» Fiction » Turn Me, Aurora Kryan [best selling autobiographies .TXT] 📗

Book online «Turn Me, Aurora Kryan [best selling autobiographies .TXT] 📗». Author Aurora Kryan

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not a trace of vampire left in it. I was ripped from her as wind blew me back. No not wind but vampires. On either side of me female vampires hissed as they pulled my arms behind me.

“How dare you touch Lady Aurora like that!” The brown haired one said to me.

“Why does it not surprise me you lied about your name?” I said to Aurora.

“Oh Lyric I haven’t lied to you since I came here. I was born in Prussia as Sophia Henrietta Angelenara, Angela for short. Aurora is simply what I call myself as a vampire.”

I turned away from her. There was no reason I should believe what she just said. She walk toward me pulling my hair so I had to face her. She lifted a small finger and pointed to the brunette on my left.

“This is Tina,” then she pointed to the blonde on my right, “and that’s Bella my vampire sisters. You could be one to princess just join me.”

Almost as if the word princess had meant they needed manners Tina and Bella let me go and bowed their heads. Aurora held my chin so I made eye contact with her. I swallowed hard she couldn’t command me to join her but she sure could kill me and gain my power, at least Gage said that’s what happens when a princess is killed. And then to make it all better the door opened and my mother shouted up the stairs.

“Were home Lyric!”

Chapter Seventeen

They disappeared and I raced down the stairs to a closet where I could get water. My top priority was saving my parents at the cost of my own life. I pulled a heavy file cabinet over to block the door just in time for it to be beat on. I jumped tripping over a bucket and falling on an old wooden chair.

“Come out come out where ever you are Lyric.” Aurora said.

Ignoring the growling from the door I searched for squirt bottles. I groaned as I searched the last spot finding nothing. But then I remembered there was a ton on the second floor cleaning closet. I shoved the file cabinet aside water bottle in hand and I pulled the door open ready to spray any vampires. Thankfully there was none so I took off for the stairs freezing at the top. Below me on the second floor I could see Tina’s brown head looking around. I squeezed the bottle in my hands.

“Silver moon!”

Tina looked right up to me hissing like she had no choice. I poured half the bottle on her making her shriek. I raced down the stairs watching almost like I was looking at still photos. When I rounded the stairs drawing closer to her she had pink skin, then her face was bloody, then her hair was dripping blood, and when I ran past her withering figure she was turning pink again.

I made it to the closet door and I was pulled away from the handle by cold hands. I struggled trying to fight my way out to conserve water.

“Come now, dear princess Lyric you know you want to be turned. Let us do it so you will be our little sister.”

“Silver Moon!”

Her hands released me and I threw the water over my shoulder. I didn’t look back to hear Bella scream as she was burned I just opened the door. Locking it I went to the first cabinet and found two large squirt bottles thankfully. I filled them shoved one in my pocket and rush out of the door to the first floor.

Maybe I can at least get my parents out safely.

I ran to the door skidding to a stop and put my back against it to see if I was being followed. My heart pounded there before me was Tina and Bella’s red splotchy face flanking the flawless Aurora.

Chapter Eighteen

Why did I ever let her in here?

She walked over to me with more grace then an eight year old should have, her white dress swished with her tiny hips as she circled to my left. She was looking down playing with the blue ribbon on her dress and tapping her black dress shoes before she stared right at me. I felt a chill run down my spine her eyes held no expression what so ever and her voice was still child like, it was a fearful combination.

“Lyric dear come now join us you know you want to. I hear that you want to be turned even, but by the wrong vampire.” Her head shot to the door and all three flashed away.

The door behind me opened and I was thrown forward. I flipped out and sprayed my mom in the face. She looked mad but I flung my arms around her thankful she was alive. Then I hugged my father looking back at Gage as he glared at me. None except maybe Gage knew they had just walked into a vampire apocalypse.

He walked past my upset mother grabbed my elbow and drug me off down a hallway. He turned his fierce red eyes on me leaning down to whisper so he could whisper.

“Lyric why is Aurora’s scent all over the place!” He hissed.

“I didn’t know she was…I told her she could stay here while my parents were on vacation. She looked like a lost child I was so wrong and now. I don’t know what to do she’ll kill them if I leave.” I broke down crying for the first time since this all started.

