» Fiction » Expect the Unexpected, Becca A [best big ereader txt] 📗

Book online «Expect the Unexpected, Becca A [best big ereader txt] 📗». Author Becca A

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sick. I quickly look away. I've thought of killing myself, but I can't bring myself to do it. I step out of the bathroom, and hes there. Leaning causaly aginst the door. I quickly back up. "Come here" he commands. I hesitantly walk twords him. I stop when Im about 2 yards away from him.
He studies me. "Well dont you look pale" he comments. "I bet your thirsty" he continues, and taunts me with the stupid blood filled bottal. I almost take it from him then. The smell is so sweet. I back up, reminding myself its from a human, and innocent person. He watches my movments, and without warning, jumps at me, pinning me back down on the floor.
I kick franticaly as he opens the bottal. Its like kicking a wall, no I bet I could do that better than I could hurt him. He prys my mouth open, and pours the blood in. I swallow it, and its like heaven. No its a person, I mentaly scream at myself. I keep kicking and struggling. When its all down, he gets off me. I ghasp and cough, on my hands ond knees now. The worst part, I want more.
It was a person, innocent. I drank human blood. It could be Racheal's blood. I whipe my mouth off, my hand has blood on it. He grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet. "You'll get used to the idea" he says soothingly. "No" I croak out. "You will, sweetie, don't worry" he says quitly. His hand brushes across my cheek, and I jump back.
He called me sweetie. Thats wrong, hes wrong. His eyes flash with anger. I whimper as he steps closer. "Give my you hand" he says demandingly. I let him take it. He quickly clips a band on it. It looks like silver metal, but it feels stronger than metal. "Its a tracker, and somthing else" he says slyly. He takes somthing out, and presses a botton. The band shocks me, and I cry out, suprised.
"Great, it works" he says, smiling. I hiss at him angerily. "You are a fighter. But that wont work right now. Come on, its time to leave" he says, taking my hand and pulling me along. When we're out of the house, the streets are emptly. I mentaly sigh in relief. He lets me go, and my first thought is to run.
"Fallow me. Dont try to run" he says, tapping my band. He takes off, and I have to fallow. Im running faster than I ever have, but hes way faster. He stays far ahead, but never out of sight. Maby I can get out of range, so the band dosn't work. I doubt it, but it still might work. I quickly turn around and run. I get about half a mile when the band shocks me. I cry out, but keep running.
I can hear him behind me, cursing. The shocking intensifies, and Im distracted enough by the pain to trip. I tumble to the ground, the shocking stops. He kicks me, hard. But I stand up, and fight back. I don't last long, I have no expierence with fighting. I finally fall to the ground, and he keeps kicking me. "I told you not to run" he hisses. I whimper, and cough up blood.
When he stops, we're both panting. He kneels in front of me. "Are you going to run again?" he asks. I whimper and shake my head 'no'. "Thats a good girl" he says, placing a hand on my cheek. I shiver. "Im giving you 10 minutes, then we're moving again" he says, standing up. I close my eyes, and take deep breaths.
I rest for a minute then sit up. I whipe the blood off of me, and stand up. I run a hand through my hair, fixing it. I pull my knees up, and wrap my hands around them, closing my eyes. I need a plan. I can't think of one. "Where are we going?" I ask not opening my eyes. "A camp, where other fledglings are, like you" he replies, sounding a little ways to my left.
After a while, I feel him grab my arm, pulling me to my feet. "Are you going to run away?" he asks. Maby I can, runaway. "No" I lie. He brushes my hair out of my eyes, and does the unthinkable. He kisses me. I ghasp out in suprise. He was more than just kissing me. He was gripping the back of my neck, and his toung inside my mouth. He breaks it quickly, "I don't belive you" he whispers in my ear, and he does somthing, I dont know what, and I pass out.

I wake up, and I smell other people. Vampires, of course. I bolt upright. Im on a bed, there are other girls, 27, and 30 beds. Some have that evil glint, others have sad faces, some defeated, others still fighting it.
I girl with a sad look, but fighting eyes, comes over to me.

