» Fiction » Myths of the Norsemen, H. A. Guerber [ereader manga TXT] 📗

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Cologne (ko-lōn′). Odin visits, 87

Coronis (ko-rō′nis). Ratatosk compared to crow in story of, 347

Cretan Labyrinth. Compared to Völund’s house, 358

Crete (krēt). Odin’s tomb at Upsala compared to Jupiter’s in, 349

Cyclops (si′klops). Compared to Loki, 354; to Northern dwarfs, 362

Cynthia (sin′thi-ȧ). Mani compared to, 345


Dædalus (dē′dāȧ-lus). Compared to Völund, 358

Dag. Son of Nott, 8; a treacherous Hunding, 264

Dain (dā′in). Stag on Yggdrasil, 13

Danae (dan′ā-ē). Compared to Rinda, 357

Danes. Sacrificing place of, 50; Frey, ruler of, 128; Mysinger slays, 129; Ragnar Lodbrog, king of the, 281

Danish Ballad. Aager and Else a, 184

Danube. Cheru’s sword buried on banks of, 88

Daphne (daf′ne). Northern equivalent, 345

Day. Divisions of, 9; Vafthrudnir’s questions about, 32

December. Uller’s month, 141

Deianeira (dē-i-a-ni′rȧ). Loki’s jealousy compared to that of, 360

Dellinger (del′ling-er). Third husband of Nott, 8

Delphi (del′fi). Compared to Gimli, 361

Deluge. Ymir’s blood causes, 5; Ragnarok, a version of, 361

Denmark. Odin conquers, 39, 40; Frey in, 128; Freya in, 131; Konur, king of, 153; Norns visit, 169; horn in collection of, 234; Gudrun leaves, 291

Destiny. Compared to Orlog, 347

Deucalion (Dū-kā′li-on) and Pyrrha compared to Lif and Lifthrasir, 361

Diana (di-ä′nȧ). Mani corresponds to, 345; Skadi compared to, 354

Dido (dī′dō). Compared to Gefjon, 350

Dises (dis′ez). Norns same as, 171

Dodona (dō-dō′nȧ). Compared to Upsala, 349

Dolmens. Stone altars called, 86

Donar (dō′när). Same as Thor, 59

Dover. Mannigfual passes, 235, 362

Draupnir (droup′nir). Odin’s ring called, 17; Sindri and Brock make, 66; Odin receives, 67; Skirnir offers Gerda, 120; laid on Balder’s pyre, 206; Balder sends Odin, 211; emblem of fertility, 214; dwarfs fashion, 242; Greek equivalent, 351

Droma (drō′mȧ). Chain for Fenris, 91; proverb about, 353

Druids (dro͞o′idz). Human sacrifices of, 86

Drusus (dro͞o′sus). Warned by a Vala, 171

Dryads (drī′adz). Northern equivalent for, 346

Duke of Alva. Cheru’s sword found by, 89

Duneyr (do͞o′nīr). Stag on Yggdrasil, 13

Dunmow (dun′mo). Flitch of bacon, 126

Durathor (do͞o′ra-thôr). Stag on Yggdrasil, 13

Dusk of the Gods.” Wagner’s opera, 251

Dvalin (dvä′lin). Stag on Yggdrasil, 13; dwarf visited by Loki, 65

Dwarfs. Black elves called, 11; Ægir does not rank with, 185; one burned with Balder, 208; occupations of, 239–245; home of the, 351; nightmares are, 362


Eagor. Same as Ægir, 188

East Saxony. Conquered by Odin, 40

Easter. Same as Ostara, 55; stones, altars to Ostara, 55, 56

Eástre. Same as Ostara, 55

Echo. Dwarf’s talk, 240

Eckhardt (ek′hart). Tries to stop Tannhäuser, 54; compared to Mentor, 350

Eclipses. Northern belief concerning cause of, 9

Edda. Collection of Northern myths, 2, 40, 41, 146, 251, 339; sword-runes in, 86; Frey’s wooing related in, 119; Heimdall’s visit to earth described in, 151; Sæmund, compiler of Elder, 249; heroic lays in, 251; Younger, 40

Egia (ē′djyȧ). Wave maiden, 146

Egil (ā′gil). Marries a Valkyr, 175; arrow of, 178; Thialfi’s father, 189

Eglimi (eg′li-mē). Father of Hiordis, 266

Einheriar (īn-hā′ri-ar). Odin’s guests, 18; meat of, 20; daily battles of, 21; Valkyrs wait on, 175; Helgi, leader of, 265; Giallar-horn calls, 332; muster of, 334; all slain on Vigrid, 336

