» Fiction » Frankenstein's Plastic Surgery Clinic, Mihaela Bogdan [best life changing books TXT] 📗

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clinic. She asked at the post office, the police station, everywhere but as far all the people she talked to laughed at her. Lily was used being laughed at that it didn't affect her anymore. Soon she met a tall woman with a big brown hat and green coat near a gas station.

  -Are you searching for a man called Vincent Norton? The woman asked Lilly.

  -Yes, ma'am. How did you knew?! Hope began to grow inside Lilly. She was tired from walking all day and this woman knows about her Vincent.

  -Then get in my car. Don't be scared, I am doctor F.'s nurse, Dana. 

  Hearing these words, Lilly trusted the mysterious woman whom covered her face with a mask. Unlike last time, nurse Dana drove on a nicer road towards the clinic. Lilly seemed like a nice girl to her, therefore Dana treated her like a princess. After all, girls gotta stick by each other, right?!

What happened next?

At New York, in the fanciest and most expensive hotel, Cindy and Jade Jackson the owner of“Jade’s Gazette” firm were having a romantic dinner. Before going up to their rented luxurious apartment, they ordered a bottle of the most exquisite champagne and something sweet to eat to go along with it. As they were going up with the elevator, Mr. Jackson said to Cindy that he had a surprise for her.

  -Are you going to give me a raise?! She asked full of hope in a seductive way.

  -No, no, no, my dear! It’s even better; just wait until we get to our apartment. I have rented the imperial one just for you, my beautiful queen.

  -Just for me?! You shouldn’t have, really. Cindy replied with a fake modesty when in reality she was restraining herself from jumping up and down the hallway with excitement.

  When they finally got inside the imperial apartment, Mr. Jackson closed the door after hanging a DO NOT ENTER sign on the door knob from the other side and began pouring the champagne into two beautiful glasses. All this time, Cindy was making herself comfortable by taking off her designed high heels and laying down on the matrimonial bed in a tempting sexual position for her boss.

  -To you, my precious! Mr. Jackson said handing Cindy her glass.

  She took it showing of a flirtatious smile, swallowed a small sip and saw some kind of circle sparkling at the bottom of the glass under the transparent foam.

  -What is this? She asked looking surprised although she knew the answer already.

  Instead of responding, Mr. Jackson finished Cindy’s drink, took the gold ring with diamonds and placed it on Cindy’s right ring finger. He then proposed to her in the traditional manner that every man does when he proposes. Cindy responded immediately with a fake facial expression of happiness that she agrees, if Mr. Jackson will add her name to his will, leaving her “Jade’s Gazette” after his death.

  -Why do you ask me such a thing? Mr. Jackson was a bit concerned about Cindy’s condition.

  -There is no hurry darling, it is just that you have so many enemies since your firm is the most popular one in the entire New York and if, God forbids it, something bad will happen to you I … I just want to make sure that your firm will be left in good hands. The thought that “Jade’s Gazette” will fall in one of your rivals hands will bring nothing but a huge pain into my heart.


  (Wow, what a drama queen! Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. As you noticed by now Cindy is one of my most hated characters I’ve ever invented. Yeah, not all my characters are my favorites, and most writers are in my situation as well. Or is it just me?!)


  -You are right, my precious, I will call my lawyers in the morning and get the papers done. I want my wife to have anything that I have. Mr. Jackson responded, falling into Cindy’s trap like a fool.

  Mr. Jackson was only in his 60 but to Cindy, he and other people whom passed the age of 50 were all as good as dead to her, as if she’s going to be young and beautiful forever.

  In Venice, Vincent was in the living room with Doctor Frankenstein waiting for nurse Dana to return. Vincent was curious to find out where she has been all this time, he even thought of asking doctor F. (I will continue to write with F. as a abbreviation from now on, even though the doctor’s identity isn’t a mystery anymore), but he didn’t got used to his repulsive face which made Vincent sick every time he tried to see the doctor face to face.

  Doctor F. knew this; therefore he spared Vincent’s eyes by standing with his back turned at him and looking outside the window. Vincent was sitting on the sofa and surprisingly very quiet.

