» Fiction » His 'Kitten', Abbie Davis [best books to read in life TXT] 📗

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don’t know,”Kimmer said looking around,”When most of us got here, she was nowhere to be found.”

“When I opened the door I saw her run,”Catherine said,”I presumed it was for help.”

“She never came and got us though,”Kimmer said as she had ran again.

“Find her!”I bellowed as they all left me there,”Oh Kitten what awaits you when you get back.”




I pushed myself to go as fast as I could. He would be waking up about now and I had a good five minute head start this time.

I had went east like Caden had said. But made a few ‘wrong’ turns to help throw them off. It was raining in some of those parts I went in and hopefully my scent got lost in that.

I looked up as I saw a village. It wasn’t mine but maybe they could help me. I smiled as I went there. I slowed down some in fear that they were also wolves. Caden didn’t tell me how many of the wolf villages were in the middle of my town and theirs.

“Please can someone tell me where I am at?”I asked everyone that passed by me,”Please can anyone help me?”

“I can Amelia dear,”I heard my Gran say.

“Gran Gran,”I said jumping into her arms.

“Hello dear,”She said holding me,”Your parents miss you so much right now. You gave them quite a scare when you went missing.”

“I was kidnapped Gran,”I said as she lead me to her home,”By a boy that would look at my window for hours at a time. Oh did I mention that the boy was a wolf.”

“Oh my,”She said closing the door,”You must have been through a lot.”

“He said I was his mate.”

She had stopped what she was doing and only stared at me. It was like I had said the wrong thing. She shut all the blinds and made sure nothing was open before sitting in front of me at the table.

“What’s the wolf’s name Amelia?”She asked.


“Did he tell you the pack name?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Did he mark you yet? Or turned you?”

“No and no. But why are you so scared now Gran?”

She stared at me for a few second as if thinking about telling me. She took a deep breath before getting up and grabbing a book form the self. She brought it over and I was the mark of the wolf. Gran had told me stories when I was younger from that book. But why get it now?

“A long time ago,”She said opening it beside me as she read,”A young maiden was walking down the path of the forest. It was much like you were when you were allowed to. She had came up on a wolf pup much to the same age as herself. She looked at it as the poor things was hurt and needing great help.

“By the kindness of her heart she picked him up and took him with her. At home she took great care of the little thing and nursed him back to excellent health once again. Days had past since she had brought him home. In those days he had found her as his mate. Her scent was all that had told him that they were to be together forever.

“When he was fine she let him go. But he never left the area. He stayed around there watching after her. For she WAS his life now. Everything that happened to her he had to know about it.

“One day the wolf changed into his human form and went up to the door. He knocked three times before she had opened it. There he told her about everything he knew. She didn’t know how to think at that or what to think about it all. But she did accept him. And left with him.”

“And how does this affect me?”I asked as Gran looked at me.

“This was the story that started it all,”She explained to me,”Not many have Human mates but the few that do tries to make sure that their mate is allows alright and healthy. Safety was a first in a long time.”

“Meaning…”I started as she glared at me.

“Meaning that I know since you were attacked by that wolf when you were smaller,”She stated as she watched the door,”that wolf you were talking about will want to make sure that you are safe from all harm.”

I nodded as soon there were screams. Gran went to the window and looked out of it scared now. I looked at the mark on the book. I traced it with my fingers as she went somewhere real fast.

The mark was something that I had allows loved. It was a wolf paw print that had swirls in it. Around the outside was “Fiat cor lupus viam vobis demonstro” or in english “Let my heart I will show you the way of the wolf”.

“Put this on Amelia,”Gran said snapping my head to her as she gave me one of her jackets,”It will mask your scent a little but enough to throw them off. Also wear this.”

She gave me the mark of the wolf on a golden chain. I looked at her as this at one time belonged to my Grandfather. I had always loved it and forever will.

“Grandpa,”I said with a tear.

“I know baby,”She said hugging me,”Go out the back door. They won’t see you that way. And remember to keep the hood on till you are back home, if you make it. I hope you do baby girl. Be careful.”

“I’ll try Gran,”I said as I went for the door,”You stay safe for me now.”

