» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

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carefully but never have she seen Teri's eyes look so empty. The grip she had on her hand was starting to hurt and Sierra cried out in pain thinking that if she heard her, she'd let go. But instead Teri's grip only tightened, sending pain down her arm. Sierra was at a loss and wanted to scream out to someone to help but she couldn't find her voice.

Everything Sierra had been through in the past several days didn't compare to this. Her best friend even though she was sitting right in front of her, wasn't really there. She didn't respond to Carmen's words or her touch either. And Teri's face showed nothing but agony and pain but why, she didn't know. Sierra felt so lost in her eyes that she couldn't hear anything going on around her. Not feeling Carmen's touch as she held Sierra's hand closer. But Sierra did feel the coolness of Teri's touch as she tightened her grip even more.

Travis' voice was the only thing that brought her out of the state she was in. Hearing him, she stood up off the grass and ran into his awaiting arms. But something didn't feel right this time. He didn't hold her like he had before. Sierra didn't understand what it meant, maybe it was something to do with Teri. Maybe he was concerned about Teri, that's the only thing she could come up with that made sense. She really hoped that was it because if it wasn't, then maybe he had changed his mind about them. Feeling the loss Sierra knew was coming, she held on tighter. Not wanting to let go.

Pressing her cheek against his chest and hearing his heart beat, soothed her fear but only by a little. Releasing her hold on him, she turned and looked into the faces of her friends. Joseph and Dean, Sierra could tell were hiding something. They have never been good at keeping secrets but she wasn't in the mood to badger them until she found out either.

Stepping away from Travis and not seeing him reach or even make an effort to stop her, had her convinced that something was wrong. Feeling the tears building up in her eyes, she looked at the ground and tried to figure out where it all went wrong. Did she do something to mess this up? Sierra was almost convinced it was her fault, she mean it had to be. All she has been doing since she arrived here is cry and bring everyone's spirit down. That is all going to change now. No more crying, Sierra. At least not in front of the ones you love, she will however do it when she was alone. She was not strong enough right now to stop that.

But honestly Sierra have to admit that if he didn't want her anymore, she would completely understand. She come with a dark past and it's not that easy to overlook it either. She has put him through so much, with her depression and crying all the time. Sierra wouldn't blame him one bit if he just walked away and didn't look back.

Wiping away the tears that escaped her eyes, Sierra looked up at everyone to see them all looking at her. Joseph was the only one that caught her eye, seeing him starring at her, had her questioning why. He looked like he was on the verge of tears himself and soon she couldn't take looking at him anymore. The pain she was causing everyone has to stop. It's not fair for anyone to be feeling this way, least of all her friends.

"Okay something fun. Um...seeing that it looks like the sun will be out for most of the day, why don't we go to the Gold beach. Teri, Carmen will you help me find the perfect swimsuit?" Her voice didn't come out as strong as Sierra wanted it to but she could see the smiles appearing on their faces and knew she had said the right thing. Knowing them both as well as she did, they wouldn't be able to refuse. Sierra looked at everyone one last time before turning around and heading inside to get ready. Wiping the remaining tears away from her eyes and slowly making her way inside.

"Sierra, wait up. What's wrong?" Carmen took her hand and stopped her from going any further. And Sierra didn't know if she could explain why all the sudden she felt unloved and unwanted by Travis. Why she had feared this moment the most.

"It's nothing, honestly." Boy was Sierra wrong, it was something, something huge. Turning her back on the one man that held the world for her and being able to walk away from him. Remembering the nightmare so clearly now, that she started to hyperventilate. Her chest was burning with every breath she tried to take. Losing control was the last thing Sierra wouldn't to do but she felt it creeping up on her. So Sierra starred at the grass, pulling herself together enough to look up at her and smile. It wasn't convincing enough and Sierra knew it but she also didn't question her further either.

