» Fiction » Myths of the Norsemen, H. A. Guerber [ereader manga TXT] 📗

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avenger of, 164; god of sun and summer, 197–215; Loki, real murderer of, 224; absent from Ægir’s banquet, 224; compared to Sigurd, 297; Loki deprives Æsir of, 329; the return of, 338; his death avenged, 357; Hodur murders, 357; compared to Greek sun-gods, 360; shrine of, 305; shrine burnt by Frithiof, 318; temple rebuilt, 327

Balmung (bäl′mung). Völund forges, 179; Odin drives into Branstock, 254; Sigmund secures, 254; Siggeir obtains, 256; Sinfiotli makes use of, 261, 262; Odin breaks, 266; Hiordis treasures shards of, 267; forged again, 274; Fafnir slain by, 276; laid between Sigurd and Brunhild, 285; Guttorm slain by, 288; placed on funeral pyre, 290; emblem of sunbeam, 297; compared to sword of Ægeus, 363

Baltic Sea. Cruise of Mannigfual in, 362

Barbarossa (bär-bȧ-ros′sȧ), Frederick. Leader of Wild Hunt, 25, 26

Baucis (baw′sis). Story of, compared with Geirrod and Agnar, 348

Baugi (bou′gē). Odin serves, 97

Beav. Same as Vali, 164

Behmer (bā′mer). Forest in Bohemia, 24

Beldegg (bel′deg). King of West Saxony, 40

Belé (bā-lā′). Heir of Sogn, 302; banished by Jokul, 302; replaced on throne, 303; conquers Orkney Islands, 303; helps Thorsten to secure Völund ring, 304; sons of, 304; last instructions of, 305; kings seated on the tomb of, 307

Beli (bāl′ē). Death of, 122; son of Kari, 232

Bergelmir (ber-gel′mir). Escapes deluge, 4, 230; same as Farbauti, 217

Berserker (bẽr′serk-er). Rage of, 23; Frithiof in similar rage, 317; wolf held by, 207

Bertha (bẽr′thȧ). Same as Frigga, 56; mother of Charlemagne, 56; patroness of spinning, 57

Bestla (best′lȧ). Giantess, 4; Æsir’s mortal element from, 9

Bethlehem (beth′lē-em). Peace of Frodi when Christ was born in, 128

Beyggvir (bīg′vir). Servant of Frey, 123

Beyla (bī′lȧ). Servant of Frey, 123

Bifröst (bē′frẽst). Rainbow bridge, 14; Valkyrs ride over, 19, 173; description of, 146; Heimdall, warder of, 147; Odin rides over, 199; insufficiency of, 221; Helgi rides over, 264; downfall of, 333; Giallar-horn proclaims passage of gods over, 356

Bil. The waning moon, 9

Billing. King of Ruthenes, 162; anxious to save Rinda, 164

Bilskirnir (bil′skẽr-nir). Thor’s palace called, 59; thralls entertained in, 59, 60

Bingen (bing′en). Rat Tower near, 30

Bishop Hatto. Story of, 29

Björn (byẽrn). Confidant of Frithiof, 307; plays chess with Frithiof, 309; steers Ellida, 314; carries men ashore, 314; takes charge of Ellida, 320

Black Death. Pestilence, 184

Black Forest. Giants in the, 236

Blocksberg (bloks′berg). Norns on the, 171

Blodug-hofi (blō′dug-hō′fē). Frey’s steed called, 118; Gymir’s fire crossed by, 120; compared to Pegasus, 355

Bloody Eagle. Description of, 86

Boden (bō′den). The bowl of offering, 95

Bodvild (bod′vēld). Betrayed by Völund, 177

Bohemian Forest. Same as Behmer, 24

Bolthorn (bol′thorn). Giant called, 4

Bolwerk (bol′wẽrk). Odin serves, 97

Borr (bẽr). Marries Bestla, 4; earth created by sons of, 5; divine element of gods in, 9

Borghild (bôrg′hild). Sigmund marries, 263; Sinfiotli poisoned by, 265; Sigmund repudiates, 266

Bornholm (bôrn′holm). The formation of, 236; Mannigfual cruise connected with, 362

Bous (bō′us). Same as Vali, 164

Braga-ful (brä′gȧ′ful). Toast in honour of Bragi, 102

Braga-men. Northern scalds, 102

Braga-women. Northern priestesses, 102

Bragi (brä′gē). Heroes welcomed to Asgard by, 19; Gunlod, mother of, 39; god of music and eloquence, 100–110; birth of, 100; the absence of, 105; Idun mourns for, 106; Idun sought by, 109; remains with Idun in Nifl-heim, 110; heroes welcomed by Heimdall and, 151; Ægir delights in tales of, 188; compared to Greek divinities, 353

