» Fiction » Myths of the Norsemen, H. A. Guerber [ereader manga TXT] 📗

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Greek equivalent, 362

Merovingian (mer-ō-vin′ji-an). Mythical descent of kings, 232

Mesnée d’Hellequin (mā-nā del-ẽ-cañ). Wild Hunt in France, 26

Midgard (mid′gärd). Earth called, 5; man dwells in, 12; root of Yggdrasil in, 13; Bifröst spans, 14; fields of, 118; Uller rules, 139; rooster of, 331

Midgard Snake. Thor attempts to lift, 72; Hymir fears, 190; Thor hooks, 191, 192; birth of, 218; rises from sea, 332; Thor slays, 335, 336; equivalent, 344; tempests caused by, 358

Midnight. Part of day, 9

Midsummer. Balder disappears at, 141; night, fairy revels, 248; eve, festival, 215

Milky Way in Germany and Holland, 30, 57

Miming (mē′ming). A sword, 179

Mimir (mē′mir). Well of, 13, 30, 94, 96, 146, 148, 231; god of ocean, 185; son of Hler, 232; Odin’s last talk with, 334

Minerva. Northern equivalents, 347, 348, 355, 363

Minos (mī′nos). Northern equivalent, 358

Miölnir (myẽl′nir). Thor’s hammer, 61; Thor receives, 67; dwarfs make, 67, 242; Thor gives life with, 69; Thor slays with, 192; giant slain by, 223, 231; Midgard snake slain with, 336; Greek equivalent for, 350

Mistletoe. Oath not sworn by, 199

Mödgud (mẽd′gud). Warder of Giöll, 181, 209, 210; Greek equivalent, 359

Modi (mō′dē). Thor’s son, 63; survival of, 338

Modir (mo′dēr). Heimdall visits, 153

Mœræ (mē′rē). Compared to Norns, 347

Moeri (mẽ′rē). Thor’s temple at, 83

Mokerkialfi (mō′ker-kyȧlf-ē). A clay image which Thialfi fights, 74, 75

Morning. Part of day, 9

Mors. Northern equivalent, 360

Moselle (mō-zel′). Celebrations along the, 124

Moss Maidens. Wild Hunt for, 25; Greek equivalents, 249

Mother Night. Longest night in year, 124, 215

Mühlberg (mēl′berg). Battle of, 89

Mundilfari (mo͞on′dil-fär-ē). Father of sun and moon drivers, 7

Munin (mo͞o′nin). Odin’s raven, 17; Od-hroerir found by, 96; Greek equivalent, 347

Muspell (mus′pel). Sons of, 333

Muspells-heim (mus′pels-hīm). Home of fire, 2; sparks from, 6; host from, 333

Mysinger (mē′sing-er). Viking, slays Frodi, 129


Nagilfar (nag′il-fär). Launching of, 332

Nagilfari (nag′il-fār-i). Nott’s first husband, 8

Nain. Dwarf of death, 100

Nal. Mother of Loki, 217

Nanna (nän′nä). Forseti’s mother 142; Balder’s wife, 197; death of, 206; accompanies Balder, 208; sends carpet to Frigga, 211; emblem of vegetation, 214; compared to Greek divinities, 360

Narve (när′va). Son of Loki, 218; death of, 227

Nastrond (nä′strond). The wicked in, 183, 340; compared to Tartarus, 359

Neckar (nek′kar). God and river, 193, 194, 359

Necks. Water sprites, 193, 194

Nectar. Compared to Northern drink, 346

Nemean Lion (nē′mē-an lī′on). Northern equivalent, 357

Neptune. Northern equivalents, 344, 347, 354, 358, 359, 361

Nereides (ne-rē′i-dēz). Northern equivalents, 359

Nereus (nē′re-us). Niörd like, 354

Nerthus (nẽr′thus). Same as Frigga, 57, 58; Niörd’s wife, 112, 117, 131

Nibelungenlied (nē′be-lung-en-lēd). German epic, 251, 289

Niblungs (nē′blungz). Sigurd visits the, 282; Brunhild, queen, 283, 284; lament of, 289; visit Atli, 291, 292

