» Fiction » Frankenstein's Plastic Surgery Clinic, Mihaela Bogdan [best life changing books TXT] 📗

Book online «Frankenstein's Plastic Surgery Clinic, Mihaela Bogdan [best life changing books TXT] 📗». Author Mihaela Bogdan

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there, Vincent heard a strong male voice. It was talking in English, but with a French accent, very calm and somehow mesmerizing. He wanted to approach the door and stick his ear on it to hear more. But he couldn't do that while old Bob was with him. So, he had no choice but to eat dinner and listen, for the second time in that day, to Bob's boring life stories all over again.
  -What is your pain Sparky? Nurse Dana asked the dog kindly, as she put him on the operating table.
  -Dana, don't waste your breath, he's gone. Doctor F. said coldly, while listening to the dog's chest to see if the heart was still beating.
  -And since when death became an obstacle for you, Franky dear?! You had dead patients before, you know how to 'solve' this 'symptom'.
  -Get Sparky upstairs, into the attic. But make sure our patient doesn't see you.
  -Not to worry. Your best friend, Bob, is having dinner with him. I bet he managed to bored Vincent to death with his old stories.
  -My trust worthy old friend, Bob! He's been helping us remain incognito for years and I haven't done anything for him in return. Doctor F. looked down at the dead dog with sorrow.
  -Well, now it is the time to finally repay your debts to him, Franky. I'll take Sparky into the attic and prepare the machine. You can come whenever you think it's clear.
  The two of them had good luck once more. Vincent was sleeping in an arm chair and old Bob was still talking. When he saw nurse Dana and doctor F. heading upstairs to the attic, he knew that his dog was dead, but his best friend knew exactly what to do in this situation. He assured them, that Vincent will be sleeping until his dog is 'fixed'.
  With this problem solved, nurse Dana settled the attic for doctor F.'s intervention. She turned on a huge computer, like the one which first appeared on the market. Sparky was sitting peacefully on a metal table, wired to the huge old computer and to a tall lightning conductor. Nurse Dana was typing something really fast on the computer. She stop and said to her husband:
  -You can open the rooftop now, Franky. The computer is connected to the table and the lightning conductor.
  -Good job, Dana. I never managed to deal with computers like you. Let us pray for some lightning now.
  Doctor F. went to a book shelf and move it from it's place. Behind it was a red lever. He pull it down where the word 'open' was written and moved his glance at the rooftop, which began to open. The sky was cloudy, therefore the chances for a lightning to strike the conductor were huge.
  -Dana, make the lightning conductor taller, please.
  -As you wish.
  As soon as the conductor reached it's height limit, several small lightnings began to strike. Then the lightnings began to grow and one was strong enough to hit the conductor and charge it to it's full capacity. Then, the energy flowed down into the computer and after that into the table, making Sparky to shine like a Christmas tree. After the energy had entirely run out, doctor F. and nurse Dana shut down everything.
  They finished what they had to do. Now they had to wait and see.
  Sparky began moving slowly and after his body stop shinning, he jump off the table into doctor F.'s arms, licking his face and shaking his tail with joy.
  -You see, Franky?! Sparky is alive once again and he will stay this way for a long time.
  -Even though we have done this many times, it's positive results never cease to amaze me. Dana, death is meaningless to the both of us.
  Nurse Dana tried to calm Sparky down and take it into her arms. She went down with him to the living room, where old farmer Bob was waiting in silence.
  -Take Sparky and get out of here, now! But be quiet, we don't want to wake someone. Nurse Dana whispered to Bob while pointing to Vincent, who was sleeping like a baby.
  -No prob' Dana. And thank the doc' for me, will ya?! The old farmer said with joy, while getting outside the door and trying to control his dog's joy of seeing his master once again.
  Before heading back home, Bob glanced at one window of the first floor, where doctor F. and nurse Dana had their bedroom. Doctor F. was waving happily to his best friend, seeing how happy he is with his dog brought back to life. Curiosity, friend or foe?

