» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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was on the phone again, wearing the same suit as the others but the shirt was a dark green. This made him wonder what the girls were wearing. Well to be truthful all he cared about was what Sierra looked like.

"Joseph, any clues?" Travis asked turning back to face him while Dean was still on the phone.

"Not a clue." He looked put out, whatever Teri was planning wasn't exactly what he had in mind to do tonight. This took Travis for a loop.


Scary Moments

THE sunset was unbelievable, the colors reflecting off the water made this place so surreal. His warm body against hers, was a blessing among itself. Shinning only true beauty in her own eyes. How did she get to be so lucky? Luck itself has avoided her since forever but now it just seems perfect.

Sitting here watching the sun burn into a million colors with the softest, most gentle arms wrapped around her. So focused on what she had had that she didn't even realize Travis was starring at her. His mouth twitching at the corners, his eyes totally focused on her. She dreamed of this moment for as long as she could remember but the moment was short lived. Once again brought of her daze by the annoying voice of my best friend, Teri.

The moment she took his hand in hers, the warmth she felt was warmer than anything the sun held all day. But soon enough that warmth faded too. Teri grabbed her arm and pulled her away, into her car. The look she saw on Travis' face only told her that he had no clue what was happening tonight either. The one thing she was quite surprised about is that Teri has been able to keep this a secret from everyone for so long. Normally she's so hyper that her plans are reveled without her knowing. Or that is what she claims but everyone knows otherwise.

The drive to wherever they were heading didn't take very long. Soon enough they were heading down a driveway and were parked in front of the house. For a second the house didn't look familiar to her. But after climbing out of the back seat, she figured out why. She had never been here before. "Teri where are we?" She thought that sounded like a good enough question but the looks she was given from both of them made her think twice about it.

"Oh I forgot. This is Richards house, he said I could use it if ever I was in town." Teri sprung lightly up the stairs and reached behind a flower pot to retrieve the spare key. Both Carmen and Sierra looked at each other in shock. Richard was Teri's brother, older by a couple of years.

"I didn't know Richard still lived here." Just saying this brought back memories she didn't want to relive. She was sure not all her childhood memories are bad but it seems like the only ones she can remember are. That's quiet disturbing to say the least.

"He's never said anything about moving away. You remember his girlfriend Janice, she lives here with him too. But neither of them are home right now, that's why we are here. It's just so we can change and get ready for this evenings events." Teri unlocked the door and walked in. Carmen and Sierra stood outside for a little while, both starring at her retreating back. Shaking her head slightly, Sierra reached down grabbing Carmen's hand and pulled her into the house. If Sierra had to be inside so did she. Sierra could clearly see that she didn't want to be here either.

The moment Sierra stepped into the house, she felt the emotions swell up. This house, the residence that lived here were bad news. They were when they went to school and she is sure nothing has changed. But with being Teri's brother they both - Carmen and Sierra - held their breaths and took another step inside. Clinging to each other for support.

Sierra didn't need to know the reason behind Carmen's fear, Richard and Janice are just plain creepy. They've never been nice to Carmen, calling her names and pulling pranks on her. But Sierra's reason for what she was feeling right now was completely different. There was a logical reason why she had purposely blocked this memory out and here it comes back. As if it had happened yesterday.

Deep in thought Sierra didn't hear Teri calling for them. Not until Carmen pulled her into yet another room. This room had our evening attire in it and Sierra tried hard to focus on that and that alone. Seeing the dresses laid out on the bed and the different styles each of them had was just about working for her. Carmen let go of her hand with a gentle squeeze and she turned to focus on her.

"Okay, Carmen this dress in yours, of course. And Sierra this one is yours." Teri pointed out to the different ones. Then telling us to start getting ready. "Oh yeah, the bathroom is this way so you can shower first then we'll start with the make-up and Sierra, I'll do your hair." Her saying this should have amused Sierra, made her at least laugh but she was too nervous right now. This night has been so perfect and here she was worrying about the past. Releasing the breath she was holding in and taking the necessary necessities she needed she headed in the location of the bathroom.

