My Personal Hell on Earth, true.vampire.witch NJS [top books to read .txt] 📗

- Author: true.vampire.witch NJS
Book online «My Personal Hell on Earth, true.vampire.witch NJS [top books to read .txt] 📗». Author true.vampire.witch NJS
I struggled to breath.
"Elizabeth you will come back to me soon you will soon be mine again just face it this... BOY, your so infatuated with at the moment is just a fling you will come back to me Elizabeth you always will... always have" "It" smiled the most horrible smile I ever saw and it did not fit the face it was on.
"I... am... NOT... Elizabeth!" i was having difficulties breathing and speaking didn't help that at all.
"And... go back.. to... where... you came... from!"
I said agravated trying to remember that spell I read about how to get rid of a demon or whetever this thing was just because he said he was the devil dosnt mean he really was it I was gamma need more proof
"It" let me go and stepped back admireing my body I absent mindedly grabbed my towel and rapped it back around me.
Now that oxygen was flowing back to my brain I could remember the spell, "Amnee unetestestay anunciacarnay penatradestalta ancundam tarsay apegutarnay Ametay!" I screamed the last word and Ben's eyes flashed white and then they where his own again no glint of evil no nothing just pure Ben.
I ran up and hugged him, "Thank god you're ok!"
His back was stiff under my embrace it took me a second to figure out why I let go and walked around him. I had forgoten that I still only had a towel on when I hugged him... oops! Ah he'll get over it. I thought while I was walking around him to.... well OUR room
I came out of the room and I smiled and hugged him and breathed him in. He hugged me back and for the first time in a long time I felt safe, again in his arms.
"Sorry about the towle hug" I said with a sheepish grin.
"t's all forgoten" he said sounding like an old movie
"I wish" I said "a man can never forget something like that and for a 'modest'" I made air quotes around the word modest "man like you it'll haunt you in your dreams ooohh, ooohh" I giggled and he chuckled a deep throught chuckle that only normaly happens when he's really happy
I only wish he loved me as I do him.
If any other person I was traveling with became posessed I would have either killed them or left without a second thought. But I kissed him, I didn't want to leave him I couldn't leave him I loved him and still do nothing will ever change that.
He is mine and no Diablo is ever ganna take that away from me he's already taken to much!
"Safe" I mumbled as he held me again we were now sitting on the couch
"hmm?" he asked
I looked at him and smile "safe" I said again
"what do you mean?"
"I feel safe with you. I always do nothing can touch me but you when Im with you it's like your my own little bubble of protection! I hope that never goes away. The first time I met you, you were..." I paused thinking of a good word to use "Perfect. When we became friends and we hung out you always were there never on your phone or ignoreing me you listened and coforted and... and... nevermind" I said afraid of what he would think if I told him.
"No. Tell me" he said in a calm voice as he moved my chin to make me look him in his dangerous blue eyes. Surprisingly enough he didn't use his powers on me at all.
I turned my head away from his soul seeing gaze.
He got a better hold of my face but gentle as one would hold a baby he held my gaze.
He asked me his voice even gentler then his touch "please tell me Jean"
Still I refused to tell him. I just continued to stare through him at nothingness.
He chuckled
As only he could do I reverted back to a two year old and stuck my tongue out at him.
I was afraid he would use his powers on me so I bound them with a quick spell.
They say witches are evil when accually they just use more of their brain such as Ben and I I just havnt told him yet and I really didn't want to tell him about spells.
But I did really want to tell him but I was terrified he would not like what I said and leave to many people have left me I didn't want him to as well.
Just as I started to try and get out of his arms and into my own little bubble of nothing he stopped me and slowy bent his head so his lips met mine. His powers still wouldn't work bu I knew I would end up telling him his kisses were intoxicating.
I was still kissing him but I called him and ass 'cause he knew what he was doing he chuckled low it sounded like it came from his chest. I bit his lip he bit mine he laid me back on the couch I let out a little gasp as his bite hurt a little he had made me bleed he tried to pull away but I held him in place his flavor dancing on my tongue as it slid in and out of his mouth.
His kisses were not nearly as familiar as I wished they were I intended on changing that.
He pulled away and I fake pouted.
"Will you tell me now"
"Mmm no" I said and grabbed him and continued to kiss him makeing sure his taste will never be forgotten.
I fellt more confident after he kissed me I curled up in his arms tiered and said "I love you"
He didn't stiffen he didn't even flinch but he didn't say it back either he just looked at everything but me
I got up and left the room went to MY room and laid down in my bed and silently beat myself up for saying that I'm so stupid I need to stop telling him everything but if I dont he gets mad at me but the he won't tell me shit!!
UGH!! I got up and went to the window we were 5 stories up that should be enough to kill me. This was the selfish and easy way out but I didn't give a shit anymore I wanted DONE!!
I got up and walked over to the door and turned the lock, as soon as he tried to get in he would no something was up. I had to move fast.
Walking back to the window I knew I wouldn't be able to do it but it like it took me to cut myself that was easier then this still have the scare from when my mom yelled at me my escape I never told anyone, but the jump was a nice thought.
I heard the door jiggle and then there was a loud pounding on it.
