» Fiction » Expect the Unexpected, Becca A [best big ereader txt] 📗

Book online «Expect the Unexpected, Becca A [best big ereader txt] 📗». Author Becca A

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I walk hurriedly into the girls bathroom. My soccer game is soon, and I’m late, as usual. My mom said she would come and take me, but she ditched at the last moment. I changed into the familiar clothes. The blue top and shorts fit like they always, as did my sneakers. I looked in the mirror, my long red hair was laying limply on the side of my face and past my shoulders. I pulled it back in a ponytail, and put a headband on that held my long bangs back. I turned away and shoved all my things into my tattered, worn green bag. I shoved it by the rest of the bags and ran to the field.
It was an away game, and I wasn't very familiar with the halls. I was about to give my when Rachael shouted my name and ran over to me. She was wearing the same uniform as me, her short brown hair pulled back into a tiny pony tail. "Hurry up! Where have you been, their all waiting, your lucky I told them I would get you" She said, grabbing my arm and pulling me. We ran through the halls and out of the doors that lead outside. I memorized the halls on the way, so I wouldn't get lost and look like an idiot on the way back in.
My coach, Mrs. Delric stormed over to me, she never did have any patience. "Galaway! Where on earth have you been?" She practically yelled as she was within 2 feet from me. She didn't like me very much, ever since I missed the most important game of the history of our games. Again, that was because of my mother. The thought of that got me wound up, and I was about to say something when Rachael piped up. "Her mom bailed last minuet. She had to run all the way here, then she got lost in the halls"
Delric didn't seem to like that she had a point. She huffed and turned away, stomping back to everyone else. I gave Rachael a grateful look. "Just making sure you don't open your mouth and get kick off the team" she said teasingly. We both ran over to our team, and listened to the usual pep talk. I ignored everyone else through the talk, and thought about my mom. She hadn't been to any of my games since I was in second grade. She worked as a lawyer, and no matter what had more work to do. After dad left, it didn't seem to phase her. Not even the mention of him got a reaction from her. She only said, "He didn't want to be a babysitter, and wanted to see the world over his family". Even though I couldn't remember him very much, I hated him. Who would leave their family to pursue some dream of traveling?
I snapped out of my daze when Rachael nudged me. "Stop dreaming, and start moving" she whispered, smiling at me. I smiled back, she always knew if I was listening or not. "Galaway, Redsfer, get moving!" Coach snapped at both of us. We both hurried off on the field, me muttering "Yeah yeah, bossy". Me and Rachael were up in the front of the field, so we had to cross over when the ball was kicked. That’s exactly what we did as Tiffany kicked the ball. Me and Rachael have a team kind of thing going, we pass to each other, and one of us is always by the goal.
The ball was kicked to the other team, but lucky me, I blocked the ball from getting to her and took off with it. I kicked it to Rachael, and she ran with it, then I was by the goal. Rachael was getting closer, no one was able to get the ball from her. She kicked the ball to me, and I stopped it from going past me. I loved the way the ball felt as I kicked it, confident that it would always make the goals. I shot, and it went into the net. Point for me.
The rest of the game was like that, up until the near end. That was when Someone from the other team plowed into me and sent me to the ground. My arm twisted in an awkward angle, and I heard a pop. I cried out, and the whistle blew. My arm had popped, and it hurt. I could feel the throbbing and the pain. Rachael ran over to me, along with coach and someone else. I tried to sit up, and Rachael helped me. Silent tears ran down my face, damn my weakness. "Its okay, you got the shot" Rachael said, obviously trying to cheer me up. I gave her the best smile I could, and coach and the other person knelt down next to me. "We'll fix ya' up, don’t worry" said the other person, a man with dark brown hair. "Good job Galaway" Coach said, not looking to comfortable saying it. The guy grabbed my other arm and helped me stand. As I stood, some people cheered, most not. I grimaced as more pain shot through my arm. "You can walk fine right?" the guy asked. I nodded, and whipped off my face.


