» Fiction » His 'Kitten', Abbie Davis [best books to read in life TXT] 📗

Book online «His 'Kitten', Abbie Davis [best books to read in life TXT] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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Chapter 7

~Garroth’s father~


I heard the howl and everyone turned to me. My boy is in trouble. He also had his girl with him. No please don’t let it be him again.

I turned with several others and we went to the falls there stood HIM. He just laughed and ran away. I looked over to see that they both had fell over the edge.

“Split up and find them both!”I ordered,”No one shall rest till they are both back in the correct village. Now go!”

They nodded and went in different ways. I went straight down hoping that at least one of them were still down there.

I looked around but didn’t see either of them. Then that’s when grey fur popped out of the water not to far from the base. Garroth!

I went over to my son and helped him out. We both turned back as he seemed scared.

“Where’s my Kitten at?”He asked looking around.

“Son take it easy,”I said as he just stared at me.

“Dad she’s my mate,”He said sounding scare like when she got hurt the first time,”Where is she?”

“I have people looking for her Garroth,”I said trying to calm him down,”We’ll find her before anything happens to her.”

“Dad I need to find her,”He said running off from me,”I promised her that nothing was going to happen.”

“You need to rest.”

“No I need to find her!”

“Garroth you will listen to me! Now go to the village and let the adults handle this.”

“I can help,”He said not wanting to back down,”She’s my mate I and I need to find her. I won’t listen and you know that.”

With that he ran off following the river. He’s not going to stop is he. I looked up at the cliff as a fall like that could have killed her. I just hope he doesn’t find that out.

Chapter 8

I came up for air and the darkness around me. I looked around as the stupid cold air brushed against me. I was laying on the beach on my stomach. Great! I stood up as I was freezing now. Where is the rescue team when you need them?

“Garroth,”I called at least wanting to know if he was around,”Garroth if this is some prank on my or a punishment I learned my lesson now. Please show yourself.”

I got no answer back. Where is that wolf at? I looked at the sand as it was cold. I need to get out of the air. I saw a little house and decided to go there. I soon saw that it was a village and not just some house. I smiled as I have hope again. I ran to it as fast as my tired legs could take me.

I went up to the first door a banged on it. I was freezing cold and I think my lips are blue now.

“Please someone help me!”I cried out as the door opened.

“May I help you?”An old lady ask as she looked me up and down,”My dear what has happened to you? Come in please your shivering and your lips are blue.”

“Th-th-thank y-y-you,”I said as now my teeth was chattering with the rest of me,”I kind of fell into the river from a waterfall.”

“My dear,”She said handing me all kind of things to help me warm up,”Now you stay here and get warm. I’m off to find something you can wear and contact someone to help with your medical needs.”

I nodded and did just that. She left the house as I shut my eyes. It was so cold out. Why must it be December when all of this happen to me. Agh I hate my life.

“Yes Mrs. Tulip, I’m here to see if my Mate is here,”I heard Garroth say,”We both fell into the river after an attack. And well she went first off of my back. I couldn’t grab her in time for when I tried he pushed me over. We got separated in the water.”

“Well Garroth this might be your lucky day,”She said as footsteps came my way,”A young girl came just a few minutes ago looking for help.”

“Kitten,”He said as I faced him,”You’re so cold. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I should have seen him behind us. I should have went down to a narrower spot to cross.”

“Cold,”I said wrapping myself up more in the piles of blankets,”So cold.”

“I know you are,”He said getting under with me. He wrapped his arms around me as I snuggled up to the warmth he was giving off. “I’m here now. You don’t have to worry.”

“I thought you were punishing me for running,”I said honestly,”But you never came out.”

“I would never go this far to punish you Kitten,”He said into my hair,”I would never put you through something like this on purpose.”

I only nodded as a doctor came to check me out. It had turned out that I walked into a wolf village. And they knew Garroth’s very well. He had told me that he followed the river till he got a small bit of my scent and check the neighboring villages starting with this one. He couldn’t believe how lucky he had gotten.

