» Fiction » Expect the Unexpected, Becca A [best big ereader txt] 📗

Book online «Expect the Unexpected, Becca A [best big ereader txt] 📗». Author Becca A

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The Bagrovi thats holding my arm let go as we see a human. Not food, I repet in my head. He looks at me expectanly. Im tense and purpously not looking anywhere near the human. He sighs, taking my chin and making me look at the human. "They're food" he says, frustrated. "They are not" I hiss, backing up, and away from his grasp.
He growls, and runs over to the human, quickly killig her. The blood hit my nose like a wave. Sweet, salty, and fresh. I clench my hands, making my nails bite into my skin. Digging my heals in, I stay where I am. He grabs the body and puts it over his shoulder, blood slowly dripping from where he bit her neck.
Soon, hes in front of me and drops the body. I back up, and try to block my senses. He hissed, and grabs my arm, pulling my back. "Do it" he hisses in my ear. I shake my head 'no'. "There will be no animal blood for you, its drink from humans or starve" he growls.I hiss and kick out. He wasn't expecting it, and staggred back a couple feet. I turn and ran. I heard the wind shift as he came after me, no sound of his feet. He cursed as I turned around a small building that was old and warn down.
Hes still faster than me, but I'm smaller. I duck into a hole thats in the building. Its usless, he grabs my ancle and throws me. I hit another building with a loud crack. I land on my feet, ready to run again. "I could just kill you. Then again, you proubly want that" he said, thinking a little. I try to dart past him,but his arm comes out and wraps around my wait. "You just don't give up" he sighs. I struggle a little, then give up. "You would be stronger, faster, practicly undefetable, yet you choose not to" he says. He turns me, and pins both arms behind my back.
"Our world is mixed with humans sometimes" he says, proubly to hear his own annoying voice. Hes pushing my twords a dark, small house. He opens the door, then once were inside, kicks it shut. The couch is a dark blue, theres a big tv on the wall, no carpet. He pushes me near a door. "Yell when you change your mind, and I wouldn't recomend trying the window" he says, pushing me in and quickly shutting the door. I hear the bolt lock.
I look around the room, a small bed and another door thats open, leading to the bathroom. The window looks normal. I reach to it carfully. When I touch it, its as if I was burned by fire. I quickly pull it back and loo at it. My skin is red and blistering. I look back at the window, still it look normal. I sigh I fall back on the bed, and stare at the celing. I don't think about what happened, just and what will happen.
A couple hours later, I hear the front door open, and footsteps comming twords my door. I don't get up. I hear the bolt unlock, and the door open. I still look at the celing. The air moves, and I catch whats thrown at me with out looking. Its my book that was in my bag. I sit up, the bagrovi is there, holding clothes. He tosses them at me. I grab them, and set them down, not taking my eyes off him. "You wen't through my bag" I accuse. "I did" he says, noding. I look down at the clothes. Not mine, but new and my sizes. I look back at him, I look him over quickly. Blond hair, green eyes, 6'2. Its almost shocking how I can figure it all out so quickly.
"Give in yet?" he asks, half-heartdly. "You wish" I say, leaning back aginst the headbord. "I do, so I wouldn't have to babysit you" he said, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. "So whats your name?" I ask. I was getting tired of calling him the Bagrovi all the time. "Cal" he says, leaning aginst the door. He looks like hes 23, proubly. "They're sending another Bagrovi down, around your age I think...what 15? Anyway, they say Im not doing it right, so they sent him,, Don't know why they sent a little kid though...." he trails off. "Im 13" I say reflectivly. "I know, but I said around your age" he said.
"Whatever" I say, laying back on the bed, looking at the celing again. "What are you thinking?" he asks after a few mins. "Nouthing. Its better not to think" I say. "Thats proubly true" he says, and left the room. When he leaves and the door is locked, I grab some clothes and go into the bathroom.