Nick, Old. Origin of the name of, 193

Nicors (nik′orz). Sea monsters, 193

Nida (nē′dȧ). Home of dwarfs, 34O

Nidhug (nē′dho͞og). Gnaws Yggdrasil, 13, 160, 183, 331

Nidud (nē′do͞od). King of Sweden, 177, 178; comparison, 358

Nifl-heim (nĭfl′-hīm). Land of mist, 2; root of Yggdrasil, in, 12; Bifröst connects, 14; Odin gazes into, 34; Hel in, 90, 180; Hel’s bird in, 331; Idun in, 109; Uller in, 141; horn heard in, 147; Odin visits, 199; Hermod visits, 205, 206; Balder in, 210; equivalents, 344, 353, 359

Night. Daughter of Norvi, 7

Niörd (nyẽrd). A hostage, 15; god of sea, 111–117, 185; Skadi marries, 114, 140; glove of, 116; Frey, son of, 117–119; semi-historical, 123; oath sworn by, 123; Freya, daughter of, 131; Greek equivalents, 185, 355

Nip. Father of Nanna, 197

Nixies. Dwell with Ægir, water spirits, 193, 194, 359

Njorfe (nyẽr′fe). King of Uplands, friend of Viking of Halfdan, 300; sons of, attack Viking’s sons, 302

Nôatûn (nō′ȧ-to͞on). Niörd’s home, 111, 112, 114, 115

Noon. Part of day, 9

Nordri (nôr′drē). Dwarf, supports heaven, 6

Nornagesta (nôrn-a-ges′tȧ). Story of, 169, 170; compared to Meleager, 358

Norns. Yggdrasil sprinkled by, 14; office of, 32, 166–172; decree of, 87; Odin questions, 159, 168; Valkyrs same as, 172; mortals visited by, 167, 263; torn web of, 167, 334; Greek equivalents, 347, 357

Norsemen. Elves guide, 250; various beliefs of the, 249, 339

Northern Riddle, 23

North Sea. Mannigfual in, 235, 362

Norvi (nôr′vē). Father of Night, 7, 166; ancestor of Norns, 166

Norway. Odin conquers, 39; Thor, god in, 60–62; kings of, 115, 123; Maelstrom near, 130; Freya in, 131, 137; Miners in, 245; Haloge, King of, 298; Sigurd Ring, King in, 308

Nott. Goddess of night, 7, 166

November. Sacred to Uller, 140, 141

Nymphs. Compared to elves, 346


Oaths. Sworn on Gungnir, 17, 348; on swords, 86; by Frey, 123; on boar, 125; by Uller, 140; by Leipter, 182; in favour of Balder, 199

Oberon (ō′be-ron). Fairy king, 242, 248

Oberwesel (ō-ber-vā′zel). Fisherman of, 195

Ocean. Ymir’s blood, 5

Oceanides (ō-sē-an′i-dēz). Compared to wave maidens, 359

Oceanus (ō-se′ȧ-nus). Northern equivalent, 344

Od-hroerir (od-hrẽ′rir). Kettle of inspiration, 95; Odin in quest of, 96; compared to Helicon, 353

Odin (ō′din). Birth of, 4; creates man, 12; hall of, 13; goat of, 13; brother of, 15; general account of, 16–41; characteristics of, 23; mantle and spear of, 16, 17; footstool of, 18; god of victory, 19; battle loved by, 21; the Wild Huntsman, 25; leader of souls, 27; constellation of, 30; one eye of, 31, 90, 94, 253, 334; Geirod fostered by, 34; historical Odin, 39, 123, 349; serpents of, 41; statues of, 41; Frigga, wife of, 42; toast to, 42; return of, 45; Thor, son of, 59; present for,

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