"Jean! Are you okay?" he sounded nervous
I decided not to answer him I silently moved his bed in front of the door with my mind no way if I moved it physicaly it would be silent and sat with my legs swinging outside the window I was being stupid and acting like a braty bitch by hey I'm entitled to a little bit but I will say I am going overboard.
He kept bangin on the door I gave him his powers back as soon as I went I to my room so if he couldn't be all macho man and bust down the door physicaly he was ganna do it mentaly.
He called my name againg getting more and more nervous.
Still like the little bitch i knew I was I didn't answer. That was to much for him he busted it down mentaly.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He yelled as he was rushing towards me.
I still didn't answer him I just sat there and beat myself up for being stupid.
"GET DOWN FROM THERE!" he yelled stilll comeing for me he said this all quickly but time in my mind had slowed down I mad no move to obay him but no move to go any further into the whole I was digging.
It wasn't just him everything crashed down on me all at once and I started to cry inside only I wouldn't let him see me cry ever again!
I never saw him cry on his own I had to help him. He would never show me truly who he was and odd as it sounds I liked it I like that I liked him it was as if I had no choice in the matter.
Finally time caught up with itself and he was by my side renching me from the window, and pulling me close.
I stiffened "Let me go." my voice much calmer then the total and utter distruction that was going on in my brain.
"HELL NO!" he said starting to get a little angry as he began to drag me away from the window.
Still mega calm but firm, "PLEASE let me go then!" I said resisting him.
"Bite me!" he said with a bitter edge to his voice
So I did and I wasn't gentle like I wanted a kiss I tasted blood.
I felt him grimmace under the pain but he continued to drag me away, I got pissed but I didn't kick and scream like I wanted to I just became dead wait and slumped there on the floor his hand still firmly placed around my arm.
"No.... what crap with me gone your life would go back to normal not like you ever cared anyway"
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" he said frustration and confution both playing a part of his emocions... that he alowed me to see.
His voice got softer "I ALWAYS cared about you" he paused calming fighting some other emotion that he wouldn't let me see "and always will"
I looked him in the eyes and said, "Yeah I've been seeing that alot lately" I said sarcasticly "all you do is "care" WHY? WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST LET ME ALONE? WHY YOU HAVE TO GO AND MAKE THINGS SO COMPLICATED?" I was screaming at him trying to think of something totally crule to say to him and then I had "I HATE YOU!" I started to hit is cheast screaming I hate you over and over again.
Then I snapped and with one last hit I slumped into his body molded into him sick of living, of my life.
He held me close not saying a word just held me we sat on the bed the stress getting to me I felt like I was ganna pass out he continued to hold me as he laid back on the bed I silently cried as much as I hated it I still felt safe in his arms.
"Elizabeth you will come back to me soon you will soon be mine again just face it this... BOY, your so infatuated with at the moment is just a fling you will come back to me Elizabeth you always will... always have" "It" smiled the most horrible smile I ever saw and it did not fit the face it was on.
"I... am... NOT... Elizabeth!" i was having difficulties breathing and speaking didn't help that at all.
"And... go back.. to... where... you came... from!"
I said agravated trying to remember that spell I read about how to get rid of a demon or whetever this thing was just because he said he was the devil dosnt mean he really was it I was gamma need more proof
"It" let me go and stepped back admireing my body I absent mindedly grabbed my towel and rapped it back around me.
Now that oxygen was flowing back to my brain I could remember the spell, "Amnee unetestestay anunciacarnay penatradestalta ancundam tarsay apegutarnay Ametay!" I screamed the last word and Ben's eyes flashed white and then they where his own again no glint of evil no nothing just pure Ben.
I ran up and hugged him, "Thank god you're ok!"
His back was stiff under my embrace it took me a second to figure out why I let go and walked around him. I had forgoten that I still only had a towel on when I hugged him... oops! Ah he'll get over it. I thought while I was walking around him to.... well OUR room
I came out of the room and I smiled and hugged him and breathed him in. He hugged me back and for the first time in a long time I felt safe, again in his arms.
"Sorry about the towle hug" I said with a sheepish grin.
"t's all forgoten" he said sounding like an old movie
"I wish" I said "a man can never forget something like that and for a 'modest'" I made air quotes around the word modest "man like you it'll haunt you in your dreams ooohh, ooohh" I giggled and he chuckled a deep throught chuckle that only normaly happens when he's really happy
I only wish he loved me as I do him.
If any other person I was traveling with became posessed I would have either killed them or left without a second thought. But I kissed him, I didn't want to leave him I couldn't leave him I loved him and still do nothing will ever change that.
He is mine and no Diablo is ever ganna take that away from me he's already taken to much!
"Safe" I mumbled as he held me again we were now sitting on the couch
"hmm?" he asked
I looked at him and smile "safe" I said again
"what do you mean?"
"I feel safe with you. I always do nothing can touch me but you when Im with you it's like your my own little bubble of protection! I hope that never goes away. The first time I met you, you were..." I paused thinking of a good word to use "Perfect. When we became friends and we hung out you always were there never on your phone or ignoreing me you listened and coforted and... and... nevermind" I said afraid of what he would think if I told him.