Gage wrapped his arms around me letting my chin rest on his shoulder. He stroked my hair for a moment then pulled me away to face him.

“Take some of my blood. You’ll need a bow and quiver of arrows too.”

“Why? I suck at archery.”

“Were fighting back and the princess uses the bow and arrow as her primary weapon.”

Gage pulled out a bow from behind his back. It was sleek white with red trimmings and somehow so familiar to me.

Chapter Nineteen

I touched the sinew string and plucked it. The sound it made felt like it was the heart beat of my soul. Gage watched my reaction and smiled laying it gently in my hands. I slung it over my shoulder and took the matching red and white quiver. I turned to walk away but Gage grabbed me from behind snuggling his nose in my hair above me ear. I smiled closing my eyes and loving his touch.

“Drink first.” He said.

I frowned turning in his arms so I could face him. He had his neck to the side already cut and waiting. I pressed my lips to the energizing blood and drank. It coursed down my throat heating it and my body. I took just enough to feel that vampire instinct I had before when I first let Angela in. That she was dangerous and needed to be killed.

I had just pulled away when I heard an angry grumbled from my father. I didn’t think I just turned to look at him wide eyed. He jumped back scared and cough off guard for once.

Opps I forgot to,

I whipped my mouth off with a sleeve and smiled crookedly at my parents.

“What is going on here?!” Dad bellowed as he regained his composure.

Gage moved in front of me and then struck out to the right slamming Tina into the wall. I covered him aiming my squirt bottle. ‘Silver Moon’ I whispered just loud enough she would hear me. Her eyes locked on mine and I squeezed. Bella came to the rescue just in time to knock the bottle from my hands. She took my head and tried to smash it in a wall but Gage padded the blow.

Both of us hissed at her and clawed at her face. Gage drew blood and I just skinned her before she retreated with her sister.

“So that’s how you want to play fine were game.” Aurora’s disembodied voice came over the stairwell.

The doors and windows on the first floor shattered as vampires piled in. My mom shrieked as one reached for her.

“Silver Moon."

I burned him away. Unlike Aurora and her posse he actually burnt to a crisp and died. Adrenalin coursed through me pushing me faster to protect my family. All hell broke loose around us as the vampires cornered us. Purposely herding and playing with us before the kill.

Chapter Twenty

I threw mom and dad the squirt bottles so they could defend themselves.

“Just say Sliver moon and get them wet.” I said.

A vampire ran down the entrance of the front room heading for dad. He held the water bottle up.

“Silver Moon?” He said unconvinced.

Thankfully he pulled the trigger and the vampire burned away. I was glad they didn’t burst into flames because it would burn down the house. They way they burned was like getting a rabid sun burn gone third degree in a matter of seconds. A man advanced on me and I notched an arrow letting it go speeding right past him breaking on the corner of the wall.

I glared at Gage’s fighting figure;

I told you I was bad at archery!

I screamed as the vampire grabbed my arm. He was ripped off me and Gage cradled me against his side.

“Let yourself awaken Lyric please, what it the name of the bow?”

“How should I know!”


Another vampire grabbed me and I felt it, the bow calling out to me to use it. ’Blood princess shot me; use me like your predecessors have. You know who I am.’ I closed my eyes seeing a million faces of other girls, vampire and human alike.

My predecessors lend me your strength let me aim and hit my target with my fox bow.

I said it unconsciously and moved like it was second nature to me. Swinging my bow I knocked the vampire off me.
I pulled an arrow from the quiver aiming for the vampires face and released. It embedded in his face like I wanted and he fell like a ton of bricks. I noticed a golden sparkle fall and fade from the arrow feathers.

What was that?

I moved again notching an arrow and hitting my target over and over again.

The way I moved it was like I was had been a warrior my whole life and I lived for battle against vampires.

“Gage arrow!” I yelled at him.

He threw the arrow I had broke earlier from across the room to me. I caught it handing it to Dad so he could keep the vampires off him. His water bottle was on the floor empty. My laptop flew into the window landing on the futon by TV just missing my mom. I thought they broke it but it started blaring music.

“Nobody loves you when your skin is so pale and your teeth are getting sharper than your black finger nails. Nobody needs you when your eyes turn white and the light of day can keep you up all night. V is for vampire B is for blood.”

I laughed

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