Vincent woke up in his bedroom disappointed of himself for the second time. He fell asleep again, missing the chance to see doctor F. in action, saving the old timer's almost dead hound.
  "Vincent, you are an idiot and you still want to become a professional reporter. You can't even stay awake enough because of some old mouthy farmer. Time means money, this means serious action, whatever the cost may be!"
This time, Vincent was determined to dig into doctor F.'s personal life, even if it meant for him to be sent back home.
  "No pain, no game."
  With this in mind, he change quickly into clean clothes and slowly went downstairs. It was still night time, therefore nurse Dana and doctor F. must be sleeping in their bedroom. It was a great opportunity for our young reporter to check out the surgery room. Unfortunately for him, it was locked. Vincent tried to see something through the key hole.
  "Nothing special. Just an ordinary medical room filled with it's necessary equipment."
  But he didn't gave up easily. He continued to search carefully the entire house for something useful, but no luck. The only rooms left unsought were doctor F.'s study and his and nurse Dana's bedroom.
  Vincent went upstairs to check his hosts. They were both asleep by the sound of some snoring, which sounded like a man breathing heavily. Those sounds, of course, belonged to the famous doctor. Before breaking into the study, Vincent returned to his bedroom to unpack his secret set. This set was a personal case of Mister Norton with some useful tools in any situation such as: a small hammer, a screwdriver, a crowbar, a pocket torch and a skeleton key.
  If you are wondering where on earth did Vincent got this key from, well, as a reporter it is better to have friends from different domains. Besides interviewing, taking photos and writing articles, the job of a reporter also involves detective work, spy missions and sometimes ... unauthorized entries.
  Using the skeleton key in silence, he managed to open the door without problems. Inside the study was dark. Vincent used his pocket torch and began examining the room. By it's appearance, it was an ordinary looking study: book shelves, a sofa, some pictures on the wall with natural landscapes and the cherry on top, doctor F.'s work desk.
  At the sight of it, Vincent began his investigation with a huge grin on his face. Doctor F.'s work desk had three drawers. The lowest was empty, the middle one had a locket with numbers which made the skeleton key useless. In order to open this locket, you must guess the correct six cipher code.
  Ignoring this obstacle, Vincent discovered an old book in the top drawer. The sun beams began to enter through the study's window and Vincent got out the same as he came in.
  Slowly on his tip toes, he returned to his bedroom without being caught. After he closed the door after him, his courage and confidence grew. The secret set was put back into the baggage along with the stolen book.
  After that, Vincent set in his bed, thinking of what to do next. He decided, after long minutes of meditating, to wait and see if the doctor will finally decide to check his scar personally. If he does, then he must act quickly and find the code number to the second drawer, where most likely, Doctor F.'s personal documents are kept.
  "If I manage to get my hands on those documents, then my mission is complete. I would be able to return to New York and become famous. Me, Vincent Norton, the famous reporter who successfully found out who is Doctor F."
  Nurse Dana was the first to wake up before the alarm clock would rang. She thought that she heard some movements in the house, so she carefully got out of bed and went to look through the key hole. To her inconvenience, she saw Vincent coming out the study and slowly return to his bedroom.
  Without hesitation, she woke up her husband and told him everything that she saw.
  -Franky, what are we going to do with this "curious rat"?
  -Remain calm, Dana. Our personal documents are right here, in our bedroom. In the study are only my patients documents and they are also kept safe, with a number code locket. And according of what you said, Mister Norton isn't so smart to figure out the code number that easily.
  Doctor F. got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Before closing the door he said to his wife:
  -Dana, please prepare our patient for the surgery. The sooner we fix his scar, the quicker he will leave this place.
  -Yes, Franky. Finally we can be alone again. Nurse Dana said approaching her husband and kissing him good morning.
  She was also happy to get rid of Vincent because she knew he didn't had nothing on him to report at the "Jade's Gazette". Yes, it is true! Doctor F. and nurse Dana did a little research on their new patient and found out many useful things about him.
  Now they could do their duty at peace, knowing that the young reporter will fail in trying to expose doctor F.'s identity.
  From the looks of it, victory is theirs!

The long-expected surgery

-Wake up, Mister Norton! Nurse Dana shouted through the other side of Vincent's door, acting normal, although she knew what the curious reporter had

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