» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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happened and not wanting to lose any of it. Listening to the silence of the house and just when he had thought of what would make this day even more special, the door to Sierra's room opened. Both girls walked out and Travis could tell by Sierra's blushing that the swimsuit was something else all together.

He waited until they both were out of sight before making his way into her room. There was something in there that he needed to get, something he has wanted to do all his life. Heading over to the night stand, he opened it and found the little velvet box. Holding it in his hand, he opened it one last time, glancing at the exquisite stones on the ring itself and thinking how dull it will look once it's placed on Sierra's hand.

"Travis are you coming?" Her voice was so close, he could feel her breath on his neck. Quickly snapping the box closed and putting it in his pocket, he turned around and smiled. She reached out and grabbed his hand, escorting him from the room. Once he stepped foot on the stairs he could see everyone else waiting impatiently, well everyone but Dean. He of course was grinning and probably thinking what he could do to everyone once they all arrived.

"Sierra, us girls are going in my car and the guys are going in Dean's. Now that we have that straightened out, lets go!" Teri sprung into action, grabbing all the bags and Sierra's arm, leading the way to her car.

Dean was the one that couldn't hold his laughter in, making everyone laugh along with him. Teri looked so strange, with her arms full but still managing to get a hold of Sierra. And Sierra was smiling just the same but Travis could see that she was terrified of Teri as much as the rest of them are. Waving to them one last time, they all climbed into Dean's jeep and headed off to the beach.

"Travis when are you planning on telling Sierra what you know?" Joseph's voice broke the silence and brought Travis back to the very thing he has been putting off. Turning around in his seat so he could see Joseph's face before he would answer his question.

"I don't know yet Joseph but not today. I don't want to spoil her day with that. Please don't say anything, I know you want to but it's not yours to tell. This is all me and she'll hate just me for it." Travis had to make that clear to them because he knows this secret is killing them too.

"So...what are we going to do when we get there?" Dean's mind was already working and they both could see that. He was smiling just thinking about everything he could do and Travis was thinking of every way to get out of whatever he was thinking.

Soon they were parked and getting everything out. The girls weren't there yet but that didn't bother him too much, Teri liked to take her time and make her entrance. Shortly after the guys had everything unpacked and laid out did the girls finally show up. And seeing Sierra's face took his breath away. Walking towards her, Travis wanted to ask her right then and there but he decided to wait. This beach was special to him and he wanted it to be special to her too.

The closer Travis was to them and keeping his eyes focused on only her but he did see out of the corner of his eye, Teri nodding. Not that he was asking her permission but he couldn't help but smile bigger. She must have seen this happening and he wondered if she knew the answer before he did.


AFTER the vision she saw while holding Sierra's hand on the grass, had her terrified. Teri had to find someone to talk to about it. She didn't understand why it was that whenever she touched Sierra, she saw something but when she touched someone else hand, she didn't. The only thing she could come up with was it had to do with everything that's happened here. Well there is another reason but she really doesn't want to think about it. Cringing inward as the thought went through her head. Always she has thought that they would all be around forever and be friends that long too. Never once did she think that one of them wouldn't be there. And Sierra of all people didn't deserve to be put through anymore pain.

When she found Travis alone, she knew he'd be the one to help her. Keeping pace with him was hard enough but telling him what she knew would be much harder. How does she say it without him thinking she's crazy? Teri stepped away from him to be able to say it without feeling the full pressure of it. Thinking about it before she spoke made it easier to say everything the way she needed to.

When she did tell him, she could honestly say that she felt some sort of relief. Like a burden had been lifted off her shoulders. But still something about the way Travis looked didn't feel right. Seeing Sierra laying there all alone, made her think that something was going to happen between the two of them to make this vision a reality. Watching him walk away and being alone once again didn't sit well with her either. She couldn't wrap her mind around what would happen to make the two of them not be together.

