» Fiction » Myths of the Norsemen, H. A. Guerber [ereader manga TXT] 📗

Book online «Myths of the Norsemen, H. A. Guerber [ereader manga TXT] 📗». Author H. A. Guerber

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Fiorgyn (fyôr′gēn). Genealogy of, 38; Frigga, daughter of, 42

Flax. Discovery of, 51–53

Flint. Origin of, 75, 76

Flitch. Of bacon, 126, 127

Flora. Nanna compared to, 360

Folkvang (fōk′vang). Freya’s home, 77, 131; warriors and wives in, 132; Loki enters, 149

Forenoon. Part of day, 9

Fornjotnr (fôrn-yōt′nr). Same as Ymir, 217; giants descended from, 232

Forseti (fôr-set′e). God of justice, 142–145; Greek equivalent for, 356; the land of, 144

Fraananger (frā-nan′ger). Loki takes refuge in, 226

Framnäs (fram′näs). Ingeborg and Thorsten dwell at, 303; Frithiof dwells at, 306, 317

France. Golden age in, 56; Oberon, fairy king in, 248

Franconia. Conquered by Odin, 40

Frankish. Kings’ descent, 232; queen marries giant, 362

Frankland. Hindarfiall in, 278

Franks. Worship of Tyr among the, 89; martial games of the, 89

Frau Gode (frou gō′dā). Same as Frigga, 57

Frau Holle (hol-le). Same as Frigga, 51

Frau Venus. Same as Holda, 53

Frederick Barbarossa. Wild Hunt led by, 26

Freki (frek′ē). Odin’s wolf, 17, 347

French Revolution. Wild Hunt announces, 26

Frey (frī). Comes to Asgard, 15, 111; present for, 65; Gullin-bursti and Skidbladnir for, 67; toast to, 116; god of summer, 117–138; Freya, sister of, 131; rides with Freya, 135; Freya said to marry, 137; sword of, 242; elves governed by, 246; deprived of power, 248; weapon of, a stag’s horn, 334; fights Surtr, 335; death of, 335; boar of, 351; Greek equivalent, 354, 355

Freya (frīȧ′). Comes to Asgard, 15, 111; Hrungnir wants, 74; Loki borrows falcon plumes of, 77, 107; anger of, 70; Thor borrows garments of, 78; Thor personates, 79; Freya, goddess of beauty, 78, 131–138; Friday sacred to, 135; Loki steals necklace of, 149, 217; the earth is, 150; Valkyrs led by, 131, 174; promised to giant, 221; gods fear to lose, 222; dwarfs made necklace for, 134, 242; Greek equivalents, 349, 352, 355

Freygerda (frī-gẽr′dȧ). Wife of Fridleef, 128

Friday. Sacred to Freya, 135

Fridleef (frid′lāf). Same as Frey, 128

Frigga (frig′ȧ). Sits on Hlidskialf, 16; Odin disguises himself by advice of, 32; Agnar fostered by, 34; Odin outwitted by, 36, 45; wife of, Vili and Ve, 37; Odin’s wife, 38; seven sons of, 40; goddess of earth, 40–58; goddess of atmosphere, 42; secrecy of, 42; worshipped with Odin, 51; Thor, son of, 59; Nerthus same as, 112; Freya same as, 131; Uller marries, 139; Balder and Hodur, sons of, 197; Balder’s depression noticed by, 198; all things swear to, 199; Loki wrests secret from, 203, 204; Hermod departs at request of, 205; the hope of, 209; emblem of earth, 214; grants Rerir’s wish, 252; Greek equivalents, 348, 349, 352, 360

Frisians (friz′ianz). Want new laws, 143; tradition of, 235

Frithiof (frĭt′yof). Story of, 298–328; Saga put into verse by Tegnér, 298; birth of, 304; son of Thorsten, 304; Angurvadel, sword of, 243; Völund ring, possesses, 307; loves Ingeborg, 305; home of, 306; sues for hand of Ingeborg, 307; suit of rejected, 308; Ingeborg’s brothers ask aid of, 309; meets Ingeborg in temple, 310; tries to make terms with Kings, 311; journey to Orkney Islands, 312; in tempest, 312; fights Atlé, 315; visits Angantyr, 316; returns to Framnäs, 317; goes into exile, 319; becomes a pirate, 319; visits Sigurd Ring, 320; Ingeborg recognises, 321; loyalty of, 323; rebuilds temple, 327; marries Ingeborg, 325, 327; comparison, 363

