» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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the best she could, she knew she wasn't fouling him. "Honey talk to me, what's wrong?" He looked scared for the first time since Teri has know him, he's scared.

"Did you not see what that store owner was holding? Joseph he could have hurt you. I could have lost you, please Joseph." Teri sobbed into his shoulder as he held her closer. Kissing her cheek and soothing her fears.

"Dean you take Carmen and I'm going to drive with Teri. No more stops on this road!" Joseph's voice was stern and everyone agreed. He helped her into the front seat and then climbed in himself. With Dean taking the lead again, Teri watched Joseph pull out behind him. Studying his face and seeing that he had no clue as to what would have happened.

That's the first time Teri noticed that she saw something no one else did. Seeing it happen before it actually did, was scary to say the least.

They drove throughout the night, closing her eyes every once in awhile only to open them again and see his face. Joseph is the most loving and caring person she knew and she was glad she gets to be with him forever. Seeing the sunrise and brighten up his face brought a new meaning of compassion to her eyes. Teri has to admit the sunrise was beautiful but nothing compared to him.



SHE woke up in the arms of the love of her life. Not remembering what happened the night before but feeling as if she hadn't slept at all. Sierra didn't want to open her eyes yet, afraid of the world and just held on tighter to Travis. "Morning love are you hungry?" His voice sounded angelic as his fingers traced circles in her arm.

"Do I have to get up now or can I just lay here for awhile?" Still with her eyes closed but with one hand softly rubbing his chest. Smiling when her stomach growled, answering her question for her. She slowly sat up but still didn't open her eyes. As Sierra slowly moved away from him, the fear took over again. He was her comfort and being away from him if only by a little bit she could feel the anxiety building up.

Finally deciding to open her eyes but doing it as slowly as she could and began to remember what happened last night. Her smile was disappearing and the fear returning. Her body started to shake but only slightly and she hoped for his sake, that he didn't feel it.

"Sierra, are you okay?" Sierra felt his hand on her back, rubbing it gently. But his voice was full of concern. Just the slight touch brought on a wave of calmness, subsiding her nerves for awhile.

"Um...I'm just going to take a shower and get cleaned up. I'll meet you downstairs in a bit." Sierra spoke in whispers, afraid that he would hear the fear in her voice and not leave her. She love the fact that he wants to protect her from everything but there are somethings that she need to deal with on her own. She slid off the side of the bed and walked towards the bathroom. Hovering by the door and praying that her legs will move enough for her to at least get inside. Sierra didn't know what to think of what Travis would be thinking, watching her right now. Would he think she had lost her mind? Would he be relieved that she was at least trying to make an effort? Or was she just dreaming? But after a few minutes of standing here, Sierra turned to see him still in the bed, laying down and watching her. She smiled the best she knew how to and opened the door, walking in and closing it behind her.

The shower did sound like a good thing, it was just the fact of having the warm water on her skin and the soothing effects of it, helping. Sierra reached down and turned the shower head on, watching the water and waiting for it to warm up. Her legs started to shake harder and she felt herself falling to the ground. Fear gripped every inch of her body, making the tears escape her eyes and falling on the floor. The sound of the water falling over powered her cries.

The room was beginning to fog up from the heat of the water but she still couldn't get off the floor. Weak and shaking, Sierra pulled herself in the corner and weep. What was she thinking separating herself from the only person who can calm her? She was not this strong person everyone thinks she am. She don't know if she will ever be able to get over this.

Sierra don't know how long she had been in here but all the mirrors and half of the room was covered in fog. Still fully clothed and still in the same position, she decided if someone were to walk in and find her, which she would hate for them to do, that it would be better to find her in the shower than on the floor. She stripped off her clothes, leaving them in a pile of the floor and crawled into the shower. Sitting on the floor and letting the water fall on her. Her tears were washed away by the water itself but still more fell. Sierra couldn't find a handle to grip the pain and needed to find a way to push it back down.

