» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

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him watching him kill them. And then Sierra finding them that way and knowing this whole time who had done it." Travis had fallen to the ground, sobbing. "I don't deserve Sierra's love."

Dean and Joseph stood there still as a board, listening to everything he'd said and still not believing any of it. "You knew who and you didn't say anything?" His voice was so low, Joseph could barely even hear the words, himself. But the look on his face told him he had hear it.



AFTER the long drive last night, Carmen was standing in the corner of the living room watching Dean. His youthfulness showed in everything he did and that's one thing that she loved about him. Then again it's also very annoying. Along with his youthfulness came childish pranks and Carmen is all to grateful he doesn't pull them on her.

But watching him this morning and seeing his huge grin, she knew exactly what he was planning on doing before he actually did it. She even tried to talk him out of it but of course he wouldn't listen so, she stood by and watched.

After seeing the look on Joseph's face, she felt bad for what Dean had done. But for some reason Carmen also knew that he wouldn't get away with it.

Looking through the window, Carmen watched Dean running away and then hitting the tree. It was payback for every prank he's pulled on everyone else and the funniest thing about it, was that no one actually did it to him. He did it to himself. Carmen couldn't help but laugh along with Joseph and actually had to move away from where she was so she could breathe.

Into the kitchen she walked and saw Kathryn and Phillip sitting at the table waiting for everyone else to join them. Carmen took a seat and waited with them. Sure that Dean wouldn't be joining them anytime soon but also hoping that Sierra would.

After the incident this morning with finding her sobbing in the shower. Carmen knew she probably wouldn't be in the mood to answer any of the undying questions Teri had in store for her. This is something Carmen will have to talk to her about before Sierra comes downstairs. But then again she is a hard one to rein in, when she gets an idea in her head, it's hard to sway her in a different direction.

When Teri pulled her from the bathroom, after seeing Sierra and Travis kissing. They walked together down the stairs and into the spare room that Dean and Carmen had acquired. Once in the room, Carmen sat on the bed and had one thing going through her mind from last night. " What did you see last night that scared you?" Watching the smile disappear on her face and the fear return made Carmen think that maybe she shouldn't be asking this.

"When I saw the guys pulled over, I didn't see anything until we passed in front of the gas station itself. Glancing over to where they were, I just didn't feel right about stopping. That's all." Teri looked at her then sat down beside her and fiddled with her hands.

"Your lying, I can tell. Something happened that spooked you and I want to know what it was." Reaching down Carmen cupped her chin and made her look her in the eyes. To see that she was serious. Carmen didn't want to do this but she has bit her tongue too many times before and this time is different. This time Carmen could see clearly that whatever she'd seen had her on edge. "Please, Teri." Carmen whispered trying to show her that all she wanted to do was help.

"I saw the man behind the counter and Joseph standing in front of it. He had a gun pointed at Joseph but it was just out of view. I saw him get shot and fall to the ground dying." Teri's breathing had decelerated and her eyes were starting to water. Carmen knew this time she was telling her the truth, there was no false tone in her voice. And after hearing this, Carmen too started crying thinking it could have been the last night she had seen either of them alive.

They walked out of the room shortly after and they both had a new understanding of each other. Carmen promised her that if someone was lying out right then she would say something and she told her when she saw something, she'd tell her.

Sitting at the table, Carmen thought of different ways to get Teri to not ask what she was going to. While deep in thought, Joseph and her had joined me at the table. Looking up, Carmen had seen Travis' face and he didn't look at all like she had remembered him looking. He looked to be in pain, walking away from Sierra to sit with the rest of them. Carmen could only watch him for awhile before feeling the urge to be by her side. Within a second of him sitting down, she was up and moving towards her. The smile she had on, Carmen could tell was fake. She held herself all wrong and for some reason Carmen knew if she didn't find a way to get her out of here, then she'd fall to pieces.

