» Fiction » Frankenstein's Plastic Surgery Clinic, Mihaela Bogdan [best life changing books TXT] 📗

Book online «Frankenstein's Plastic Surgery Clinic, Mihaela Bogdan [best life changing books TXT] 📗». Author Mihaela Bogdan

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  -I'll be down in a minute. Vincent responded, trying to act cool, as if he did nothing wrong earlier.
  -I have great news: today you will get to see my husband at last. Nurse Dana continued playing the "I don't know what you did" game.
  -How come?!
  -He said that you waited enough. In five minutes you must present yourself in his surgery room downstairs and if everything goes well, like it always does, tomorrow I will take you back to the airport. Nurse Dana's happiness was obvious by the way she was talking while descending the stairs.
  "What?! Five minutes? Oh, no. If tomorrow I will be sent back, then I must act quickly. Tonight is my last chance."
  Vincent was walking in circle in his bedroom, trying to figure out a way to find at least a clue or a name or something useful to bring home to his boss. If he would return empty-handed he will get fired and even worse, make a fool out of himself in front of Cindy. Just when he was about to leave the room, he remembered about the book that he stolen earlier from doctor F.'s study. In silence, he opened the book and read the content. To his surprise the book was a fictional story called "Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus" by Marry Shelley.
  "WHAT IS THIS CRAP?! A fictional book about a monster? Why does doctor F. even have something like this?"
  Vincent was angry because he gained something useless in his espionage mission. Soon, he calmed down and went in the surgery room after nurse Dana called him from downstairs. He left quickly and now he was calmer because he stole something unimportant, therefore he can't feel guilty.
  When he entered the surgery room, nurse Dana gave him hospital pajamas to change into and layed down on the surgery table. After finishing doing so, nurse Dana brought a metal container with a plastic mask attached to it.
  -Count backwards from ten, Mister Norton, while the sleeping gas does it's work. She said while putting the mask on Vincent's face. Franky, he is ready for you.
  "Doctor F.!" Vincent got to see the doctor's blurry appearance before he went to sleep. He saw a tall, well-built man with goggles and a surgery mask covering all his face. Despite his frightening appearance, the doctor's voice was gentle:
  -It is nice to meet you at last, Mister Norton. Now let me begin to ...
  The doctor's words fade away. Vincent felt sound asleep. The surgery begin.
  "-Vincent, you did it, you are famous now! Cindy was hugging and kissing Vincent with all her heart. I knew you were able to do it.
  -Congratulations, Norton. As a reward for your success, I will make you my vice president and also I would gladly accept to be your godfather at your wedding."
  Vincent and Cindy were about to kiss each other for the first time, but nurse Dana's sharp voice interrupted them.
  -Congratulations, Mister Norton. Your scar has disappeared at last. She said being obviously proud of her husband's impeccable work.
  -What? It is over? Vincent asked, opening his heavy eyes. He was mad at nurse Dana for breaking his wonderful dream. "She doesn't even let me dream. This woman is worse than the devil."
  -Aren't you glad that it is finally over? Nurse Dana asked him, pretending to be nice towards Vincent, since tomorrow he will be gone for good. "Good riddance, Mister Norton!" She said to herself putting a huge evil grin on her face.
  Behind her, doctor F. appeared slowly, still having his face covered. He whispered something in his wife's ear and after that she left the two men alone in the surgery room. Vincent was lying on the operating table, trying to recover from the surgery. Doctor F. took a chair and place it next to the table. Now Vincent was facing doctor F. through the goggles.
  -Answer me this question, Vincent: Why do you want to expose my true identity?!
  -You found out, at last, huh doc'? Vincent responded with a smile.
  -You are not the first reporter who tried to do so. Doctor F. was speaking very calm, despite his huge and strong body.
  -Then you must know, doctor, that I want to gain fame, to become a hero in the journalism world.
  -For whom? For yourself? Or for someone else? Doctor F. continued.
  -What do you mean?! For myself of course. Vincent responded very confident in himself.
  -Are you sure? From the look of your face, I can tell that you are doing this for someone else. A woman, maybe, who doesn't know of your existence.
  Vincent's amazed facial expression betrayed him. Doctor F. read him like an open book.
  -You see, Vincent, I am not only good in plastic surgery, but also good at seeing people's real faces behind their masks. So tell me, why do you want to impress this woman so badly?
  Without any hesitation, Vincent told doctor F. about his struggle of making Cindy his woman, although she has eyes only for his old fat boss. Then he mentioned Lily, the ugly duckling at his work place, how she constantly insists with her flirtations towards him, even though she knows that he doesn't feel the same for her.
  When Vincent done talking, doctor F. said a wise saying: "Don't judge a BOOK by it's covers."
  At the hearing of the word "book", Vincent's face became pale. He knew in that moment that doctor F. found out about the stolen book, reason why he pronounced the word book a bit louder.
  "Is he a mind reader as well? How could he see through me so easily and guess my thoughts correctly?"
  -Was my book interesting to read? Doctor F. continued asking him, knowing of course Vincent's thought by the look on his face.
  -To be honest, I was a little disappointed.
  -Because it was useless for my search.
  -That's what you think. Doctor F, said while unveiling his face. The second he took off the goggles and mask and showed Vincent his real face, Vincent fell off the surgery table. He was visibly shocked because doctor F.'s face was identical to Frankenstein from the book he stole. Lilly to the rescue!