Fro. Same as Frey, 117, 126, 355

Frodi (frō′dē). Mill of, 128; rule of, 128; death of, 129

Fulla (ful′ȧ). Attendant of Frigga, 44, 47; Nanna sends ring to, 211

Funfeng (fun′feng). Ægir’s servant, 188; Loki jealous of, 225

Fylgie (fīl′gye). Guardian spirit, 171


Gabriel’s Hounds. Wild Hunt in England, 23; Leader of Wild Hunt, 26

Galar (gäl′ar). Kvasir slain by, 95

Gambantein (gam′ban-tīn). Wand of Hermod, 155; like Caduceus, 357

Gamla Upsala (gam′lȧ up-sä′lȧ). Odin’s, Frey’s, and Thor’s mounds near, 123

Gangler (gang′ler). Deludes Gylfi, 40

Gangrad (gang′rād). Odin as, 32

Ganymede (gan′i-mēd). Northern equivalent for story of, 353

Garm. Dog of Hel, 181; Odin passes, 199; Hel followed by, 333; Loki leads, 333; death of, 336; compared to Cerberus, 359

Gefjon (gef′yon). Gylfi visited by, 49; compared to Dido, 350

Gefn (gef′n). Same as Freya, 133

Geir Odds (gīr odz). Carving of, 39, 183

Geirrod (gīr′rod). 1. Story of, 34–37. 2. Loki visits, 80; Thor visits, 81, 82, 159; Loki accompanies Thor to, 217; Greek equivalent, 348

Gelgia (gel′gyȧ). End of Fenris’s fetter, 93

Gerda (gẽr′dȧ). Wooed by Frey, 119–122; Greek counterparts of, 355

Geri (gēr′ē). Odin’s wolf, 17, 347

German. Cheru’s sword belongs to a, 87; Langobart, a long beard in, 46; Eckhardt the mentor, 54; ideas of the origin of physical features, 231; belief in fairies, 246; epic, Nibelungenlied, 251

Germany. Wild Hunt in, 27; Odin conquers, 39; Abundantia worshipped in, 47; worship of Frigga in, 51; Easter-stones in, 55; golden age in, 56; belief in White Lady in, 57; Thor, kettle vendor in, 62; storms in, 68; Nerthus in, 112; Frey is Fro in, 117, 126; Yule in, 124; Freya’s worship in, 131, 132; temple in Magdeburg in, 136; Freya now a witch in, 137; Uller in, 140; the Elbe in, 194; sandhills in, 235; sacrifices to elves in, 248

Gersemi (gẽr-se-mē). Freya’s daughter, 132

Gertrude. Replaces Freya in Germany, 137

Giallar (gyäl′lar). Bridge in Niflheim, 181; Odin rides over, 199; trembling of, 209; Greek equivalent, 359

Giallar-horn. Heimdall’s trumpet, 14, 147; last blast of the, 332; Greek equivalent, 356

Gialp (gyälp). Incantation of, 81; Thor breaks the back of, 82; wave maiden called, 146

Giants. Birth of ice, 4; gods slay the, 4; Ægis does not belong to the, 185; Hyrrokin summoned by the, 207; general account of the, 230–238; Brimer, hall of, 340

Gilling (gil′ling). Giant slain by dwarfs, 95; death of wife of, 95

Gimli (gim′lē). Not consumed in Ragnarok, 339; compared to Delphi, 361

Ginnunga-gap (gi-no͞on′gā-gap). Primeval abyss, 2; giants come to life in, 230

Gioll (gyol). Rock to which Fenris is bound, 93

Giöll (gyẽl). River boundary of Nifl-heim, 181; Hermod crosses 209; like Acheron, 359

Giuki (gi′o͞oki). Niblung king, 282; Sigurd, blood brother of sons of, 283

Giukings. Sons of Giuki,

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