» Fiction » Myths of the Norsemen, H. A. Guerber [ereader manga TXT] 📗

Book online «Myths of the Norsemen, H. A. Guerber [ereader manga TXT] 📗». Author H. A. Guerber

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tag="{}a">325, 327

Inglings. Frey’s descendants called, 128, 348

Ingvi-Frey (ing′vi-frī). Story of, 123–128

Inspiration. The story of the draught of, 95–102

Io (ī′ō). Northern equivalents for story of, 349, 351

Iörmungandr (yẽr′mun-gandr). Birth and banishment of, 90; Hel related to, 180; Thor angles for, 190; origin of, 218; rises from sea, 332; Loki leads, 333; tempests caused by, 332

Iran (ē-rän′). The plateau of, 1

Iris (ī′ris). Compared to Gna, 349

Irmin (ẽr′min). Same as Odin, Heimdall, or Hermod, 30, 150, 154

Irmin’s Way. The Milky Way, 30

Irminsul (ẽr′min-sul). Destroyed by Charlemagne, 30

Ironwood. Iron leaves of, 181; wolves fed in, 331

Islands. Eglimi, king of the, 266

Italy. Golden Age in, 355

Ivald (ē′väld). Dwarf blacksmith, 65, 87; Idun, daughter of, 101


Jack and Jill. Origin of story, 9

Jack in the Green, 38

Jack-o’lanterns. Elf lights, 248

January. Yule in, 128; Vali’s month, 165

Jarl (yärl). The birth of, 153

Jason (jā′son). Northern equivalents, 352, 363

Jill. The origin of Jack and, 9

John the Baptist, 26

Jokul (yō′kul). Same as Jötun, 232, 302

Jonakur (yon′a-kur). Gudrun, wife of, 295

Jörd (yẽrd). Daughter of Nott, 8; wife of Odin, 38, 42, 59

Jötun-heim (yẽ′to͞on-hīm). Home of giants, 5; Vafthrudnir inquires about, 32; frost comes from, 68; Loki’s journey to, 77; Odin gazes at, 80; Thor visits Geirrod in, 81; Loki’s progeny in, 90, 91; Odin goes to, 96; Skirnir visits, 120; Thor personates Freya in, 135; Hel born in, 180; Hyrrokin dwells in, 207; Loki goes to, 216, 217; Loki’s home in, 218; giants dwell in, 230; Tartarus compared to, 344; Idun in, 353

Jötuns (yẽ′tuns). Earth in the power of the, 45; the origin of, 230, 231; Thor feared by the, 231

Jove. Day of, in the North, 352

Joyeuse (zhwä′yẽz). Charlemagne’s sword, 179

Judea (ju-dē′ȧ). Bethlehem in, 128

Juno. Compared to Frigga, 349; to Freya, 352

Jupiter. Odin compared to, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349; Amalthea, nurse of, 347; quarrels with Neptune, 347; outwitted by Juno, 349; Thor compared to, 350; secures Ganymede, 353; compared to Frey, 355; wishes to marry Thetis, 357; wooing of Europa, 362

Justice. Compared to Forseti, 356

Juterna-jesta (yo͞o-ter-na-yest′ȧ). Senjemand loves, 233


Kallundborg (kal′lund-borg). The legend of, 240, 241

Kari (kär′ē). Brother of Ægir, 185; brother of Loki, 217; son of Fornjotnr, 232

Karl. The birth of, 152

Kerlaug (kẽr′loug). Thor wades across, 60

Knefrud (knef′ro͞od). Invites Niblungs to Hungary, 291; death of, 292

Kobolds. Same as dwarfs, 11, 239; same as elves, 248

Konur (kon′ur). The birth of, 153

Koppelberg. Children in the, 28

Kormt. Thor crosses, 60

Kvasir (kvä′sir). 1. Murder of, 95; Odin covets mead of, 96. 2. Loki surprised by, 226