"Im Sara. I think you already know where you are. Whats your name?" she asks.

"Clare" I say quitly.

"I've been a vampire for 6 months, been here for a month. Im fighting it" she says quickly.

"I've only been a vampire for a...week I think" I say in a small voice. Sara shakes her head in a dissaproving way.

"They're taking us too young. Your the smallest, and youngest here" she says.

"They try to break us, make us drink more..human blood. They'll abuse you, beat you. Are you going to fight?" she explains. I nodd my head 'yes'. I look Sara over quickly. I think shes about 15, and has long brown hair. "Just stay strong, okay Clare?" she asks me. I will stay strong. But before I can say I will, a lady comes in. Shes tall, and her hair is pulled in a tight bun. She has the evil glint.

"Sara, get away from her. You are not turning her into you" she snaps. Sara hesitates, but quickly moves away. Her heals click aginst the floor as she walks over to me.

"Stand up" she says, stopping in front of me. I quickly stumble to my feet.

"Whats your name?" she asks.

"C-Clare" I stammer quickly.

She takes my chin with her cold hand, and turns my head so she can see my neck.

"Only a week? she asks disgusted.

"Rose, you tell Clare here about where she is" she says, looking at a girl that looks to be about 16. She has short dirty blond hair, and a sad defeated look.

"Yes mam" she says, looking down shamfully. The lady leaves, her heals clipping on the floor. Rose and Sara come over to me.

"Hi" Rose says.

"Hi" I mumble.

"Well, I'll tell you the rules: everyone that is a 'teacher' is reffered to as 'sir' or 'mam'. You have to drink human blood, and do what your mentor tells you to" Rose quickly explains.

"You have Alex as your mentor. I rember when he was here, he choose to be what he is" Sara says, shivering.

"He, he isn't right. The way he looks at us" Rose says, flinching.

I nodd and close my eyes, blocking out him from my memories. "Not right" I mumble, he was more than not right. "Well, if all workd out with my plan, you are both comming with me" Sara says detirmed. Me and Rose both look at her, shocked.

"What do you mean?" I ask. "Im getting out. I know where the other school is, the one we were on our way to before we were taken. I can get out, and I will take you with me" she explains. I look doubtfully at Rose, slightly afraid she'll tell, or won't come.

"You won't tell will you?" Sam asks quickly, relizing what the risk of it getting out would be. Me and Rose both say no at the same time. "Thank you" Sam sighs.


We got our chance to sleep, but only an hour. I stick close to Sara, I was put in the same group as her and Rose. We have to go train in fighting first.
"Find a partner, and practice. Show no mercy, but there is no killing" the teacher snaps. Hes big, tall, and muscled. He stalks off into a corrner and watches us. Rose instantle goes to Sara, and she gives me an apoligitic look. I look around for someone, but they find me first.
Hes maybe 17, but isn't bagrovie, hes fighting it too, just like Rose.
"Just look at the others, and you'll get the hang of it. Do it quickly so he dosn't notice. Im Marc" he says quickly, and quitly. I do as he says, and understand it slightly. Be fast, predict movments, and get them pinned. I wonder if anyone ever actualy died here. Proubly.
Marc puts his hand on my shoulder and turns me so Im facing him. We start fighing lightly. I get the hang of it easily.
"Whats your name?" he asks as we fight.
"Clare" I said, ducking hid high kick.
"New, right?" he asks.
"You firends with Sara?" he asks, meaning behind it.
"Yes" I answer, he nodds, and starts going a little faster.
"You?" I ask. Meaning, is he firends with her.
"Yes" he says, dodging my fist. His foot kicks out and hits the back of my knees, knocking me backwards. I land on my back with a thud and Marc pins me in an instant. His arm is pressed lightly against my throat and his other holding both my hands above my head. The sudden feel of vulnerability frightens me, no matter who he is. He places his sharp canines against the artery in my neck and backs up.

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