» Fiction » Myths of the Norsemen, H. A. Guerber [ereader manga TXT] 📗

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tag="{}a">70, 71, 81; duel of, 74, 75; Egil’s son, 189

Thiassi (the-äs′se). Loki’s adventure with, 104; Idun kidnapped, 105, 106, 107, 108, 217, 353; Loki pursued by, 105, 107; Gerda, relative of, 119; the eyes of, 108, 354

Thing (thing). Northern popular assembly, 23, 136, 137, 305, 324

Thok (thok). Loki as, 212, 214, 224; comparison, 360

Thor (thôr). Never crosses Bifrōst, 14; Jörd, mother of, 38; toast to, 42; god of thunder, 59–84; infancy of, 59; anger of, 59, 64; description of, 60; hat of, 62; Alvis petrified by, 63; Miōlnir given to, 67; drinking wager of, 71; duel with Hrungnir, 75; adventure with Geirrod, 82; temples and statues of, 83; Tyr like, 85; giants hated by, 117, 231; Yule sacred to, 124; Brisinga-men worn by, 135; Uller, step-son of, 139; Grid’s gauntlet helps, 159; kettle secured by, 188; goes fishing, 190, 191, 192; consecrates Balder’s pyre, 208; visits Utgard-loki, 216; slays architect, 223; threatens Loki, 226; slays Midgard snake, 336; sons of, 338; Greek equivalents, 350, 351, 352, 361

Thora (thō′rä). Wife of Elf, daughter of Hakon, 290

Thorburn. Origin of name, 83

Thorer (thō′rer). Viking’s son, banished, 302

Thorn of Sleep. Brunhild stung by, 280

Thorsten (Thor′sten). 1. Saga, 298. 2. Son of Viking, receives Angurvadel, 302; shipwrecks of, 303; marriage and conquests of, 303; at Framnäs, 304; father of Frithiof, 304; last interview with Belé, 305; death and burial of, 306

Thorwaldsen (thôr′väld-sn). Origin of name, 83

Thrall. Birth of, 151

Thridi (thrē′dē). One of the trilogy, 40

Throndhjeim (thrōnd′yem). Temple of Frey at, 124

Thrud (thro͞od). Thor’s daughter, 63

Thrudgelmir (thro͞od-gel′mir). Birth of giant, 4

Thrud-heim (thro͞od′hīm). Thor’s realm, 59, 73, 76, 78

Thrud-vang (thro͞od′-väng). Same as Thrud-heim, 59, 73, 76, 78

Thrung (thro͞ong). Freya, 133

Thrym (thrim). Thor visits, 77, 78, 351, 352; Freya refuses, 78, 137; son of Kari, 232

Thrym-heim (thrim′hīm). Home of Thiassi, 105; Loki visits, 107; home of Skadi, 114, 115

Thunderer. Same as Odin, 346

Thunderhill. Named after Thor, 83

Thuringia (thū-rin′ji-ȧ). Hörselberg in, 53; giants in, 236

Thursday. Sacred to Thor, 83, 352

Thurses (tho͞ors′ez). Giants called, 230

Thvera (thvā′rä). Temple of Frey at, 124

Thviti (thvē′ti). Boulder where Fenris is bound, 93

Thyr (thir or thēr). Wife of Thrall, 151

Titania (tit-ā′nia). Queen of fairies, 248

Titans (tī′tans). Northern equivalents for, 343, 353, 362

Tityus (tit′i-us). Northern equivalent, 361

Tiu (tyū). Same as Tyr, 85, 352

Toasts. To Odin, 41; to Frigga, 42; to Bragi, 102; to Niörd and Frey, 116; to Freya, 137