Læding (lā′ding). Chain for Fenris, 91; proverb concerning, 353

Laga (lä′gȧ). Same as Saga, 38

Lampetia (lam-pe-shī′ȧ). Northern equivalent for flocks of, 345

Landvidi (länd-vē′di). Home of Vidar, 158, 160

Langobarden. Story of, 46; Greek equivalent for, 349

Laufeia (lou-fī′ȧ). Mother of Loki, 217

Laugardag (lou′gar-dag). Saturday called, 229

Laurin (lou′rin). King of the dwarfs, 242

Leipter (līp′ter). Sacred stream in Nifl-heim, 182

Lemnos. Northern equivalent for forge of, 362

Lerad (lā′räd). Topmost bough of Yggdrasil, 13, 20; the animals upon, 13

Lessoe. Island, home of Ægir, 185

Lethra (leth′rȧ). Sacrifices offered at, 50

Lif. One of the survivors of Ragnarok, 337; Greek counterpart of, 361

Lifthrasir (lif′thrä-sir). One of the survivors of Ragnarok, 337; Greek counterpart, 361

Light elves. Alf-heim, dwelling of, 117

Liod (lyōd). Same as Gna, 252

Lios-alfar (lyōs′alf-ar). Same as light elves, 246

Lios-beri (lyōs′-bā-rē). Month of Vali, 165

Lit, dwarf slain by Thor, 208

Lodur (lō′do͞or). Gives blood to man, 12; same as Loki, 217

Lofn (lōfn). Attendant of Frigga, 48

Logi (lō′gē). Cook of Utgard-loki, 71; wild fire, 72

Logrum (lō′grum). Lake of, 50

Loki (lō′kē). God of fire, 12; Sif’s hair stolen by, 64; changes his form, 64; Thor attacks, 64; wager with Brock, 65; flight of, 67; Brock sews lips of, 68; eating-wager of, 71; hammer recovered by, 77, 78; marries giantess, 90; adventure with eagle, 104; called to account, 106; south wind is, 108; Skadi laughs at antics of, 113; the lightning is, 116; Brisinga-men coveted by, 135, 149; falcon plumes borrowed by, 77, 80, 135; Freya urged by, 137; Freya accused by, 137; Hel, daughter of, 180; Ægir, brother of, 185; Frigga questioned by, 203; Hodur’s hand guided by, 204; Thok, same as, 212; the jealousy of, 213; tempter personified by, 214; god of fire, 213–229; son of Fornjotnr, 232; visits the earth, 271; slays Otter, 271; secures hoard, 272; Æsir tolerate, 329; released from bonds, 331; boards Nagilfar, 333; foes led by, 333, 334; death of, 335; Greek equivalent for Loki’s theft, 351; comparisons, 353, 354, 360, 361

Lombards. Story of the, 46

Lombardy. The possession of, 47

Longbeards. The saga of the, 46

Lorelei (lō′re-lī). Story of, 194–196; Greek equivalent, 359

Lorride (lor′rē-de). Thor’s daughter, 63

Lucifer. Loki the mediæval, 216

Lydian Queen. Northern equivalent, 351

Lygni (lig′ni). Wars against Sigmund, 266; Sigurd slays, 275

Lymdale (lim′dāl). Brunhild’s home at, 280

Lyngvi (ling′vi). Island where Fenris is bound, 92


Macbeth.” The Norns in, 170

Maelstrom (māl′strom). Millstones form the, 130

Magdeburg. Freya’s temple at, 136

Magni. Thor’s son, 63, 75; survival of, 338; Greek equivalent, 352

Maid Marian. On May day, 38

Mälar Lake (mā′lar). Legend of its formation, 50

Mana-heim (man′ȧ-hīm). Same as Midgard, 12; Greek equivalent, 344

Managarm. The feeding of, 331; Greek equivalent, 361

Mani (man′e). The moon, 7; his companions, 9; death of, 330, 331; equivalent, 345

Mannigfual (manig′-fū-al). Ship, 235, 236; Greek equivalent, 362

Maras (mār′az). Female trolls, 244

Mardel (mär′del). Freya, 133

Mars. Same as Ares. Northern equivalents, 352, 353

Marsyas (mār-sy-as). Compared to Vafthrudnir, 348

May Festivals, &c., 38

Mead. Heidrun supplies mead, 13

Mecklenburg. Worship of Frigga in, 57

Megin-giörd (mā′gin-gyẽrd). Thor’s belt, 61; Thor tightens, 72

Meleager (mel-e-ā′jer). Nornagesta compared to, 358

Memor. Same as Mimir, 30

Menelaus (men′e-lors). Northern equivalent, 363

Menia (men′i-a). Frodi’s giantess slave, 128

Mentor. Eckhardt compared to, 350

Mercury. Northern equivalents, 348, 350, 351, 353, 357

Mermaids. In Ægir’s palace, 359

Meroveus (mer-ō′ve-us). Birth of, 232;

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