» Fiction » His 'Kitten', Abbie Davis [best books to read in life TXT] 📗

Book online «His 'Kitten', Abbie Davis [best books to read in life TXT] 📗». Author Abbie Davis

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Chapter 1

Have you ever feel like you are being watch? Like something is in the glade just watching you. Waiting to pounce and take you as it’s victim. Well maybe you are like me.

I was just a girl of a beloved family. There wasn’t much to me nor was there anything less to me. I had a passion for art and music and that was it. I really couldn’t see why someone would want to take me away to be theirs. It just seemed stupid in my opinion.

But what do I know really. I was always locked in the house to remain a secret from the world. My parents didn’t even tell the public about me for why would they. No one knew that I even was there.

I would sit in my room and watch the people out of my window. I would draw what I saw or if I was bored just take pictures. Mom and Dad had families that loved my pictures I took of them. They would come and my parents set up a fake camera while I sat in my room and took the pictures. Easy money if you ask me. But that was just as far as I got with seeing any real danger.

My father feared that one day something might happen to me like it had when I was younger. He was scared that I would just disappeared from him and never return. My mother was the same way. But much worst. If I even set one foot out of my room she screamed and yelled at me for even thinking about leaving. My father well he didn’t care as long as I didn’t leave the home.

But as every good thing there was it’s horror that followed it. For a while I didn’t let him bother me but it began to scare me. One day this boy just showed up at the gates of the house and just stared up at my room as if he knew I was there. At first I thought nothing of it but soon he was there everyday just staring at me. It began to go uneasy and I became scared of him.

His shoulder length blonde hair and baby blue eyes just staring up at me. As if I was all he saw for those long hours. I began to close my curtains to get his eyes off of me but he only found another way to gaze up at me. My room was in circular tower with windows that lead in the four directions. But he somehow found out that I have to leave one open for my stuff. He began to circle my tower looking for that one and when he found it he stared.

Today though I left them all shut in fear he would try something. Maybe he would think that I’m not here today. For my father takes me out rarely. Hopefully he would think that today is one of those days.

“Amelia what are you doing?”I heard my father ask,”Why are all of your windows closed off to the public?”

“There’s no special reasoning,”I said hoping he wouldn’t catch my lie.

“Amelia,”He said in a warning tone,”Why are your window blocked today?”

“There’s a boy outside that just stares up at my window,”I said showing him the kid,”He looks about my age.”

“How long has this been going on?”

“For I think three months. Why Daddy?”

“Why haven’t you told anyone about this?”

“You all were busy and plus mom would ground me for life if I had set one foot out of my room without your say in it.”

He nodded and left me there. I looked over the edge of the window to see him there just trying to get a glance at me. I hurriedly close them and went to my bed. There had to be something to get my head out of this whole thing. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. What to do what to do?

I looked over and saw a book about wolves. Why not. I picked that up and leaned back in my chair and opened it to the front page. I let my eyes gaze over each word as the tale of werewolves played in my head.

Chapter 2

 “Honestly the wolf shouldn’t be the monster here,”My only friend said,”If anything it should be the girl.”

“Kimmy the wolf attacked her in the story and made her serve them for life,”I said back looking at the book again,”The wolf IS the bad guy here and you know that.”

“Whatever,”She said hanging up on me.

Kimmy was a family friend. She had a golden heart for any kind of living animal. In my opinion it was a little out of her league to. I mean you can’t keep every animal alive now! But she is a kind redhead. Even though her ice cold blue eyes could kill a man.

I pulled my black hair out of my face. It was down to the middle of my back. I looked at the mirror to see the girl I had become. My green eyes looking scared as I knew that boy was still there. My lips holding the red lipstick my mother forcefully put on me along with the blue eyeshadow. My pajamas I wear everyday for I don’t go out anywhere. Today they were sweatpants and a tank top that both were blue. I stood at about 5’3” and was nothing special. I was also a little bit tan for I loved to sit in my window and watch the outdoors. I had gotten that from my dad. I watched as the girl I saw wasn’t the girl I use to be. This one was emotionless and not as free spirited as I use to be.

I could remember when I ran around the town with Kimmy playing games. Now though I can only call her and listen about her day. My life was boring and plain. Nothing stood out any more to me.

I went over to my bed as I shut the lights out. I crawled in wanting all of this to end. I want my old going everywhere life. Where I did have to stay in this room but could explore some? Whatever though. I shut my eyes as I heard something opened to my left. My door was that way. Must be my father or something.

Chapter 3

~The Boy~


I waited till I knew she was down speaking with her friend and her parents went to sleep. I have to get her out of there and to safety from other wolves wanting to claim her as theirs.

I climbed up the side of the house to get to the second floor. If I’m right she is on the forth floor, or that’s what it looks like. I jumped in and saw that the house was mostly empty. Wow I thought this would be harder. They probably thought they no one would take her. Whatever.

I went to her room and slowly opened the door. You will be safe my little kitten. 

Chapter 4

I ran outside as my father followed behind me. I was only four at this time. I loved just running in the woods near my house. It was just an amazing feeling.

“Amelia don’t go too far now,”My father called to as I ran far ahead of him,”I want to make sure I can see you.”

“Okay Daddy,”I called to him as I saw a puppy.

I slowed down and went up to it. I got on my hands and knees as I looked at it. He was so small and cute. I giggled as he sniffed my face.

“Hello Puppy,”I said as he just looked at me.

I was going to pet his head as I heard it. I turned around and saw the massive beast behind me. He attacked as I scream for my Daddy.


I soon woke up in a hospital room. I looked around and saw my Dad beside me on my bed. My mother was talking to the Doctor I guess. I was also in my father’s arms.

“Dada,”I said as I could barely talk.

“You're alright Amelia,”He said as my mother looked at me.

“Baby can you say that again?”She asked as I did,”Kyle her speak is…”

“This won’t last long,”The doctor said as Daddy petted my head,”But you will have to work with her in getting her speak back to what it was suppose to be.”

“Will this ever happen again down the line?”Mom asked worried.

“I don’t think it will,”He said leaving,”If you need anything just buzz for me.”

She nodded and Daddy just went over what had happen to me. The beast had knocked me down and I hit my head. Then he also had hit me in the throat. There was a lot more about it but I really didn’t care.

To me this was the most scareful thing that had ever happen to me. This was also the reason why I’m not allow outside anymore for fear of this happening again.

I woke up slowly as something felt different about my room. I was also by someone and when I fell asleep there was no one there. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I wasn’t in my room anymore!

I could see just out the door a grand living room with fur skins on the couches. To my right was a bathroom but I could hardly see in it. On the bed I was in was also fur. On the walls animal figurines or stuff was there. The walls were also wooden as if I was in a log cabin or something.

“I didn’t think you would want

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