I take a shower, washing all the dirt off of me. The cut have since healed from eailer, proubly from the fact that Im a vampire. I really cant get used to the idea of being a vampire. After Im done, I look in the mirror. Im paler, and somthing else. I can't place it. I look at my teeth, the two are sharper. But not, like mega big. Just sharper.
I take a deap breath, and leave my scary reflection and go back into my room. I lay on the bed again, back on the bed, looking up. The celing, its almost the only thing that seemse to not change latly. I wonder if anyone is looking for me. Mabey. I lay like that for a while, just thinking about all the possibalites that could have happened.
I miss playing soccer. I miss Racheal, my mom, and even coach a little. But I can't go back, and I might never see them again. I hear arguing. Cal, and someone else, who seems younger. I focous in on the sounds. "I don't know why they would send someone like you, your too young" Cal snorts. "Because Im not weak. I can handle a little girl, and it seems you cant" the younger one says. "I can handle her just fine. Shes frightened, and too small. I don't know why they bothered with her" Cal says, defending himself.
"It dosn't matter if shes frightened, she should be" the younger one hisses. "It does matter. You can't make someone do somthing out of fear, or it won't stay like that. Once they're not scared, they wont do it" Cal says, almost shouting. "I bet I could do that, and I bet I could keep her scared" the younger one growls. My stomach twists at his words. I already am scared of him.
"Do not hurt her" Cal growls angerily. Theres an affeciont hint in his voice. Does he care for me? Dosn't seem likely. "See, too soft. And I can do whatever I want, Im in charge here now. Not you. You have to leave, and I'll take care of the girl" the younger one says, dismissivly. My heart is pounding.
Cal growls, but I hear the door open. "Oh, wait. What the girls name?" the younger one asks. Cal dosn't answer for a moment. "Clare" then I hear the door slam shut. Foot steps come closer to my door. I jump to my feet, ready to run if i can. He comes in, but quickly shuts the door. I can't run now.
"So this is little Clary" he says, comming further closer to me. "Cal had to leave, he was too soft. So its just you and me" he says, and I shiver at his words. He has that evil glint. Cal had it, but it wasn't so much. He looks to be about 15. "Why don't you have a drink?" he says, tossing a water bottal at me.
I reflectivly catch it, but quickly throw it back. Its human blood. "Drink it" he commands, throwing it back. I let it fall to the floor. "If you don't drink it, maby I could get your mother, she might even taste better" he says, shrugging. I tense. I know its a lie, I hear it in his voice.
"Or maby her blood is rotten, and wouldn't taste good at all. Maby I could just kill her and get one of your firends" he continues. I know its a lie, but I lunge at him. I only have one firend, that proves hes lieing. He grabs my throat, and my feet dangle in the air. "You are small. Just like a mouse" he says, smiling. Im the mouse, hes the cat.
I claw at his hand frantically. Hes rambling, but Im not listening. My vision fogs, and I can't see clearly. I slowly stop struggling. Then, before I pass out, he drops me. I ghasp when his foot connects with my stomach I fly back and hit the wall. "Ill be back in a couple days" I hear him say before I pass out.

Can't be

When I wake up, I'm still on the floor. Its morning. I decide to first try to get out. I stand up, and study the window. I would have to break it to get out. I can't touch it, and theres nouthing to break it with. If I wasn't a vampire, I could just open it. But I am. I try again to open it.
I burn myself, repedly. I try using a blanket, and it still finds a way to burn me. I use a pillow even, still it burns. When Im done, my hands are red and blistering. I move on to the door. I try to pick the lock with a hair pin, I can't. I resort to beating on the door. I kick it, punching it, run into it. It wont budge. I cry out in frustration, and kick it one last time.
I fall to the floor in defeat. I do the only thing I can do at this moment, look up. Its the same as always. No changing. I lay like that all day, and the next day. I feel weak, and my throat is burning. Two days after trying to get out, I take a shower. I can barly hold myself up. I learn one thing from all of this, vampires starve quickly.
I look in the mirror when Im done. Im pale, and look sick. I feel

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