"No. Tell me" he said in a calm voice as he moved my chin to make me look him in his dangerous blue eyes. Surprisingly enough he didn't use his powers on me at all.
I turned my head away from his soul seeing gaze.
He got a better hold of my face but gentle as one would hold a baby he held my gaze.
He asked me his voice even gentler then his touch "please tell me Jean"
Still I refused to tell him. I just continued to stare through him at nothingness.
He chuckled
As only he could do I reverted back to a two year old and stuck my tongue out at him.
I was afraid he would use his powers on me so I bound them with a quick spell.
They say witches are evil when accually they just use more of their brain such as Ben and I I just havnt told him yet and I really didn't want to tell him about spells.
But I did really want to tell him but I was terrified he would not like what I said and leave to many people have left me I didn't want him to as well.
Just as I started to try and get out of his arms and into my own little bubble of nothing he stopped me and slowy bent his head so his lips met mine. His powers still wouldn't work bu I knew I would end up telling him his kisses were intoxicating.
I was still kissing him but I called him and ass 'cause he knew what he was doing he chuckled low it sounded like it came from his chest. I bit his lip he bit mine he laid me back on the couch I let out a little gasp as his bite hurt a little he had made me bleed he tried to pull away but I held him in place his flavor dancing on my tongue as it slid in and out of his mouth.
His kisses were not nearly as familiar as I wished they were I intended on changing that.
He pulled away and I fake pouted.
"Will you tell me now"
"Mmm no" I said and grabbed him and continued to kiss him makeing sure his taste will never be forgotten.
I fellt more confident after he kissed me I curled up in his arms tiered and said "I love you"
He didn't stiffen he didn't even flinch but he didn't say it back either he just looked at everything but me
I got up and left the room went to MY room and laid down in my bed and silently beat myself up for saying that I'm so stupid I need to stop telling him everything but if I dont he gets mad at me but the he won't tell me shit!!
UGH!! I got up and went to the window we were 5 stories up that should be enough to kill me. This was the selfish and easy way out but I didn't give a shit anymore I wanted DONE!!
I got up and walked over to the door and turned the lock, as soon as he tried to get in he would no something was up. I had to move fast.
Walking back to the window I knew I wouldn't be able to do it but it like it took me to cut myself that was easier then this still have the scare from when my mom yelled at me my escape I never told anyone, but the jump was a nice thought.
I heard the door jiggle and then there was a loud pounding on it.
"Jean! Are you okay?" he sounded nervous
I decided not to answer him I silently moved his bed in front of the door with my mind no way if I moved it physicaly it would be silent and sat with my legs swinging outside the window I was being stupid and acting like a braty bitch by hey I'm entitled to a little bit but I will say I am going overboard.
He kept bangin on the door I gave him his powers back as soon as I went I to my room so if he couldn't be all macho man and bust down the door physicaly he was ganna do it mentaly.
He called my name againg getting more and more nervous.
Still like the little bitch i knew I was I didn't answer. That was to much for him he busted it down mentaly.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He yelled as he was rushing towards me.
I still didn't answer him I just sat there and beat myself up for being stupid.
"GET DOWN FROM THERE!" he yelled stilll comeing for me he said this all quickly but time in my mind had slowed down I mad no move to obay him but no move to go any further into the whole I was digging.
It wasn't just him everything crashed down on me all at once and I started to cry inside only I wouldn't let him see me cry ever again!
I never saw him cry on his own I had to help him. He would never show me truly who he was and odd as it sounds I liked it I like that I liked him it was as if I had no choice in the matter.
Finally time caught up with itself and he was by my side renching me from the window, and pulling me close.
I stiffened "Let me go." my voice much calmer then the total and utter distruction that was going on in my brain.
"HELL NO!" he said starting to get a little angry as he began to drag me away from the window.
Still mega calm but firm, "PLEASE let me go then!" I said resisting him.
"Bite me!" he said with a bitter edge to his voice
So I did and I wasn't gentle like I wanted a kiss I tasted blood.
I felt him grimmace under the pain but he continued to drag me away, I got pissed but I didn't kick and scream like I wanted to I just became dead wait and slumped there on the floor his hand still firmly placed around my arm.
"No.... what crap with me gone your life would go back to normal not like you ever cared anyway"
"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" he said frustration and confution both playing a part of his emocions... that he alowed me to see.
His voice got softer "I ALWAYS cared about you" he paused calming fighting some other emotion that he wouldn't let me see "and always will"
I looked him in the eyes and said, "Yeah I've been seeing that alot lately" I said sarcasticly "all you do is "care" WHY? WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST LET ME ALONE? WHY YOU HAVE TO GO AND MAKE THINGS SO COMPLICATED?" I was screaming at him trying to think of something totally crule to say to him and then I had "I HATE YOU!" I started to hit is cheast screaming I hate you over and over again.
Then I snapped and with one last hit I slumped into his body molded into him sick of living, of my life.
He held me close not saying a word just held me we sat on the bed the stress getting to me I felt like I was ganna pass out he continued to hold me as he laid back on the bed I silently cried as much as I hated it I still felt safe in his arms.
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