Torge (tôr′ge). Story of giant, 233

Torghatten (torg-hat′ten). Mountain, 234

Tree Maidens. Elves same as, 249

Trent. Superstition along the, 188

Trolls. Dwarfs known as, 11, 234, 239, 241, 362; Peaks of, 244

Troy. Northern equivalent for, siege of, 350, 361, 363

Tübingen (tē′bing-en). Worship of Tyr in, 94

Tuesday. Tyr’s day, 85

Twelfth-Night. Wild Hunt at, 25; festival, 57

Twilight of the Gods, 178, 265, 330, 340

Tyr (tēr). Son of Frigga, 38; god of war, 85–94; one arm, 93, 334; feeds Fenris, 91; like Frey, 117; like Irmin, 151; chains Fenris, 93, 180; accompanies Thor, 188–192; fights Garm, 335; death of, 336

Tyrfing (tēr′fing). Magic sword, 242

Tyrol (tē′rol). Story of flax in, 51

Tyr’s Helm. Aconite called, 94


Ulfrun (o͝ol′froon). A wave maiden, 146

Uller (o͝ol′er). Skadi marries, 115; winter-god, 139–141; equivalents, 356

Ulysses (ū-lis′sez). Compared to Tannhäuser, 350

Undines (un′dēnz). Female water divinities, 193, 194, 359

Uplands. Njorfe, king of, 300

Upsala (up-sä′lȧ). Temple at, 40, 83, 349; Ingvi-Frey at, 123; mound at, 355

Urd (o͝ord). One of the Norns, 166, 167

Urdar (o͝ord′ar). Fountain, 13, 14, 60, 159, 166, 168, 334

Utgard (o͞ot′gard). Realm of, 70, 71

Utgard-loki. Castle of, 70, 71, 73; evil, 216; Thor visits, 217


Vafthrudnir (vāf-thro͞od′nir). Odin’s visit to, 32, 231, 348; fulfilment of prediction, 332

Vak (väk). Odin as, 164

Vala (vä′lȧ). Norns called, 87, 171; Odin consults, 199; grave of, 200

Valaskialf (vä′la-skyȧlf). Hall in Asgard, 18; Vali in, 165

Valentine. Vali as St., 165

Valfather. Same as Odin, 19, 173

Valfreya (val-frī′a). Same as Freya, 131

Valhalla (väl-häl′lá). Description of, 18–21; masters of, 60; Hrungnir enters, 73; Tyr welcomed to, 85; Tyr’s warriors in, 89; Bragi, bard of, 101; heroes in, 32, 151, 155, 264; Vidar visits, 159; Valkyrs choose guests for, 173, 175; Ran’s hall rivals, 186; mistletoe near, 199, 203; Helgi promised, 263; Gudrun returns to, 264; Fialar above, 331; host of, 334

Vali (vä′lē). Emblem of spring, 38. 1. The avenger, 164–165, 201; slays Hodur, 213; survival of, 338, 357. 2. Son of Loki, 218, 227

Valkyrs (val′kērz). Attendants of Odin, 19, 173; of the heroes, 19, 21; of Tyr, 89; led by Freya, 131; accompany Hermod, 154; Skuld a, 172; general account of, 173–179; Helgi marries a, 264; Gudrun a, 264; Brunhild a, 173; Freya a, 355; Hebe compared to the, 358

Valpurgisnacht (väl-po͞or′gis-näkt). Witches’ dance on, 137, 171 I

Valtam (väl′tam). Vegtam, son of, 200

Van. Niörd a, 15, 354

Vana-heim (väna′hīm). Home of the Vanas, 15, 111, 117, 131

Vanabride (väna-brē′dȧ). Freya, 131

Vanadis (vȧn′ȧ-dis). Freya, 131

Vanas. Sea and wind gods, 15, 111, 131, 148, 185; quarrel between the Æsir and the, 95, 111; comparisons, 338, 347

Vandals. Story of Winilers and, 45, 349

Vara (vä′rȧ). Oath keeper, 50

Vasud (vä′so͞od). Father of Vindsual, 10

Ve (vā). Birth of, 4; at creation of man, 12,

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