Once she stripped out of the t-shirt and swimsuit bottoms, she stepped into the shower and turned it on. Normally turning on the water on first but right now, the quicker she had this part over with the better. Getting it done faster seemed to be the only way to get out of this house and back in the arms of Travis. She would have called him just to hear his voice but she didn't want him to worry. She felt like such a burden to everyone. All they're doing is trying to make everything perfect and here she was bringing it down.

The water was hot by the time she was finished. Climbing out and turning off the water, she reached for the towel she had set down, but it wasn't there. The bathroom wasn't foggy so she had the ability to see everything around but still she couldn't find the towel. It was starting to bother her greatly. Did someone come in here while she was in the shower? Looking around carefully she saw that the few pieces of clothing that she had taken off weren't in here either. She was on the verge of screaming when Carmen walked in.

"Oh good your done. Here's a towel, hurry up and dry off. Teri is ready with the make-up and curling iron." She smiled stepping over to Sierra. "Sierra did you hear what I'd just said?" Sierra's eyes showed fear while she searched the room again and again. Not paying attention to Carmen at all. Then she noticed the other door, the one that opened up the his bedroom. It was slightly ajar. She couldn't peel her eyes away from it. "Sierra!" Carmen shook her to get her attention.

"I'm sorry Carmen. I think I'm losing my mind, this house is just creepy." Sierra grabbed for the towel and wrapped it around her already drying body. Tucking it in so it wouldn't fall down and walked out of the room with Carmen. Only to turn around one last time to look at the other door she saw that it was once again shut tightly. Now she knew someone else was in the house with them. Seeing this did however make her steps a lot quicker. Moving almost as fast as if she were speed walking.

"Okay Teri do your worst." Sierra smiled at the expression on her face. Teri looked horrified at her words but she knew she was joking. Well hopefully she did. Sierra means Teri has know her forever and she always joke about it with her but right now she wasn't smiling. Not the least bit and now Sierra is starting to worry. The minute her smile faded, she seemed to snap out of it and smile back. A little to late if you ask her.

"Sorry, deep in thought. Sierra I need you to change first. Here are all your clothes and then I'll start on your hair and make-up." Teri winked at her then pointed to the bag that held her underwear and bra. Sierra walked over to it shaking her head and pulled out everything she needed. Instead of leaving the room to change some where else, she did everything right there. Sierra has always been shy to change in front of them but right now, she wasn't taking any chances. This house is just too darn creepy.

Patting the towel on her semi wet body, Sierra pulled on her underwear. Under her towel and pulled it into place. With one task taken care of now she had to find a way to get her bra on without taking off the towel. Turning around so her back was facing them, Sierra dropped the towel and as quickly as she could, put on her bra. With the feeling of some clothing on her body, Sierra turned around to pick up the dress. The feeling of someone - other than the two girls already in the room with her - watching every move she made. It was just an eerie feeling and she tried brushing it off but that only made it worse.

As slowly as possible, Sierra reached down and retrieved her towel. Wrapping it around her once more so she felt a little better being concealed. Sierra didn't notice until that moment, that both Teri and Carmen were looking at her strangely. "Sorry," was all she could think about saying. Sierra really didn't want to explain to them what she was seeing or feeling for that matter.

Again Sierra dropped the towel and reached for her dress. With a gentle shaking of her hands, she managed to step into the dress and pull it up and over herself. The bra she was wearing just happened to be strapless so that could only mean that the dress itself was strapless. Her nerves were on edge so when Teri came up behind her and zipped up the back of her dress, just the simple movement of it made Sierra jump. "A little nervous are we, Sierra?" Teri's voice rang out from behind her.

"Is it that noticeable." Sierra whispered mostly to herself but she heard her anyway. Teri and Carmen were both laughing and Sierra had to laugh along with them or else she would be crying by now.

Sitting down in front of the mirror - Teri had assigned her to - Sierra stayed still through the whole process without

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