Einmyria (īn-mē′ri-ȧ). Daughter of Loki, 218

Eira (ī′rȧ). Goddess of medicine, 50

Eisa (ī′sȧ). Daughter of Loki, 218

Eitel (ī′tel). Son of Atli and Gudrun, 291

Elb. Water sprite, 194; god of the Elbe, 359

Elbe (elb). Drusus stopped at, 171; river named after Elb, 194

Elbegast (el′be-gast). King of the dwarfs, 242

Elde (el′de). Ægir’s servant, 188

Eldhrimnir (el-dhrim′nir). Cauldron in Valhalla, 20

Elf. Water sprite, 194; elf lights, 246; elf locks, 247

Elf. Sigmund buried by, 268; Hiordis marries, 268; second marriage of, 290

Elivagar (el-i-vag′ar). Streams of ice from Hvergelmir, 2; Thor crosses, 76; rolling ice in, 182; Thor’s journey east of, 189

Elli (el′lē). Thor wrestles with, 72

Ellida (el-li′-da). Magic dragon ship, 303, 307, 312, 319, 320

Else (el′sa). Ballad of Aager and, 184

Elves. Light elves, 11; occupation of the, 246–249; Ægir does not rank with the, 185

Elvidner (el-vid′ner). Hel’s hall 182

Embla (em′blȧ). The elm or first woman, 12; wooden, 347

Enceladus (en-sel′a-dus). Compared to Loki, 361

England. Wild Hunt in, 24, 25; May-day in, 38; Yule in, 124; flitch of bacon in, 126; miners in, 244; Albion same as, 246; fairies in, 246, 247; Oberon, fairy king in, 248

English Channel. Mannigfual in, 235

Epimetheus (ep-i-mē′thyūs). Compared to Northern creators, 347

Er. Same as Tyr, 87; Heimdall same as, 151

Erda. Same as Jörd, 59

Ermenrich (ẽr′men-rēk). Swanhild marries, 295; Gudrun’s sons attack, 296

Erna. Jarl marries, 153

Erp. Son of Atli and Gudrun, 291; son of Jonakur and Gudrun, 295; slain by brothers, 296; to avenge Swanhild, 365

Esbern Snare. Legend of, 240–241

Eskimo. Skadi’s dog, 115

Eubœa (ū-bē′ȧ). Ægir’s palace resembles Neptune’s home in, 359

Euhemerus (ū-hem′er-us). Historical theory of, 349

Europa (ū-rō′pȧ). Northern equivalent for story of, 362

Europe. Æsir migrate into, 39; discovery of, 342

Eurydice (ū-rid′i-sē). Compared to Idun, 353

Euxine Sea (ūk′sin). Mannigfual’s cruise compared to Argo’s in, 362

Evening. Part of day, 9

Exorcism. Of spectral hound, 24; of changelings, 244


Fadir (fä′dir). Heimdall visits, 153

Faerie Queene.” Girdle in, 242

Fafnir (faf′nir). Son of Hreidmar, 270; gold seized by, 273; Sigurd goes to slay, 275, 276, 277; Gudrun eats heart of, 283; personification of cold and darkness, 297, 364; compared to Python, 363

Fairy Rings. Magic spell of, 246

Fairyland. Alf-heim is, 117

Farbauti (far-bou′tē) Same as Bergelmir, 217

Faroe Islands. Thor’s name in, 83

Fates. Yggdrasil sprinkled by, 14; compared to Norns, 166, 357, 358

Father Fine. Outwitted by Esbern, 241

February. Vali’s month is, 165

Feng. Same as Odin, 275

Fenia (fen′yȧ). Giantess slave of Frodi, 128

Fenris (fen′ris). Birth and capture of, 90; story of, 90–94; shoe to defend Vidar against, 159; prediction concerning, 160; Hel related to, 180; birth of, 218; Loki, father of, 232; released from bonds, 331; Loki leads, 333; death of, 335; Tyr alone dare face, 353; compared to Nemean lion, 357; compared to Pyrrhus, 361

Fensalir (fen′säl-ir). Frigga’s palace, 43; Frigga spinning in, 203

Fialar (fyāl′ar). 1. Kvasir slain by, 95. 2. Red cock of Valhalla, 331

Fimbul-winter (fim′bul-win-ter). Prediction of coming, 209; terror of people at approach of, 330; Greek equivalent, 361

Finite Nature. Of gods, 9

Finnish Mountains. Helgé absent on a foray amongst, 327

Finns. Hermod visits the, 155

Fiöllnir (fyẽl′nir). Same as Odin, 275

Fiolnir (fyol′nir). Birth of,

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