Shortly after Carmen was by her side, Teri was too. Taking one hand in hers, they lead Sierra out front and to the grass, where they all sat down and enjoyed the sun. Carmen watched as her grin only grew and knew that she had to say something before she started. "Sierra, I'm shocked girl. You and Travis! That's amazing." Carmen knew this would bring a smile to her face, something I'm sure would be real as the sun is shinning today. And she did exactly that but she also was looking at the grass, playing with it.

"Yes he is quite amazing." She whispered, smiling to herself. All of the sudden Teri started giggling and they both looked towards her. Carmen looked more in fear of what she was thinking but Sierra looked at her in confusion.

“So, how did this happen?" Teri asked wide eyed waiting for the answer. Sierra on the other hand was blushing a great deal and Carmen would have changed the subject but she was curious too.

"Honestly I don't know how it happened but I've always longed for it. You know that and the way I feel about him is so true. The funny thing is he feels the same way about me. That part I don't quite understand. I'm nothing like any of the girls he's dated, I'm absolutely ordinary. There's nothing about me that screams 'Look at me.' Other than the fact that my whole family is dead and not only that but whoever killed them is still out there. That's the only thing that honestly makes me stand out." Her speech started out with her smiling and probably thinking about everything she's done with him but it ended with her crying. They both knew they would have to do something in order to make her smile again.

Looking at Teri, Carmen could tell she was coming up with a plan. Frightened and a little scared of what that might be, she held Sierra in her arms and let her cry on her shoulder. Mouthing the words 'what' and regretting it almost immediately afterward.

"Come on Sierra. We are going to take you out and cheer you up." Teri reached for her hand to help her off the grass when she froze. Carmen knew that look all too well. The minute their hands touched, Carmen knew she saw something. She was so still, nothing like the last time and Carmen was scared of what she was seeing. Her smile disappeared quickly and was replaced by pain. Not knowing what to do, or how to get her to come back, Carmen searched for someone that could help and not seeing anyone around. "Joseph!" Carmen yelled as loud as she could and prayed he'd be able to hear her.

Sierra was still seated on the grass, holding Teri's hand in a tight grip. And Carmen could hear her whimper from the pain. Pulling herself up on her knees, Carmen crawled over to her and tried to get her to let go. Touching her skin and feeling the coolness of it had her concerned. "Joseph, Dean, Travis!!! Someone, please!!!" Carmen screamed, this time in fear. Her eyes betraying her as Carmen watched one of her best friends not moving. What was going on?

"Teri, Teri!!" Carmen screamed with tears streaming down her cheeks but still there was no movement. It didn't even look like she was breathing. Never once did Carmen look away from her face but sensing that someone was coming over to where we were sitting. Carmen slowly turned but couldn't peel her eyes away, something about the look Teri had on her face had her scared to death that something bad was going to happen. But not knowing what it was, was scarier than anything else.

Carmen moved herself to Sierra side, trying to comfort her and convince her everything would be alright. Knowing full well that it wouldn't be.

For the first time today, Carmen looked away from her friends and searched the grounds for the boys. With only her eyes. Carmen couldn't believe they didn't hear her scream for them. What were they doing? And why was it taking them this long to respond? Finally Carmen caught a glance of Joseph's form coming out of the forest. He and Dean were running towards us but Carmen didn't feel relief. Teri was still, very still and Sierra looked scared to death.

"Carmen, Sierra what happened?" Joseph's voice came from still far away and Carmen didn't know if she could respond to him. So both Sierra and Carmen shook our heads and starred at Teri. Both Joseph and Dean made it to our sides at the same time. Dean sitting by her, comforting both of them and Joseph by Teri's side trying to get her to say something. "Teri, honey. Please say something!" Carmen could hear the anguish in his voice as he held onto her stiff form.

Just as quickly as she became still did she snap out of it. Looking between the four of them, she shook her head and smiled. "So are we going out or what?" Did she not know what just happened?

"That sounds like an excellent idea and I have the perfect spot for us to go to." Travis' voice came out of nowhere and Sierra's face brightened up. Releasing her hold on her, Carmen watched her get up off the grass and run into his arms.


WHAT just happened between Teri and Sierra, had her at a loss. Sierra has never seen her like that before. One minute they were talking and the next she was still. Sierra watched her

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