Branstock (bran′stok). Oak in Volsungs’ hall, 253; sword thrust in the, 254; Sigmund under the, 263

Brechta (brek′tȧ). Frigga, 56

Breidablik (brī′dȧ-blik). Balder’s palace, 197; Balder’s corpse carried to, 205; compared to Apollo’s palace, 360

Bretland (bret′land). Mound in, where Soté hides, 304

Brimer (bri′mer). Hall of giants, 340

Brisinga-men (bri-sing′ȧ-men). Necklace of Freya, 134; Loki attempts to steal, 149, 356; emblem of fruitfulness, 150; made by dwarfs, 242

Brock. Jealousy of, 65; Loki’s wager with, 65; three treasures of, 67; wager won by, 67; story compared with that of Io, 351

Brocken (brǒk′en). Witches’ dance on the, 137; Norns on the, 171

Brownies. Same as dwarfs, 239; same as elves, 246

Brunhild (bro͞on′hild). A Valkyr, 173, 179; Sigurd finds, 279; Sigurd wooes, 280; Sigurd marries, 281; Sigurd forgets, 282; Gunnar loves, 283; Gunnar wooes by proxy, 284; wrath and jealousy of, 287; Högni swears to avenge, 288; rejoices at death of Sigurd, 289; death of, 289; Atli, brother of, 291; compared to Greek divinities, 297, 363, 364

Brunnaker (bro͞on′na-ker). Idun’s grove in, 105

Burgundian (bẽr-gun′di-an). Ildico, a princess, 89; Gunnar, a monarch, 297

Buri (bur′ē). Creation of, 3; giants’ war against, 4

Buri. Grove where Frey and Gerda meet, 121

Byzantine (bi-zan′tīn). Teutonic race influenced by that faith, 249


Cacus (kā′kus). Hrungnir compared to, 352

Caduceus (ka-dū′ce-us). Gambantein compared to, 357

Cain’s Hunt. The Wild Hunt, 26

Calais (kal′ā). Mannigfual passes, 235

Calypso (ka-lip′so). Compared to Holda, 350

Camomile (kam′ō-mīl). Called “Balder’s brow,” 197

Capitoline (cap′i-tol-ine) Hill. Vitellius slain on, 88

Carthage (car′thage). Compared to Seeland, 350

Castor (cas′tor). Compared to Erp, Sörli, and Hamdir, 365

Cattegat (kat′e-gat). Ægir dwells in, 185, 359

Caucasus (kaw′ka-sus). Loki’s punishment compared to Prometheus’s on the, 361

Celtic (kel′tik). Origin of the language, 342

Cephalus (sef′a-lus). A personification of the sun, 345

Cerberus (sẽr′be-rus). Analogy of Garm and, 359

Ceres (sē′rēz). Compared to Rinda, 345; compared to Frigga, 348; compared to Groa, 352; personification of earth, 360

Ceryneian Stag (ser-i-nē′an). Story of, 344

Changelings. Recipe for riddance of, 24, 244

Chaos (kā′os). World rose from, 2; analogy between Greek and Northern conception of, 344

Chariot. Sun and moon, 7; night and day, 8; Irmin’s, 30; Holda’s, 55; Nerthus’s, 57; Thor’s, 62, 68, 78; Frey’s, 118; Freya’s, 135; comparison between chariots of Greek and Northern gods, 345

Charlemagne (shär′le-mān). Leader of Wild Hunt, 25, 26; Bertha, mother of, 56; Freya’s temple destroyed by, 136; sword of, 179

Charles V. Alva, general of, 89

Charles’s Wain. Same as Great Bear, 30

Charon (kā′ron). Compared to Mōdgud, 359

Charybdis (ka-rib′dis). Northern parallel to, 353

Cheru (kẽr′ū). Same as Tyr, 87; sword of, 87–89; Heimdall same as, 151

Cheruski (ke-rus′kē). The worship of the, 87

Chiron (ki′ron). Compared to Gripir, 363

Christ. Peace of Frodi at birth of, 128

Christianity. Attempts to introduce, 55, 89, 137, 233

Christians. Easter feast, 55; Norsemen in contact with, 340

Christiansoë. Formation of, 236

Christmas. Wild Hunt at, 24; Bertha’s visit at, 57; Yule now called, 128; trolls celebrate, 234

Clio (klī′ō). Same as Saga, 349

Colchis (kol′kis). Argo sails to,

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