“Their this way,”The lady said leading someone else in,”Garroth found her here.”

“Are you two alright?”His father asked kneeling in front of me.

“I am,”Garroth said as he held me,”But Kitten is cold. Like very cold.”

“When we get back I’ll order her some warmer clothes to be brought,”He said as Garroth picked me up,”For now blankets will have to work till then.”

I nodded as I was covered up more. I sighed as this felt better than freezing my tail off outside. Garroth followed his father back to their home. I looked at the sky as I tried to stay awake for now.

“They're beautiful aren’t they?”Garroth asked as I looked at him,”The stars.”

“Yeah,”I choked out.

“But not like you,”He said as I rolled my eyes,”I mean it now. You could rival them any day.”

“Whatever,”I said laying my head on his chest,”Why are you so warm.”

“I’m a wolf,”He seemed to laugh at me.

I should have known that one. I looked into his eyes to see that he seemed worried about something. Other times it was love and confidence. But now it was worry. What could’ve changed in him this much now? I took an uneasy breath as he carried me back.


“We’re back Kitten,”He said setting me on my feet,”They got a fire going for us already.”

While he was saying that I had ran to it. He laughed as I sat in front of the flames. They felt so warm to my cold body. He joined me as people walked in and over to the room. I watched as they left as if not wanting to bother with this.

“You can take the first shower if you like,”He said as I looked at him,”To help you warm up.”

I nodded and did just that. The water felt nice to my body. I stayed in there for a little bit to just warm up some. Once I was down the bathroom was warm as well. Better than the one at home with its could everything. I looked at the clothes they had brought me. Some sweatpants like the ones I was wearing when I got here, a black tank top, and a long sleeve blue shirt with ‘wolf gal’ written on it. I changed into that and walked out with my hair still wet.

I saw him on the bed waiting for me. He turned to me and pushed me back into the bathroom. What is he doing? I heard a blow drier going and soon he had dried my hair for me. I looked at him as he seemed to be making sure I was perfectly dry now.

“I don’t want you to be cold,”He said leading me back out and to the bed,”Now stay here for me.”

I nodded as he went to take his turn. I got off the bed and looked around the house. But mostly the living room. I stayed close to the fire as I looked at pictures. There was a couple of me in my room and just one of me running in the woods. Creepy much. There was also some of him and his dad. But I couldn’t see one of his mother. I shouldn’t ask about it.

“Kitten?”I heard him ask from the other room.

“Don’t worry I didn’t run,”I said not moving.

“You scared me there for a little bit,”He said walking over to me and putting his arms around my waist from behind,”What you doing in here?”

I shrugged as I really didn’t know myself. I guess I was just bored or something. He nodded before leading me back to the room. He must like it in there.

“You feel better yet?”He asked with a look of a lost puppy.

I watched as he acted like a lost puppy wandering around scared right now. I took a step back and out of his arms and that looked change. It was now like I was challenging him to something. He smirked and took a step closer as I backed up again. He acts like a dog. Noted.

“What are you playing at Kitten?”He asked as I had made it into the living room with him following me.

I stayed quiet as I know how I’m doing this one. I had my back against the door as he trapped me. I looked down as if I was ashamed to look up. I may have a few acting tricks up my sleeve. He raised my head and I only shock it out of his hand and looked at the other side.

“Kitten what’s wrong?”He asked scared again.

“Nothing,”I said with a sniffle.

“There’s something wrong,”He said trying to meet my eyes,”Please look at me.”

I ignored the call and smirked when the door opened hitting him in the head. Perfect timing. I looked as the wolf that had open it went to his side allowing me to sneak away. I looked at the sky as this time I was warmer and knew where I was going. 

Chapter 9



I held my head as I woke up. There was people all around me asking questions. I looked around but couldn’t find her. No where is my Kitten now!

“Where is she?”I asked not caring for my throbbing head.


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