» Fiction » Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗

Book online «Shadow-Land, Heather Parsons [best feel good books TXT] 📗». Author Heather Parsons

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say was she liked the color, ocean blue.

Sierra started with the bottoms first, putting one leg in at a time and pulling them up. Just like she had thought, it didn't cover much at all. And she was sure that when Travis sees this, he'll insist she cover up. Okay enough worrying now with the top. Putting one arm in and then the other, the snap was in front. And just like the bottoms, this didn't cover much either. She just hoped wherever they were headed, that no one else was there.

Slowly Sierra pulled the door open and saw Teri grinning. "You look beautiful girl. Just wait until that boyfriend of yours sees you in that." She started jumping up and down.

"That's what I'm afraid of. Teri this can't possibly be a swimsuit, there's not enough material on this. I need a shirt and shorts to wear too and please nothing small. He's going to kill me when he sees this." She bit my lip just thinking about it.

"Oh girl you worry to much. I'll bet you, he's going to worship the ground you walk on. Just you wait." Teri threw her a shirt and shorts and left the room. Sierra hurried back into the bathroom and put what little clothes she gave her. Leaving the safety of her bathroom, she walked out the door to the room and down the stairs to meet the others.


Facing Facts

AFTER telling someone the thing that has been killing him forever, Travis didn't feel any relief in doing so. If at all, he felt worse. Seeing the look on both of their faces, brought him to tears. And then hearing Joseph's words, his voice sounding far off even where he was standing, made him feel horrible for talking to them at all. Travis could clearly see that not only would he hurt Sierra with what he knew but he was also hurting them.

Staying on the forest floor he waiting for the screaming and yelling, he was sure to hear from them. But nothing was said and that only made him feel worse. Travis wished they would say something, anything but this silence it's killing him.

They had only been here for a little while when Joseph's head snapped around, hearing Carmen's screams. Travis watched as both him and Dean took off in the direction of it. Staying behind for awhile and trying to control himself. When he thought he could manage, he too left but only walked slowly towards them.

Coming out of the trees and seeing all three girls on the grass, and Joseph at Teri's side. The look on her face had him concerned that she knew something and Travis was hoping that it wasn't what he had just confessed to, either.

The minute their eyes met Teri snapped out of whatever state she was in and smiled. "So are we going out or what?" What ever had just happened Travis was determined to get to the bottom of. But right now his only concern was finding a way to tell Sierra what he knew, and not trying to hurt her at the same time.

"That sounds like an excellent idea and I have the perfect spot for us to go to." Travis stood off from everyone else, seeing Sierra turn around and smile. The look in her eyes as she run into his arms was so full of love that it broke his heart. Knowing what he had to do now, he didn't hold her as tightly as he would have. Weening himself off her was the best solution he could come up with and Travis knew instantly that she knew something was different.

Her arms tightened around him and her head was resting on his chest. All Travis could think about was how his life would come to an end when she finally finds out the truth. Why did he allow himself to fill her heart and then turn around and break it? He was the worst of the worst kind of human there was. Giving someone hope just to turn around and shatter it again. Hold someone together just to watch them fall apart.

Travis forced himself to look away from her when she looked at him. Not being able to follow through with his plan if he looked into her eyes. His plan was simply or least it sounded that way.

But when she dropped her arms that were around his waist and stepped away from him. He should have reached for her, his mind was screaming at him to but he couldn't. Turning to look at her, Travis saw the tears rimming her beautiful eyes and knew he had just made the biggest mistake of his life. She didn't look at him this time but he did see her while she looking at everyone else. "Okay something fun. Um...seeing that it looks like the sun will be out for most of the day, why don't we go to the beach. Teri, Carmen will you help me find the perfect swimsuit?" Her voice was still as sweet as ever but with a tint of sadness in it.

This time Travis was the one that looked away, turning around and walking off. He couldn't hold in his feelings anymore and what he was trying to do wasn't only causing him pain but her as well. Hating himself for that.

