freaking out? What happened?” Dad said freaking out, trying to figure out what was going on.

“Kait heard a loud scream from the neighbors house, so she came and got me so I ran outside to see what was going on, and when I was outside this man must've came into the house and was pointing a gun at Kait’s head, so I called the cops and they came and got the man, then we went to the police station to answer questions on what had happened.” Kelly said as she hugged me. Dad walked over to me and gave me huge hug, then took me into the kitchen and picked me up and sat me on the counter like he use to do to me when I was a little kid. When he sets me on the counter he walks over the the freezer and grabs a thing of ice cream, and two spoons. He brought the ice cream over to the counter and sat it next to me, from there dad and I sat there eating ice cream together, like we use to do when I was susan's age. I really missed the old times.

Chapter 19

The next morning, I felt kinda sick so I went to my dad’s room and knocked on the door.

“Kelly” I said kinda quiet.

“Yes sweetie.” She says as she opens the door.

“I don’t feel good.”

“Alright come on in and let me take your temperature.” I walked into the room and sat on the bed. Kelly grabs the thermometer and takes my temperature.

“What is my temperature?” I said when I was done getting my temperature taken.

“Your staying home today, you have a temperature of 102 degrees. I am going to have to keep an eye on your temperature throughout the day. So why don’t you go lay back down for a little bit.”

“Okay.” I say as I walked out of the bedroom. When I arrive in the room, Liv is sitting at my desk staring at a picture.

“What are you looking at Liv?” She picks up the picture to show me not saying a word. It was a picture of me and her when we first started becoming friends. She sets the photo down, and walks over to me and gives me a hug.

“I am glad I have you as my best friend.” Liv says. “and I hope you feel better, have a good day Kait. Get lots of sleep.”

“Same here Liv, and thanks you have a good day at school. Bye see you after school.” I say to her as she walks out the bedroom door. When Liv left I fell back asleep. I was asleep until noonish, then I woke up and Kelly took my temperature. My temperature was 103.9 this time, I just felt like falling down and I did not feel good at all. Kelly and dad took me to the hospital because my temperature was so high. When we arrived at the hospital, and got into the hospital room. I laid down on the bed and I fell right asleep. I slept through the whole thing, my dad ended up having to carry me out to the car.

Chapter 20

The next day, I was still not feeling good so I laid in bed all day. It was around noon when Kelly came into my room.

“Hey sweetheart, would you like something to eat?” She asked as she sat next to me to take my temperature.

“Yes please, can i have some chicken noodle soup please.”

“already! i will be right up with a bowl of chicken soup. crackers?”

“Yes please.” I said as she walked over to the door. When she

left the room, I sat up and waited for her to come back with my soup.  I was about ten minutes later when she came back with the soup.

“Here you go hun.” she said as she hands me the soup and crackers.

“Thank you, Kelly.”  I ate my soup. When I was finished I set the bowl on my night stand and rolled over and went back to bed.

When I woke back up it was three in the morning. I tried to fall back asleep but I couldn’t so I decided to play on my laptop for a while. I grabbed my laptop, and opened it up and went onto facebook. I checked my messages and there was one from my crush. Oh by the way my crushes name is Bobby. I clicked on his name and the message said Kaitlynn, your are the most amazing, beautiful, and funniest girl I know.  I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time. I really like you. i've liked you since the day I meet you. I love your smile, your laugh, your personality, heck I love you and everything about. Kaitlynn will you be my girlfriend <3. I was freaking out when I read this. I replayed, OMG! yes!!!. I played on facebook, until it was

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