She nodded as I ran out and began the rest of my journey. If I was right my home was only twenty miles or fifty away. I have a long run ahead of me. I looked back at the town to see that there was a lot going on in it now. Why must this have happened to me? Of all the people in the world, it was me.




After what seemed like hours of searching we found the right trail of her scent. It lead us to this town she use to go to all the time. Everywhere you looked her scent was there but just barely till a strong version came to me. My men were looking and yelling at the people while one house stood out. The windows were blocked off from the inside. Got ya now Kitten.

I turned back and went over there. I knocked three times and the door remained shut. Oh so we are playing this game now. I jerked the door and it opened. Really Kitten that was your best try.

“Now you fix my door this minute!”I heard an old lady say,”I was coming to get it and you break in! I should tell your parents about this kind of behavior.”

“Miss I am sorry for this but I’m looking for someone and didn’t have time to wait,”I said facing her Grandmother,”But I bet you know where my kitten is now?”

“Your what?”She asked confused.

I just rolled my eyes. I don’t have time for this now. So I gave her the shortest version I could think of to tell her. She only nodded as more of us came in. She didn’t seem scared at all.

“Now which one of you are going to fix my door now,”She said holding something behind her.

“No one,”I snapped as she faced me shocked,”Now where is she?”

“Young man I would look at who you are talking to again,”She said showing the mark on the book off,”Now you will fix that door.”

“Jeff fis the door,”I said as he nodded,”The rest of you looked for her in the house.”

“You won’t find her that easily,”The old woman said,”For if she wants to run than let her. Don’t make her be it.”

“Yeah well I need to protect her from everything and anything,”I said looking at the back door,”The rest of you go that way and cut her off. Don’t let her make it back home!”

They nodded and ran that way but something was off. Her scent was off by something. What did this old lady do to my Kitten?

“Your lucky that mark is protecting you,”I said heading back home,”You better hope she makes it back to me.”

“You’ll be surprised at what my little Amelia can do,”She said as we shut the door. 

Chapter 10

I looked ahead as I knew the path now. I have traveled it so many times before. I’m almost home. I smiled as I took in the fresh air for once. It’s nice not having to stay in the same room for ever now. And right now I could just walk the way there. For my Gran was an expert at fooling wolves. Grandpa was as well.

I sighed as I really miss him. He passed away five years ago. I shut my eyes as I let him words go over me.

“We are all special in some way Amelia,”He said the day before he pass,”We just have to find that way. It really could be anything. Just shine for me my little girl.”

“I will Grandpa,”I said to myself as I continued on the way.

He had pass from an attack. I monster had taken him away and the only thing they found was his necklace. The very one I’m wearing now. This was all Gran had left of him and she is letting me keep it.

“Stop right there Amelia,”I heard someone say behind me.

I took off scared of what it could be. I heard footsteps behind me closing in as I got scared even more. Soon I was tackled down and hit my head. I blacked out as I saw the wolves picking me up and carrying me back.



I woke up to my head hurting but also something was holding me down. I looked around as I was chained to the bed. I sat up as my waist was chained to the wall. What is this?

“Welcome back Kitten,”I heard Garroth say beside me,”Have a nice trip.”

I turned around to see that he was beside me looking not too please with me. I turned back to the chain. I need to free myself from this and fast.

“Don’t try to break the chain,”He said in my ear,”I made sure that you couldn’t break out of it so fast. Now why did you run this time.”

I looked down as my hand went up to the necklace. I held it as I gained power from it. Something Grandpa said that happens when I’m scared and hold it. I felt strength and not fear this time talking to Garroth.

“For I don’t want to be here,”I spat at him,”Now let me go this minute!”

“Oh she finally snapped back,”He said getting in front of me,”How nice?”

He was mad at me like the last time. But this time I was only feeding the beast on the inside. I could see him wanting to burst out and attack me. But I need to remain strong. This is me we are talking about. I don’t need some pup telling me what I can and can’t do.

“I said let me go,”I said lacing each word with venom,”I don’t want to be here.”

“And what are you going to do?”He asked as I let go of the necklace and he saw it,”That’s why you're so brave this time.”

“What do you mean?”I asked death

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