  -You are quite silent this evening, Vincent! I think it is the first time since you came here. Is there something bothering you?! Doctor F. sure has a gift of reading people’s thoughts.

  -I was wondering where … I mean … when will nurse Dana return home. Vincent tried to give a suitable response. If the book was true and if he dared to upset Frankenstein, he will certainly end up dead.

  -You know that I am way older than you, even 100 or maybe 200 years. To be honest, many years have past since I was created that I have lost their count. And if you look at me now, I look the same, but I have changed … in here; doctor F. pointed to his chest where his heart should be.

  -So you changed into good?! Vincent was more scared than before because he couldn’t guess what the doctor will say to him.

  -I think so. I have helped many people along the years, remodeling their disfigured faces into normal looking ones without expecting anything in return.

  -But why? Curiosity grew stronger in Vincent.

  -To repay my past sins. If you read the book then you know how many people I have killed, including my creator. I was still young then, I tried to fit in the society, but thanks to my creator and the ugly body he gave me, I was rejected by every one. I asked my creator to bill me a woman so I can have a companion, but he refused and realized late what terrible mistake he made. In that moment I was blinded and mad because of the huge anger gathered in my heart and I became a monster. Only after my creator’s death, I realized what I have done and sward on his dead body that I will redeem myself. This may be hard for you to believe but the only proofs to my good change are the people in this village, and my beloved Dana.

  -How come? I mean, even the bartender said that the villagers are grateful to you for saving their lives but I didn’t understood what he meant by that.

  Without a word, doctor F. went to the stairs and told Vincent to follow him. Vincent obeyed his order and went with him up into the attic. There was a secret door which leads to what seem to be a laboratory. It contained a huge vintage computer, a metal table and some other vintage electronics. Doctor F. pulled down a lever nearby the computer and the rooftop opened in half, showing the multicolored sky and the sun which was about to set.

  -Is this familiar to you, Vincent? Doctor F. asked with a happy tone in his voice as if he was bragging to his guest.

  -Yes, it does, but I don’t know where I’ve seen this before. Vincent responded while he was scratching his head with his left hand.

  -In a monster movie maybe … ?! Doctor F. gave him an important hint.

 -Yes, I think it was called Frank… Vincent shut his mouth quickly. He had doubts if the doctor F. really redeemed himself or not.

  -Do not worry! The funny thing is I find those movies quite entertaining. Especially when they made my skin all green and different colored eyes. Doctor F. smiled while his pale skin was lightly illuminated by the last sun rays.

  With other little sounds of laughter, doctor F. closed the rooftop and took Vincent downstairs, where they found nurse Dana and another guest.

  -Franky?! Where were you and why did you brought this rat along with you?! Nurse Dana asked her husband while giving Vincent a cold glance.

  -Dana, if Vincent already found out who I am, why not show him all my secrets?! Doctor F. responded while looking at the mysterious woman. And I see you brought a new guest.

  -Yes, this lovely lady was looking for Vincent at the airport. Poor girl, everyone laughed at her when she asked about our clinic.

  Vincent made a few steps into the living room to see the woman and when he saw her, she seemed familiar to him. She had curly brown hair, sparkling brown eyes and her red lips were quite tempting.

   The mysterious woman stood up quickly and jumped towards Vincent, almost ready to hug him.

  -Vince, I’m so happy I’ve found you, you have no idea!

  -That voice! Lilly, Lilly Bloom, is that you?! Vincent asked amazed that Lilly looked completely different. If she haven’t spoke, he wouldn’t guess in a million years that it was her.

  -Oh yes, when we arrived here nurse Dana offered to help me refresh myself after my exhausting trip.

  -And your glasses?

  -They are in my purse because I accidentally broke them. But not to worry, I also had my contact lenses with me, although they are uncomfortable reason why I prefer wearing glasses instead.

  -Children, I know you have a lot to catch on but this isn't the time for that. Now let's discuss what should we do with the two of you since you found out the doctor's true identity. Nurse Dana cut Vincent and Lilly's short chit-chat.

  Indeed, what will doctor F. do with them? Keep them in the village or let them go home and tell everyone about him?!


Publication Date: 08-07-2012

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