"Travis you can't do this to yourself and you can't do this to her. Give her the choice to make that decision for herself and I'm sure you'll be surprised with what she picks." Teri was pacing with him. Where she came from, he has no clue. But she was walking beside him now. "I've never seen you this happy with anyone else and your planning on throwing that all away. That's not the Travis I know. The Travis I know, fights back." She reached out and stopped him.

"Teri I don't know what you are talking about." Playing dumb wasn't a strong suit for him but he wasn't in the mood for her now. She's much to hyper and energetic of a person for him right at this moment.

"Travis, I have to tell you something." She was quiet now, and standing off to the side. This reaction from her had him concerned, he has never seen her like this before. Staying quiet myself and waiting for whatever she wanted to say. "Earlier when I was sitting with Sierra and Carmen. I saw something when I touched Sierra's hand and it scared me. I saw her die. Seeing her lying on the floor bleeding and no one else was around to help her. I saw her die alone. Travis promise me that no matter what happens between the two of you, that you'll always keep her close." She was in tears and as Travis held her close to him, he could almost see what she had. A cold shiver went down his back and he knew he needed to be with Sierra no matter what.

"Teri I will not let anything happen to Sierra, I promise. Right now I have to go to her. Will you be okay?" Travis watched as she nodded then set off back to the house. Taking the stairs three at a time and wanting to be in her arms again. But when he reached for the door, he could hear Joseph's voice coming from inside and hearing his name. Travis didn't know if he was already too late but he opened the door anyway. "What has to do with me?" He stood there smiling when he saw Sierra turn around. She was so beautiful it made his heart skip a beat. How did he ever think that he could stay away from her. "Are you two ready to go? Everyone is downstairs waiting." He lied a little but it was the only way he could see that would get Joseph to leave the room.

"No not yet." Her voice cracked and Travis felt his heart break. He was the reason for her tears and he didn't know how but he would find a way to make it up to her. "If I can have a minute, then I'll be ready." Starring at her as she looked up only when Joseph passed by her, then when he walked passed Travis he only nodded. He shut the door behind him but Travis stayed in the room. Needing her so much more now, he stood still and contemplated on what to do. His eyes never left her form and he watched as she fell on the bed and cried some more. Not being able to stop himself, he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. The warmth of her body made him feel more alive than ever before.

"Sierra I'm right here. I told you as long as you want me, I'll be here." Travis placed his head on her shoulder and whispered these words to her. And not being able to resist any longer, he kissed her neck. The currents of electricity he felt had his heart racing and he knew once this started that he would not be able to stop it. Kissing her neck wasn't all he wanted to do so he turned around, climbing on the bed to face her. Placing his lips on hers, her arms wrapped around him and Travis felt their love grow stronger.

"Okay you two love birds, lets get a move on." Dean's booming voice interrupted what Travis was trying to do and of all the times for him to come in, it would be now. Travis glared at him and waved his hand, shooing him away.

"He's right love. We'd better go before the sun disappears and we have four angry friends to deal with." Finally giving up Travis whispered in her ear and kissing her again before sliding off the bed and pulling her up too. He didn't want to imagine what Teri had in store for Sierra.

"Sierra, I have the perfect swimsuit for you to wear." Teri pushed Dean out of the way and walked into the room. "Travis leave so Sierra can change!" She demanded pointing to the door.

"Yes madam. See you in a few, love." Travis kissed her one more time then walked out, saluting Teri on the way. When the door shut, all he could do was laugh. Teri being demanding is to funny, for such a small person, she sure does get her way a lot more than anyone else.

Travis figured he would get ready as well then wait along with everyone else. Once he was in his own room, he found a pair of swimming trunks and slipped into them. The thought of what Teri had told him earlier kept repeating in his mind. Travis couldn't lose Sierra. He walked over to his bed and sat down, thinking about everything that has

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