» Fiction » In The Heat Of Passion - Unfinished, Sophie J Brain [dark academia books to read txt] 📗

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she had reached bliss pounded her one last time before he too reached the stars. He looked down at her in shock as he felt his load leave his body, never had an orgasm been so powerful and thrilling. If this was what he could expect with Chelle then he wanted more of it. She was such a passionate lover and it made the experience all the more enjoyable.

He rolled off her so they were laid side by side and he took hold of her hand. She glanced at him, her eyes still glassy with passion “that was…”

He chuckled at her softly worded half sentence and squeezed her hand “I know.”


Chapter Four

Chapter Four

Saturday 2nd August, 2008- eight months later.


Tom smiled as she ran his hand up Michelle’s arm. Over the last eight months they had been seeing each other fairly regularly, at least twice a week if not more, and he loved it. Their relationship wasn’t anything more than sex but their friendship had strengthened since it had started.

She had stayed over the night before, something that neither unusual nor very common. It usually was decided based on whatever mood the two of them were in. He personally liked it when she stayed the night as he liked to watch her sleep. She always looked so peaceful when asleep. He groaned as he saw the light shining from beneath the curtains and sighed. They had Chris’ engagement party that afternoon and he couldn’t say he was looking forward to it.

He didn’t actually think Maisy was a good fit for Chris. She was a lovely girl but somehow it didn’t seem like Chris’ heart was in the relationship. If Tom was to a hazard a guess he would say that Chris’ heart belonged to someone else.

Michelle began to stir in bed and once she was fully awake she grimaced “we have that party today don’t we?”

Tom nodded “I’m afraid so.”

Michelle grimaced again before getting out of bed and dressing “sorry to dash off but I promised mum and dad I would help them set up. Thank goodness he agreed to have the party here and not in that Godforsaken Crowmarsh.”

Tom laughed “it’s not that bad, what are you wearing tonight?”

She smiled secretively “wouldn’t you like to know.”

He walked over to her and pulled her to him “yes, I would actually.”

She kissed him before walking away “you will have to wait and see.”

Tom laughed as he pulled on some clothes and followed her downstairs “maybe I can help you get ready?”

“In my parent’s house?” she smirked “I don’t think so, we don’t want to get caught.”

Tom grunted, the secrecy was starting wear on him a little bit. He knew they had to keep it a secret but even so it bothered him. Chris knew he was seeing someone new and was asking questions and Tom’s reluctance to answer was making him think that Tom had serious feelings for her. He certainly liked Michelle and she was always extremely fun in bed but he didn’t have any feelings for her. At least he didn’t think he did.

“I need to go Tom” Michelle smiled completely oblivious to his stormily confusing thoughts.

“I will see you later.” He smiled.

She nodded and the left house. He sighed and put his hands on his head, what was he going to do about her? It had all started off as a quick fling and now it was eight months later and there was no indication that it would be finishing soon.

It was the longest fling he had ever had but he couldn’t seem to put an end to it. He was drawn to Michelle in ways he couldn’t explain. He didn’t think he had any romantic feelings for her but how did one know? He certainly spent a lot of time thinking about her and he always wanted to be with her.

He blinked as he realised he hadn’t slept with another woman in six months. That wasn’t like him; he usually always had more than woman on the go. It was how he operated.

He sighed, oh God, what was he going to do? He didn’t want to end it but he feared that that might be his only choice. The last thing he needed was to fall in love with Michelle.


Later that evening Michelle welcomed her brother and his new fiancé as they arrived at her parents’ house. She did love Chris so much and she had seldom seen him since his move to Crowmarsh.

“Hiya Chris” she beamed “and Maisy, how great to see you both.”

“Michelle, it is great to see you too” Maisy smiled.

Chris grunted something and smiled “you all right?”

Michelle smiled “very well thank you.”

“Seeing anyone knew yet?” Chris asked.

Michelle resisted the urge to blush, she had been seeing Tom a few days a week for the last eight months. It wasn’t anything more than a sexual relationship but she had to admit she had never been so happy before. She had always scoffed at friends with benefits relationships before but even she had to admit it was fun.