When they took me to the nurse that was present at the school, she fixed my arm and put it in a sling. I’m not going to even talk about how much that hurt. Rachael had abandoned the game and was with me now, going back to the girls bathroom. "It looked like a truck was running you over" She joked, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, felt like one too" I mumbled. "Oh, don't be like that. I saw Ryan there ya know, he was like, looking at you the entire time." "Oh yeah right, I bet you didn't even see him, since you were looking at the soccer ball the whole time" I snorted.
Ryan was a guy I had a crush on. He was hot, and everyone likes him. "I so did" she said proudly, proudly because she wanted to be good at soccer, and pay attention to the stands. I pushed the door open, and we quickly changed, and pulled out the hair ties and headbands. "Well, I got to go, my moms taking me home. Sorry we can't take you this time" Rachael said, propping the door open. I grabbed my bag after stuffing my things into it. "Its fine, can't take care of me forever" I said poking her arm, which meant move. "Alright, see ya" she said, leaving. "Bye" I called after her. We went down different halls.
As I walked past the trophy case, I caught a glimpse of my reflection; Long red hair laying loosely, dark blue jeans, and a black aro shirt. I kept moving, not liking the way the sling looked. I still had a little time, so I wandered the halls. Eventual I ran into the guy I saw earlier. "Hey, that was a good game, you and that rocket girl got in half the shots" he said, stopping. I think he was talking about Rachael when he said Rocket. "Thanks, so um...who are you?" I asked uncertainly. He winked, as if I was in on a secret. "Just a friend" he said, then walked away. I stood there a moment, confused. Then finally, I left the school and got on the bus.
Everyone was already on, and I sat in the first seat on the right side. I was still confused by when he said, 'just a friend'. Who was he? Now that I thought about it, his eyes seemed familiar...almost like my father's... I shook my head, dismissing the thought. He wouldn't ever come back. I looked out the window as the buss moved. I watched the buildings and trees fly past. I looked at my cell phone, it was 8:01 pm. I could hear everyone talking about the game, some even had walked up to me earlier and talk me that I was good on the field.
When the buss stopped, everyone got out, and I stood off the side, wondering if I should call someone for a ride or just walk. It was dark out, but not too cold, it was July after all. My birthday would be next month, I realized then. August 7th, I would be 14. Most people thought I was 12 at first look, because I was short. Some people called me petite even, thin boned, though I didn't blame them, I only weighed 98 pounds and was 5'3.
I started walking, the school was out of sight as I walked further, and the street lamps cast an eerie light across the road and sidewalk. No one was out, not really. Only a couple guys smoking. They whistled as I walked by, proudly drunks. I didn't look at them and kept walking. They only grunted and went back into the bar. As I walked further, the streets became darker, and an ally was in front of me. I would have to walk past it, but I didn't trust them, you could never tell who or what was in there. I glanced down it hesitantly, heart beating faster.
No one. I sighed and walked on. When I got past it, I looked into my gym bag, making sure I had my book in it. It was. I zipped it back up, and maybe if I had done it a second later, maybe I would have heard whoever was behind me.
A hand clamped over my mouth, and around my waist, lifting me up. I tried to scream and kick, it didn’t even loosen my attacker's grip, which felt like an iron bar wrapped around me. I was pulled back into the ally, that was almost too dark to see anything in. My heart was pounding fiercely, Adeline running through my veins. I kept fighting, nothing seemed to faze the person. A couple tears escaped, it was from the pain of my arm being moved so much, and just from plain fear.
"Scream and you'll wish I killed you faster" I voice hissed in my ear. The hand came off my mouth, and I whimpered. The voice sounded...evil. I was set on my feet, turned around and pushed into a wall. My shoulders were being pinned there, by the person, or thing that had taken me. I could see him now. Looking to be proudly 18, intense, frightening eyes, that had an evil glint in them. I flinched back when I met his eyes. I was scared to death, and my heart felt like I would burst through my chest.
"That’s good, now I'll make it quick" he whispered, brushing my hair back from my neck, then leaned closer to me. When his hand

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