Hating herself each and every second because she couldn't find a way out of her misery. Not wanting him to suffer with her because he deserved much more than what she had to offer. Just thinking about losing him brought her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them, just to hold herself together.

Sierra closed her eyes and thought about all the times, she had thought that her parents would come walking through the door with open arms. Hugging her and telling her everything would be alright. Sierra had always prayed for what she had seen to just be a nightmare and hoping soon she would wake up and everything would be back to normal. But it seems this nightmare is on going, torturing her over and over again with the images. And now to add to her nightmare is her brother's image.

Sierra didn't realize until she felt someone's arms around her, that her cries were that loud. The water at some point had been turned off too, leaving her sitting on the floor of the shower alone. The water although it wasn't comforting as it should have been, it was at least something. Now Sierra felt like an empty shell, her nightmares were all too real. And the fear that someday everything would be fine, that was holding her together before was now making her fall further down then she had ever been before.

"Sierra, honey. Let's get you dried off and Carmen go get Travis." Teri's voice was a surprise but not in a good way. Great now Sierra was not only affecting Travis with her misery but now also everyone else she loved.

Sierra opened her eyes, unsure if she was dreaming that she was here or if she really was. Turning her head slowly and seeing her face, Sierra broke into tears again. Teri held her as she sobbed on her shoulder. "Teri are you really here?" Sierra knew the question was stupid but you never know, she might still be asleep on the shower floor dreaming of some normalcy in her life. Her friends surrounding her while she was back at home would be an amazing dream. But that's all it really is, is a dream.

"Sierra we drove all night to be here for you. We love you and are going to help you get through this. Your not alone." Teri whispered in her hair while still holding her tight. "Here lets get the towel on you and you off the floor." Sierra just nodded and tried to stand. Teri held her hands out to steady Sierra, as she put the towel around her.

"Sierra, Sierra!" Sierra heard Travis' voice and soon he was in the bathroom. She blinked away the tears and fell into his opened arms. Sierra could just imagine the look on Teri's face as she saw her do this. But right now this, holding him in her arms and his arms around her was her comfort and she couldn't live without him. Not even for the few seconds when she thought she could to take a shower.

"I'm sorry," Sierra muttered and felt her knees go weak again. She looked up into his eyes and felt the sadness he was harboring. Not taking her eyes off him, she reached up around his neck and pulled him towards her. Kissing his lips felt like the right thing to do but she had totally forgotten about Teri and Carmen being in the room. His kiss was deep and passionate, feeling more relieved now than ever before. Wrapping her arms tighter around his neck and pulling him even closer to her. Sierra heard someone giggle and instantly she dropped her hold, blushing and turning away from the stares.

"Wow so much has happened since we've been sitting at home. Sierra we need to talk." Teri laughed and turned on her heals, dragging Carmen with her out of the room. They shut the door behind them, leaving Travis and she alone.

"Do you want me to stay with you while you change?" He laughed a little and she could only guess why but she nodded yes. Sierra wasn't ready to let go of him just yet. Reaching up and wrapping her arms around his neck again. She pulled him back to her. This kiss lasted longer than the last one and ended with her back against the wall. His body was pressed against hers and the towel, disappeared somewhere. Sierra ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him even closer than before and never wanted this to end.

When the kiss ended, his stare was unbelievable. Never releasing from her eyes and she had no intentions on moving from where she was. Even though their friends and family were downstairs waiting on them, still she didn't want to be away from him. He leaned down once more and kissed her softly. "I guess that means yes." Sierra just smiled and then looked around for her towel. Wrapping it around her and taking his hand in hers, leaving the bathroom

Sierra walked with him while she went into the closet and found some jeans and a t-shirt. Dropping her towel, she watched him carefully. His eyes were wide and she knew exactly what he was thinking because she was thinking the same thing. But neither of them acted on it. Pulling the jeans on and the t-shirt over her head. They walked out of the closet hand in hand and went downstairs to

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