So Teri set her plan in motion. Skipping away from where she was, she needed to tell Carmen something and get her involved as well. "Carmen." She chimed, coming around the corner of the house. Seeing her and Dean embrace made her giggle. Seeing them together was so cute and Teri hated to separate them but she needed Carmen right now.

She saw Carmen look over to her and smile, kissing Dean one more time before walking her way. Knowing all to well that Dean would say something to her about this so, she had to think of something quick. "It will be worth your while." Teri smiled at him and took Carmen's arm. They walked together inside the house and over to where the spare room was. Once inside she shut the door and went straight for the luggage that she brought. "I have a feeling something special is going to happen tonight so we have to find the right outfits. Do you still have that dress I bought you?" Teri was looking through her bags while asking this. Finally finding what she wanted for Sierra to wear. The swimsuit was so cute and she knew Sierra would love it so, she put it aside and looked for the dress.

"What exactly is going to happen tonight?" Carmen stood beside her with her eyes questioning Teri's movements. She couldn't help but laugh, this was way to easy.

"We are going to make this a night for Dean, Joseph and Travis to always remember." That's when Teri found the dress she had brought from Sierra's closet. Pulling out an empty bag, she put the swimsuit in that and the dress she put in another bag. Smiling as she turned around to see Carmen already had her dress out and the swimsuit she was going to wear. "That's the idea!" Pointing at it and approving the outfit.

"Are you going to tell me what we are all going to do tonight?" Carmen stood with her hands on her hips but she kept the smile on her face.

"You'll know soon enough. Now get changed because I have to go get Sierra changed too. Once that's done we are leaving." Jumping up and down with excitement and soon Teri was out the door and on her way to Sierra's room.

Seeing Dean standing at the door, Teri pushed him out of the way and made her way inside. She had to laugh at the sight in front of her. Dean had obviously walked in on something but she was glad it was him and not her. And after getting Travis to leave the room, she knew Sierra would do as she said.

Sierra walked into the bathroom and changed while Teri sat on the bed and waited for her. Thoughts of tonight's events flashed in her head, with her smile permanently plastered on her face the whole time. If everything went according to plan then Travis and Sierra will still be together when this night ends. Teri crossed her fingers just in case.

Sierra walked out with the swimsuit on and my god would heads turn. Jumping off the bed, Teri skipped over to her and made her turn in circles so she could see it all. And believe her when she says this but it is perfect. Travis will be drooling over her when he sees and then the dress Teri has picked out for her, oh she can't wait. She was blushing a deep shade of red and Teri knew she'd be embarrassed to wear this but after she reassured her, she seemed more relieved.

Teri threw her some other clothes to put over the swimsuit and to tell you the truth, the clothes she picked out for her didn't cover that much up either. With her hand in Teri's, they walked out of the room and downstairs to meet the others.

Only letting go of Sierra's hand when Teri saw Joseph. He wasn't smiling which made her think that something was wrong. Walking over to him, she reached up and put her hands on his chest. "Joseph is something wrong?" Teri watched as he looked at her, but she could tell his mind was somewhere else. Her excitement was dulling down and she hated feeling like this.

"It's nothing really." His whispers had her concerned that there was definitely something wrong. On her tip toes now, she leaned up and placed her lips on his. Feeling him relax a little then his arms wrap around her waist was very comforting.

Dean cleared his throat making them separate just like she had done earlier and all she did was smile at him. Joseph on the other hand looked upset. He held her in his arms until the rest joined then she realized that neither Travis or Sierra were in the room. "Where did they go now?" Teri asked everyone in the room and only received stares back.

Teri again turned and looked into Joseph's eyes, they looked so far away. He didn't look this way yesterday, did he? She couldn't remember, so much has happened since they showed up and honestly the secrecy was draining her. Of course she had her own secrets but that was different. Teri looked away from him to see the same look on Dean's face. They both knew something she didn't and that bugged her. Of all people to tell something to why Dean? He has never been able to keep a secret. She huffed under her breath and shook her head.

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