-Has Norton returned yet?! The boss of "Jade Gazzete", Jade Jackson asked Lilly. For the past week, since Vincent Norton went to Venice to investigate doctor F., he asked Lily daily about reports or even some good news. And Lilly, visibly exasperated, gave him the same answer every time which was:

"-No, boss. Sorry, I haven't got anything about Vincent."

 -I still don't get why you sent that fool to do such a difficult task?! It's obvious that this is too much for him! Cindy added rudely, looking down at Lilly. Like everyone else in the firm, Cindy knew that Lilly had a crush on Vincent and she used this to tease her, even though she disliked him. Making Lilly think that she'll never have his love was making her feel better about herself. Her benefits about being the boss's secretary and secret lover didn't satisfied Cindy enough, therefore she had this little "hobby" as an entertainment.

 -You don't know Vincent, Cindy! Besides, if he's investigating doctor F. it is normal for him to take his time. Remember that many tried to find out his true identity but they all failed. Lilly spoke with confidence and courage in front of her boss and his secretary, looking straight into their eyes for the first time.

"This little nerd is always quiet. How dare she talk to us this way now?! Is she really that brave, or she's just stupid!" Cindy thought while she was moving away towards her desk. 

-Miss Lilly Bloom, if you're going to keep Vincent Norton's side, then why don't you go to Venice and help him?! The boss said sarcasticaly. But to his surprise, Lilly accepted and without delay, she got aboard on the first plane to Italy that day.

"I must help Vincent! If he doesn't get back home on schedule with information about doctor F., then he could lose his job. And what's worse, everyone in New York will soon find out and he'll be the laughing stock of the year! I will not let that happen."

  Doctor F., better said, Frankenstein let Vincent out in the village to think about the things he saw. He also did this to let the scared reporter to come into his senses. And who could blame Vincent?! Everyone in his place would have been shocked to see Frankenstein in blesh and blood right before their eyes.

  "If I'm going to report this back home, then surely I'll end up in a mental asylum. Who on earth will believe that a fictional monster is actualy real? Well, at least not without solid proof. I think I have a small camera in my baggage. Hope that nurse Dana didn't find it so far."

  -Look what I've found in Mister Norton's baggage, Franky! Nurse Dana was holding Vincent's camera. It was like she knew his intentions as well as her husband. Doctor Frankenstein didn't get to look at it very long, because his wife droped it on the floor and stepped on it really hard, making the device into pieces. He wasn't surprised of her reaction, neither upset. After last night when Vincent went on his spy mission, doctor Frankenstein and nurse Dana became more cautious than ever. But for now they have to wait and see what Vincent has in mind to de next.

  -You look like you've seen a ghost, boy! The bartender said while serving Vincent with a cold beer.

  -Not a ghost, a monster. Frankenstein to be exact! Vincent's face was still pale from the shock and his voice became lighter. His color returned after he emptied three jugs of beer.

  -So the doc' finaly showed you his real face, huh?! The bartender said smiling, ignoring the fact that his customer was scared half to death. Remember when I said to you that the doc' saved our lives and the entire village owns him big time?! Well, now you know what I meant by that. And before you can say anything let me give you a wise advice: Don't you dare expose the doc's real name or all of us will come and hunt you down like a dog! He's our saviour and we will do anything for his and nurse Dana's safety. Got that?!

  -Y ... Yes, sir. Don't worry, I'm not crazy and besides no one will believe me. Seeing that Vincent was honest, the bartender believed him and got relieved. Also the place was full of people whom heard about what happened to the new comer and they all stared at Vincent with suspect eyes. Even thought he promised to keep quiet, some of them didn't believe that.

  Meanwhile, Lilly got off the plane and began searching for clues about doctor F.'s

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