They walked inside together, with Carmen's hand still on Sierra's. Up the stairs and into her room. When the door opened, that is where she had lost it. Feeling herself falling and not doing anything to stop it. The tears were streaming down her cheeks and Sierra knew she had a lot of explaining to do but all Carmen did, was sit down and hold her. Rubbing her back, trying to sooth the fears Sierra had. "How about we stay here and let everyone go by themselves? Honestly I know what your trying to do but I really don't think your ready for it, at least not yet." Carmen's voice broke in certain areas but Sierra shook her head no.

"I need this as much as anyone else. I can do this, I've survived much worse." That had to be the biggest lie she has ever told. Sierra was not going to survive this, this is what will kill her not by someone else hand but by her own heart breaking.

Looking up from the floor to the bed that they had shared just hours before, sent another wave of pain her way. But this time she held it in. Tonight when she had to sleep, that's when she had let it out but not now.

They were both still sitting on the floor when the door opened. Sierra didn't move from where she was when Carmen stood up. "Carmen can I talk to Sierra alone?" Joseph's voice took her by surprise. Why wasn't he with Teri? And another question, where is she?

"Sierra, I'll be across the hall if you need me." Sierra nodded my head and heard the door close. Knowing Joseph was still in the room, she looked up to see him pacing the room.

"Is everyone waiting on me?" Sierra stood up and walked over to where he was, stopping him in his tracks. He turned around and looked at her, his eyes were rimmed with tears. "Joseph, did something happen to Teri? Is she alright?" Now her despair turned to concern and his silence was only worrying her that much more.

"Sierra there's something I need to tell you." He took a deep breath and walked over to the bed, positioning himself on the edge. Putting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. Sierra stood frozen in place, scared that something bad had happened when she was up here having her meltdown. She felt so selfish, feeling sorry for herself when someone else was hurt. She was beating herself up internally. "It has to do with Travis."

"What has to do with me?" Sierra spun around seeing Travis standing in the doorway, smiling. Knowing what Sierra know, she dropped her eyes from him and felt the need to get away, to escape this living nightmare. "Are you two ready to go? Everyone is downstairs waiting."

"No not yet." Sierra's voice cracked and she bit my lip. Hiding the trembling of it from his view. She didn't want him to see her crying anymore. "If I can have a minute, then I'll be ready." Sierra only looked up when Joseph walked past her, extending his hand so he could touch her side. Their eyes met for a brief minute then she dropped hers back down. Hearing the door shut, is when she took the two steps towards the bed and dropped down on it. Crying into the sheets so they could muffle the sound.

Sierra knew from living with Travis that in a few minutes he'd be back here, asking if she was ready again. Knowing her time in this room was limited, she pushed herself back up and just sat there. The whole time Sierra has been in here, she thought she was alone but feeling his warm arms wrap around her, in a comforting way, only had her crying harder. Why was he torturing her like this? Break her heart one minute and mend it the next.

"Sierra I'm right here. I told you as long as you want me, I'll be here." His breath against her neck sent shivers down her back. Sierra closed her eyes when his lips touched the skin on her neck. Tracing kisses up and down then he turned around to face her. Placing his lips on hers and sharing in loves embrace. Her heart soared and her breathing quicken with the kiss.

"Okay you two love birds, lets get a move on." Dean's booming voice interrupted what they were doing. Sierra hid her face while Travis starred at him.

"He's right love. We'd better go before the sun disappears and we have four angry friends to deal with." His voice was soft and he kissed her again before sliding off the bed and pulling her up with him.

"Sierra, I have the perfect swimsuit for you to wear." Teri pushed Dean out of the way and walked into the room. "Travis leave so Sierra can change!" Teri used her demanding voice and all Sierra could do was laugh. She's so small but boy when she demands, you listen.

"Yes madam. See you in a few, love." He kissed her again and walked out, saluting her on the way. Teri shut the door behind him and that's when she saw the bag she was carrying. Shuttering, Sierra knew whatever she'd picked out for her would be small. Teri scared her when it came to this type of fashion. "Here go put this on then come out and show me." Teri handed her the bag and off Sierra went into the bathroom to change.

She pulled the two piece out and was instantly terrified. It was so small that she wasn't sure it would cover anything at all. Screaming on the inside as Sierra took off her clothes. The one thing she could
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