“From your smile it looks like a yes” Maisy grinned “who is the lucky man?”

Michelle looked away “there is no man, I am just happy being on my own.”

They hadn’t told anyone about their relationship, truthfully there wasn’t much to tell, so Michelle had to be careful about what she divulged. It wasn’t that she was ashamed of her actions but if it got out that she was seeing Tom it would cause such a fuss in the family. In all honesty it was hardly worth it when they were just casual and there was no chance of it becoming more than that.

Michelle blinked; did she want more than casual? She didn’t think she did but how did one tell? She spent most nights with Tom and she certainly enjoyed his company. Could it be that they were already in a relationship? She shook her head, no it was just sex that was all. Tom didn’t want any sort of commitment and neither did she.

“How are the wedding plans going?” she asked to change the subject of her thoughts.

“We haven’t really started” Chris replied.

“We will be talking about setting a date soon though” Maisy added.

Michelle looked at Chris with a sad smile, she wished she could say he looked excited at the prospect of marriage but unfortunately something was missing. Truthfully she had never thought Chris and Maisy would get very serious, he had never been overly interested in her. Michelle had always assumed he had dated her because their families were so close. The pair themselves had very much just dithering along until about four months before when they had suddenly moved in together.

“We will be sorting it soon” Chris promised.

Michelle smiled politely and excused herself. She walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of wine.

“You look amazing.”

She turned around as Tom walked into the kitchen with a twinkle in his eye. She had worn a tight fitting knee length dress which showed more than a hint of cleavage. She had to admit had chosen the outfit with the hope that he might like it.

“Why thank you” she smiled.

Tom groaned, he had intended to end their fling that evening but she looked so amazing that he just wanted her.

“Are you all right?” she asked “you groaned.”

“You just look so good” he replied

Michelle turned away and smiled before replying “I suppose you don’t look bad either.”

Tom smiled and pulled her close to him, her eyes widened as he gently kissed her. She pulled away and took a sip of her wine “we can’t do that here.”

“Then let’s leave” Tom smiled.

Michelle laughed “we are at my brother’s engagement party, where can we go?”

“Your old room?” he suggested.

Michelle laughed as he pulled her close to him again. He was insane, it was the only explanation. How did he think that they would be able to disappear without anyone noticing? Even so, despite herself, Michelle was very tempted.

It was naughty and dangerous and the thrill of it all made her almost weak with desire. It made her feel powerful knowing that he had to have her, it made her want him even more.

He leaned into her ear and whispered “I want you ‘Chelle, I need you.”

She moved so she could look at him and smiled seductively “perhaps I will see you upstairs in a few minutes then.”

She finished her wine then walked slowly out of the kitchen and made her way upstairs. She let out an excited giggle as she reached her old bedroom, she could scarcely believe what she was doing. Maybe she didn’t need a proper relationship, she was quite content with how things were with Tom and they certainly enjoyed each other’s company. Perhaps she would just see how their affair evolved.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and Tom entered the room. Michelle had lain on the bed seductively and he groaned at the sight of her.

“Oh God ‘Chelle, what are you doing to me?”

“I hope something very naughty but nice” she whispered as she stood up and kissed him.

Tom pulled her to him and together they both fell onto the bed as they started pulling off their clothing. He smiled at the naked beauty of her before kissing her once more, after which they were occupied for the best part of half an hour.


Michelle went back to the party first, when asked what had happened to her she said she had had a lie down as she hadn’t been feeling well. Tom was going to say he had returned home to collect something he had forgotten. As he entered the room she looked down with a blush, she could hardly believe that they had had sex while her family were downstairs.

It was naughty and brazen and she had never felt more beautiful. Suddenly she giggled to herself and she realised that she was happy, well and truly, and she couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so good. She looked back at Tom, he made her happy. There was no point in denying it, whatever it had started out as, there were feelings involved. She had feelings for him and she realised that she wanted him to have feelings for her too. She wanted a relationship with him.

She waved as he smiled at her then sat down on the sofa. She would have to tell him but now wasn’t the time, she would have to wait for the right time.


Chapter Five
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